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程序员文章站 2023-11-06 21:05:34
本文实例讲述了c#将制定目录文件名转换成大写的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下: using system; using system.io; using...


using system;
using system.io;
using system.linq;
namespace robvanderwoude
 class upcase
  static int main( string[] args )
   string dir = string.empty;
   string filespec = string.empty;
   char[] trailingbackslash = "\\".tochararray( 0, 1 );
   char[] locaseletters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".tochararray( 0, 26 );
   bool verbose = false;
   #region command line parsing
   switch ( args.length )
    case 0:
     return writeerror( string.empty );
    case 1:
     filespec = args[0].trim( '"' );
    case 2:
     filespec = args[0].trim( '"' );
     if ( args[1].substring( 0, 2 ).toupper( ) == "/v" )
      verbose = true;
      return writeerror( "invalid command line switch: " + args[1] );
     return writeerror( string.empty );
   if ( string.isnullorwhitespace( filespec ) || filespec == "/?" )
    return writeerror( string.empty );
   if ( filespec.indexofany( "/?".tochararray( 0, 2 ) ) != -1 )
    return writeerror( "invalid file specification: \"" + filespec + "\"" );
   #endregion command line parsing
    // check if the directory exists
     dir = path.getdirectoryname( filespec );
     if ( string.isnullorwhitespace( dir ) )
      dir = path.getfullpath( "." );
     if ( !directory.exists( dir ) )
      return writeerror( "directory not found: \"" + dir + "\"" );
     dir = dir.trimend( trailingbackslash ) + "\\";
    catch ( argumentexception )
     return writeerror( "parent directory not found" );
    // extract the file specification (removing the path)
    string filenames = filespec.substring( filespec.lastindexof( "\\" ) + 1 );
    // enumerate the files
    string[] files = directory.enumeratefiles( dir, filenames ).toarray<string>( );
    int count = 0;
    foreach ( string file in files )
     if ( file.exists( file ) )
      string filename = path.getfilename( file );
      if ( filename.indexofany( locaseletters ) > -1 )
       string newfilename = dir + filename.toupperinvariant( );
       file.move( file, newfilename );
    if ( verbose )
     console.writeline( "{0} matching file{1} renamed", ( count == 0 ? "no" : count.tostring( ) ), ( count == 1 ? string.empty : "s" ) );
    return count;
   catch ( exception e )
    return writeerror( e.message );
  public static int writeerror( exception e )
   return writeerror( e == null ? null : e.message );
  public static int writeerror( string errormessage )
   upcase.exe, version 1.02
   rename specified files to all upper case
   usage:  upcase.exe filespec [ /verbose ]
   where:  filespec  is (are) the file(s) to be renamed (wildcards allowed)
        /verbose  displays the number of files renamed
   notes:  use doublequotes if filespec contains spaces.
        return code (\"errorlevel\") equals the number of renamed files.
        switch may be abbreviated, e.g. /v instead of /verbose.
   written by rob van der woude
   if ( !string.isnullorwhitespace( errormessage ) )
    console.error.writeline( );
    console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.red;
    console.error.write( "error: " );
    console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
    console.error.writeline( errormessage );
    console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "upcase.exe, version 1.02" );
   console.error.writeline( "rename specified files to all upper case" );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.write( "usage:  " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.writeline( "upcase.exe filespec [ /verbose ]" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.write( "where:  " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "filespec" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( "  is (are) the file(s) to be renamed (wildcards allowed)" );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "     /v" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( "erbose  displays the number of files renamed" );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "note:   use doublequotes if filespec contains spaces." );
   console.error.writeline( "     return code (\"errorlevel\") equals the number of renamed files." );
   console.error.write( "     switch may be abbreviated, e.g. " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "/v" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.write( " instead of " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "/v" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( "erbose." );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "written by rob van der woude" );
   console.error.writeline( "http://www.baidu.com" );
   return 0;
