在ASP.NET Core中实现一个Token base的身份认证实例
以前在web端的身份认证都是基于cookie | session的身份认证, 在没有更多的终端出现之前,这样做也没有什么问题,但在web api时代,你所需要面对的就不止是浏览器了,还有各种客户端,这样就有了一个问题,这些客户端是不知道cookie是什么鬼的。 (cookie其实是浏览器搞出来的小猫腻,用来保持会话的,但http本身是无状态的, 各种客户端能提供的无非也就是http操作的api)
接下来的例子将带领大家完成一个使用微软jwtsecuritytokenhandler完成一个基于beare token的身份认证。
注意:这种文章属于step by step教程,跟着做才不至于看晕,下载完整代码分析代码结构才有意义。
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在vs中新建项目,项目类型选择asp.net core web application(.net core), 输入项目名称为cstokenbaseauth
using system.security.cryptography; namespace cstokenbaseauth.auth { public class rsakeyhelper { public static rsaparameters generatekey() { using (var key = new rsacryptoserviceprovider(2048)) { return key.exportparameters(true); } } } }
using system; using microsoft.identitymodel.tokens; namespace cstokenbaseauth.auth { public class tokenauthoption { public static string audience { get; } = "exampleaudience"; public static string issuer { get; } = "exampleissuer"; public static rsasecuritykey key { get; } = new rsasecuritykey(rsakeyhelper.generatekey()); public static signingcredentials signingcredentials { get; } = new signingcredentials(key, securityalgorithms.rsasha256signature); public static timespan expiresspan { get; } = timespan.fromminutes(20); } }
services.addauthorization(auth => { auth.addpolicy("bearer", new authorizationpolicybuilder() .addauthenticationschemes(jwtbearerdefaults.authenticationscheme) .requireauthenticateduser().build()); });
public void configureservices(iservicecollection services) { // add framework services. services.addapplicationinsightstelemetry(configuration); // enable the use of an [authorize("bearer")] attribute on methods and classes to protect. services.addauthorization(auth => { auth.addpolicy("bearer", new authorizationpolicybuilder() .addauthenticationschemes(jwtbearerdefaults.authenticationscheme) .requireauthenticateduser().build()); }); services.addmvc(); }
app.useexceptionhandler(appbuilder => { appbuilder.use(async (context, next) => { var error = context.features[typeof(iexceptionhandlerfeature)] as iexceptionhandlerfeature; //when authorization has failed, should retrun a json message to client if (error != null && error.error is securitytokenexpiredexception) { context.response.statuscode = 401; context.response.contenttype = "application/json"; await context.response.writeasync(jsonconvert.serializeobject( new { authenticated = false, tokenexpired = true } )); } //when orther error, retrun a error message json to client else if (error != null && error.error != null) { context.response.statuscode = 500; context.response.contenttype = "application/json"; await context.response.writeasync(jsonconvert.serializeobject( new { success = false, error = error.error.message } )); } //when no error, do next. else await next(); }); });
这段代码主要是handle error用的,比如当身份认证失败的时候会抛出异常,而这里就是处理这个异常的。
app.useexceptionhandler(appbuilder => { appbuilder.use(async (context, next) => { var error = context.features[typeof(iexceptionhandlerfeature)] as iexceptionhandlerfeature; //when authorization has failed, should retrun a json message to client if (error != null && error.error is securitytokenexpiredexception) { context.response.statuscode = 401; context.response.contenttype = "application/json"; await context.response.writeasync(jsonconvert.serializeobject( new { authenticated = false, tokenexpired = true } )); } //when orther error, retrun a error message json to client else if (error != null && error.error != null) { context.response.statuscode = 500; context.response.contenttype = "application/json"; await context.response.writeasync(jsonconvert.serializeobject( new { success = false, error = error.error.message } )); } //when no error, do next. else await next(); }); });
app.usejwtbearerauthentication(new jwtbeareroptions { tokenvalidationparameters = new tokenvalidationparameters { issuersigningkey = tokenauthoption.key, validaudience = tokenauthoption.audience, validissuer = tokenauthoption.issuer, validateissuersigningkey = true, validatelifetime = true, clockskew = timespan.fromminutes(0) } });
using system; using microsoft.aspnetcore.builder; using microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting; using microsoft.extensions.configuration; using microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection; using microsoft.extensions.logging; using microsoft.aspnetcore.authorization; using microsoft.aspnetcore.authentication.jwtbearer; using cstokenbaseauth.auth; using microsoft.aspnetcore.diagnostics; using microsoft.identitymodel.tokens; using microsoft.aspnetcore.http; using newtonsoft.json; namespace cstokenbaseauth { public class startup { public startup(ihostingenvironment env) { var builder = new configurationbuilder() .setbasepath(env.contentrootpath) .addjsonfile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadonchange: true) .addjsonfile($"appsettings.{env.environmentname}.json", optional: true); if (env.isenvironment("development")) { // this will push telemetry data through application insights pipeline faster, allowing you to view results immediately. builder.addapplicationinsightssettings(developermode: true); } builder.addenvironmentvariables(); configuration = builder.build(); } public iconfigurationroot configuration { get; } // this method gets called by the runtime. use this method to add services to the container public void configureservices(iservicecollection services) { // add framework services. services.addapplicationinsightstelemetry(configuration); // enable the use of an [authorize("bearer")] attribute on methods and classes to protect. services.addauthorization(auth => { auth.addpolicy("bearer", new authorizationpolicybuilder() .addauthenticationschemes(jwtbearerdefaults.authenticationscheme) .requireauthenticateduser().build()); }); services.addmvc(); } // this method gets called by the runtime. use this method to configure the http request pipeline public void configure(iapplicationbuilder app, ihostingenvironment env, iloggerfactory loggerfactory) { loggerfactory.addconsole(configuration.getsection("logging")); loggerfactory.adddebug(); app.useapplicationinsightsrequesttelemetry(); app.useapplicationinsightsexceptiontelemetry(); #region handle exception app.useexceptionhandler(appbuilder => { appbuilder.use(async (context, next) => { var error = context.features[typeof(iexceptionhandlerfeature)] as iexceptionhandlerfeature; //when authorization has failed, should retrun a json message to client if (error != null && error.error is securitytokenexpiredexception) { context.response.statuscode = 401; context.response.contenttype = "application/json"; await context.response.writeasync(jsonconvert.serializeobject( new { authenticated = false, tokenexpired = true } )); } //when orther error, retrun a error message json to client else if (error != null && error.error != null) { context.response.statuscode = 500; context.response.contenttype = "application/json"; await context.response.writeasync(jsonconvert.serializeobject( new { success = false, error = error.error.message } )); } //when no error, do next. else await next(); }); }); #endregion #region usejwtbearerauthentication app.usejwtbearerauthentication(new jwtbeareroptions { tokenvalidationparameters = new tokenvalidationparameters { issuersigningkey = tokenauthoption.key, validaudience = tokenauthoption.audience, validissuer = tokenauthoption.issuer, validateissuersigningkey = true, validatelifetime = true, clockskew = timespan.fromminutes(0) } }); #endregion app.usemvc(routes => { routes.maproute( name: "default", template: "{controller=login}/{action=index}"); }); } } }
在controllers中新建一个web api controller class,命名为tokenauthcontroller.cs。我们将在这里完成登录授权
public class user { public guid id { get; set; } public string username { get; set; } public string password { get; set; } } public static class userstorage { public static list<user> users { get; set; } = new list<user> { new user {id=guid.newguid(),username="user1",password = "user1psd" }, new user {id=guid.newguid(),username="user2",password = "user2psd" }, new user {id=guid.newguid(),username="user3",password = "user3psd" } }; }
private string generatetoken(user user, datetime expires) { var handler = new jwtsecuritytokenhandler(); claimsidentity identity = new claimsidentity( new genericidentity(user.username, "tokenauth"), new[] { new claim("id", user.id.tostring()) } ); var securitytoken = handler.createtoken(new securitytokendescriptor { issuer = tokenauthoption.issuer, audience = tokenauthoption.audience, signingcredentials = tokenauthoption.signingcredentials, subject = identity, expires = expires }); return handler.writetoken(securitytoken); }
该方法仅仅只是生成一个auth token,接下来我们来添加另外一个方法来调用它
[httppost] public string getauthtoken(user user) { var existuser = userstorage.users.firstordefault(u => u.username == user.username && u.password == user.password); if (existuser != null) { var requestat = datetime.now; var expiresin = requestat + tokenauthoption.expiresspan; var token = generatetoken(existuser, expiresin); return jsonconvert.serializeobject(new { statecode = 1, requertat = requestat, expiresin = tokenauthoption.expiresspan.totalseconds, accesstoken = token }); } else { return jsonconvert.serializeobject(new { statecode = -1, errors = "username or password is invalid" }); } }
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.threading.tasks; using microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc; using newtonsoft.json; using system.identitymodel.tokens.jwt; using system.security.claims; using system.security.principal; using microsoft.identitymodel.tokens; using cstokenbaseauth.auth; namespace cstokenbaseauth.controllers { [route("api/[controller]")] public class tokenauthcontroller : controller { [httppost] public string getauthtoken(user user) { var existuser = userstorage.users.firstordefault(u => u.username == user.username && u.password == user.password); if (existuser != null) { var requestat = datetime.now; var expiresin = requestat + tokenauthoption.expiresspan; var token = generatetoken(existuser, expiresin); return jsonconvert.serializeobject(new { statecode = 1, requertat = requestat, expiresin = tokenauthoption.expiresspan.totalseconds, accesstoken = token }); } else { return jsonconvert.serializeobject(new { statecode = -1, errors = "username or password is invalid" }); } } private string generatetoken(user user, datetime expires) { var handler = new jwtsecuritytokenhandler(); claimsidentity identity = new claimsidentity( new genericidentity(user.username, "tokenauth"), new[] { new claim("id", user.id.tostring()) } ); var securitytoken = handler.createtoken(new securitytokendescriptor { issuer = tokenauthoption.issuer, audience = tokenauthoption.audience, signingcredentials = tokenauthoption.signingcredentials, subject = identity, expires = expires }); return handler.writetoken(securitytoken); } } public class user { public guid id { get; set; } public string username { get; set; } public string password { get; set; } } public static class userstorage { public static list<user> users { get; set; } = new list<user> { new user {id=guid.newguid(),username="user1",password = "user1psd" }, new user {id=guid.newguid(),username="user2",password = "user2psd" }, new user {id=guid.newguid(),username="user3",password = "user3psd" } }; } }
在controllers中新建一个web api controller class,命名为valuescontroller.cs
public string get() { var claimsidentity = user.identity as claimsidentity; var id = claimsidentity.claims.firstordefault(c => c.type == "id").value; return $"hello! {httpcontext.user.identity.name}, your id is:{id}"; }
[httpget] [authorize("bearer")] 完整的文件代码应该是这样 using system.linq; using microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc; using microsoft.aspnetcore.authorization; using system.security.claims; namespace cstokenbaseauth.controllers { [route("api/[controller]")] public class valuescontroller : controller { [httpget] [authorize("bearer")] public string get() { var claimsidentity = user.identity as claimsidentity; var id = claimsidentity.claims.firstordefault(c => c.type == "id").value; return $"hello! {httpcontext.user.identity.name}, your id is:{id}"; } } }
在controllers中新建一个web controller class,命名为logincontroller.cs
using microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc; namespace cstokenbaseauth.controllers { [route("[controller]/[action]")] public class logincontroller : controller { public iactionresult index() { return view(); } } }
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <button id="gettoken">gettoken</button> <button id="requestapi">requestapi</button> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script> <script> $(function () { var accesstoken = undefined; $("#gettoken").click(function () { $.post( "/api/tokenauth", { username: "user1", password: "user1psd" }, function (data) { console.log(data); if (data.statecode == 1) { accesstoken = data.accesstoken; $.ajaxsetup({ headers: { "authorization": "bearer " + accesstoken } }); } }, "json" ); }) $("#requestapi").click(function () { $.get("/api/values", {}, function (data) { alert(data); }, "text"); }) }) </script> </body> </html>
浅谈如何在ASP.NET Core中实现一个基础的身份认证
在ASP.NET Core中实现一个Token base的身份认证实例
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Asp.net Core中实现自定义身份认证的示例代码
浅谈如何在ASP.NET Core中实现一个基础的身份认证
在ASP.NET Core中实现一个Token base的身份认证实例
详解在ASP.NET Core中使用Angular2以及与Angular2的Token base身份认证
在ASP.NET Core中实现一个Token base的身份认证实例
在ASP.NET Core中实现一个Token base的身份认证实例
Asp.net Core中实现自定义身份认证的示例代码