2023-10-31 09:04:28
using system.collections; using system.collections.generic; using unityengine; public class rockingicon : monobehaviour { public transform touchpoint; public transform bgpoint; public float radius; bool ispressing; vector3 bgpos; private void update() { bool pressing; vector3 pos; if (application.iseditor) getpressinginfoineditor(out pressing, out pos); else getpressinginfoinphone(out pressing, out pos); seticon(pressing, pos); } void getpressinginfoineditor(out bool pressing, out vector3 pos) { if (input.getmousebutton(0)) { pressing = true; pos = input.mouseposition; } else { pressing = false; pos = vector3.zero; } } void getpressinginfoinphone(out bool pressing, out vector3 pos) { if(input.touchcount > 0) { pressing = true; pos = input.gettouch(0).position; } else { pressing = false; pos = vector3.zero; } } void seticon(bool pressing, vector3 pos) { if (pressing) { if (!ispressing) { bgpoint.gameobject.setactive(true); bgpoint.transform.position = pos; bgpos = pos; ispressing = true; } else { bgpoint.gameobject.setactive(true); settouchpointpos(pos); } } else { touchpoint.gameobject.setactive(false); bgpoint.gameobject.setactive(false); ispressing = false; } } void settouchpointpos(vector3 pos) { vector3 center = bgpoint.position; vector3 touch = pos; vector3 to; float distance = vector3.distance(center, touch); if (distance < radius) to = touch; else { vector3 dir = touch - center; dir.normalize(); to = dir * radius; to += center; } touchpoint.gameobject.setactive(true); touchpoint.transform.position = to; } }
#region 鼠标操作 float min_move_x = global.min_move_distance * (screen.width / 1080f); float min_move_y = global.min_move_distance * (screen.height / 1900f); if(application.platform == runtimeplatform.windowseditor) { if (input.getmousebuttondown(0)) { touch_time = 0; first_touch_pos = input.mouseposition; } else if (input.getmousebutton(0)) { touch_time += time.deltatime; if (touch_time >= global.touch_time_limit) { vector2 touch_pos = input.mouseposition; vector2 distance = touch_pos - first_touch_pos; //vector2 touch_pos_in_func = posinthefunc(touch_pos); //vector2 first_pos_in_func = posinthefunc(first_touch_pos); //vector2 distance = touch_pos_in_func - first_pos_in_func; if (mathf.abs(distance.x) > min_move_x && mathf.abs(distance.x) > mathf.abs(distance.y)) move(distance.x > 0 ? vector3.right : vector3.left); if (mathf.abs(distance.y) > min_move_y && mathf.abs(distance.y) > mathf.abs(distance.x)) move(distance.y > 0 ? vector3.forward : vector3.back); } } else if (input.getmousebuttonup(0)) { //if(touch_time < global.touch_time_limit) //{ // putboomb(); //} touch_time = 0; first_touch_pos = vector3.zero; } } #endregion #region 手机操作 if (application.platform == runtimeplatform.android) { if (input.touchcount > 0) { touch touch = input.gettouch(0); if (touch.phase == touchphase.began) { first_touch_pos = touch.position; } else if (touch.phase == touchphase.ended) { first_touch_pos = vector3.zero; } else if (touch.phase == touchphase.moved || touch.phase == touchphase.stationary) { vector2 touch_pos = touch.position; vector2 distance = touch_pos - first_touch_pos; if (mathf.abs(distance.x) > min_move_x && mathf.abs(distance.x) > mathf.abs(distance.y)) move(distance.x > 0 ? vector3.right : vector3.left); if (mathf.abs(distance.y) > min_move_y && mathf.abs(distance.y) > mathf.abs(distance.x)) move(distance.y > 0 ? vector3.forward : vector3.back); } } }