IOS开发(75)之把 JSON 数据转化成 Arrays 或者 Dictionaries
1 前言
通过 nsjsonserialization 这个类的 jsonobjectwithdata:options:error:方法来实现,把json 数据解析出来放在数据或者字典里面保存。
2 代码示例
nsmutabledictionary *dictionary = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init];
[dictionary setvalue:@"anthony" forkey:@"first name"];
[dictionary setvalue:@"robbins" forkey:@"last name"];
[dictionary setvalue:[nsnumber numberwithunsignedinteger:51] forkey:@"age"];
nsarray *arrayofanthonyschildren = [[nsarray alloc] initwithobjects:
@"anthony's son 1",
@"anthony's daughter 1",
@"anthony's son 2",
@"anthony's son 3",
@"anthony's daughter 2", nil];
[dictionary setvalue:arrayofanthonyschildren forkey:@"children"];
nserror *error = nil;
nsdata *jsondata = [nsjsonserialization
datawithjsonobject:dictionary options:nsjsonwritingprettyprinted error:&error];
if ([jsondata length] > 0 && error == nil){
nslog(@"successfully serialized the dictionary into data.");
/* json转数组/字典 */
error = nil;
id jsonobject = [nsjsonserialization
jsonobjectwithdata:jsondata options:nsjsonreadingallowfragments
if (jsonobject != nil && error == nil){
nslog(@"successfully deserialized...");
if ([jsonobject iskindofclass:[nsdictionary class]]){
nsdictionary *deserializeddictionary = (nsdictionary *)jsonobject;
nslog(@"dersialized json dictionary = %@", deserializeddictionary);
else if ([jsonobject iskindofclass:[nsarray class]]){
nsarray *deserializedarray = (nsarray *)jsonobject;
nslog(@"dersialized json array = %@", deserializedarray);
} else {
nslog(@"i can't deal with it");
else if (error != nil){
nslog(@"an error happened while deserializing the json data."); }
else if ([jsondata length] == 0 &&error == nil){
nslog(@"no data was returned after serialization.");
else if (error != nil){
nslog(@"an error happened = %@", error);
nsmutabledictionary *dictionary = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init];
[dictionary setvalue:@"anthony" forkey:@"first name"];
[dictionary setvalue:@"robbins" forkey:@"last name"];
[dictionary setvalue:[nsnumber numberwithunsignedinteger:51] forkey:@"age"];
nsarray *arrayofanthonyschildren = [[nsarray alloc] initwithobjects:
@"anthony's son 1",
@"anthony's daughter 1",
@"anthony's son 2",
@"anthony's son 3",
@"anthony's daughter 2", nil];
[dictionary setvalue:arrayofanthonyschildren forkey:@"children"];
nserror *error = nil;
nsdata *jsondata = [nsjsonserialization
datawithjsonobject:dictionary options:nsjsonwritingprettyprinted error:&error];
if ([jsondata length] > 0 && error == nil){
nslog(@"successfully serialized the dictionary into data.");
/* json转数组/字典 */
error = nil;
id jsonobject = [nsjsonserialization
jsonobjectwithdata:jsondata options:nsjsonreadingallowfragments
if (jsonobject != nil && error == nil){
nslog(@"successfully deserialized...");
if ([jsonobject iskindofclass:[nsdictionary class]]){
nsdictionary *deserializeddictionary = (nsdictionary *)jsonobject;
nslog(@"dersialized json dictionary = %@", deserializeddictionary);
else if ([jsonobject iskindofclass:[nsarray class]]){
nsarray *deserializedarray = (nsarray *)jsonobject;
nslog(@"dersialized json array = %@", deserializedarray);
} else {
nslog(@"i can't deal with it");
else if (error != nil){
nslog(@"an error happened while deserializing the json data."); }
else if ([jsondata length] == 0 &&error == nil){
nslog(@"no data was returned after serialization.");
else if (error != nil){
nslog(@"an error happened = %@", error);
2013-05-13 17:26:15.726 fromjsontest[4944:303] successfully serialized the dictionary into data.
2013-05-13 17:26:15.728 fromjsontest[4944:303] successfully deserialized...
2013-05-13 17:26:15.728 fromjsontest[4944:303] dersialized json dictionary = {
age = 51;
"first name" = anthony;
"last name" = robbins;
children = (
"anthony's son 1",
"anthony's daughter 1",
"anthony's son 2",
"anthony's son 3",
"anthony's daughter 2"