Java自学-数字与字符串 操纵字符串
2023-10-27 08:57:46
Java常见字符串方法 示例 1 : 获取字符 charAt(int index)获取指定位置的字符 package character; public class TestString { public static void main(String[] args) { String senten ......
示例 1 : 获取字符
charat(int index)获取指定位置的字符
package character; public class teststring { public static void main(string[] args) { string sentence = "盖伦,在进行了连续8次击杀后,获得了 超神 的称号"; char c = sentence.charat(0); system.out.println(c); } }
示例 2 : 获取对应的字符数组
package character; public class teststring { public static void main(string[] args) { string sentence = "盖伦,在进行了连续8次击杀后,获得了超神 的称号"; char[] cs = sentence.tochararray(); //获取对应的字符数组 system.out.println(sentence.length() == cs.length); } }
示例 3 : 截取子字符串
package character; public class teststring { public static void main(string[] args) { string sentence = "盖伦,在进行了连续8次击杀后,获得了 超神 的称号"; //截取从第3个开始的字符串 (基0) string substring1 = sentence.substring(3); system.out.println(substring1); //截取从第3个开始的字符串 (基0) //到5-1的位置的字符串 //左闭右开 string substring2 = sentence.substring(3,5); system.out.println(substring2); } }
示例 4 : 分隔
package character; public class teststring { public static void main(string[] args) { string sentence = "盖伦,在进行了连续8次击杀后,获得了 超神 的称号"; //根据,进行分割,得到3个子字符串 string subsentences[] = sentence.split(","); for (string sub : subsentences) { system.out.println(sub); } } }
示例 5 : 去掉首尾空格
package character; public class teststring { public static void main(string[] args) { string sentence = " 盖伦,在进行了连续8次击杀后,获得了 超神 的称号 "; system.out.println(sentence); //去掉首尾空格 system.out.println(sentence.trim()); } }
示例 6 : 大小写
tolowercase 全部变成小写
touppercase 全部变成大写
package character; public class teststring { public static void main(string[] args) { string sentence = "garen"; //全部变成小写 system.out.println(sentence.tolowercase()); //全部变成大写 system.out.println(sentence.touppercase()); } }
示例 7 : 定位
indexof 判断字符或者子字符串出现的位置
contains 是否包含子字符串
package character; public class teststring { public static void main(string[] args) { string sentence = "盖伦,在进行了连续8次击杀后,获得了超神 的称号"; system.out.println(sentence.indexof('8')); //字符第一次出现的位置 system.out.println(sentence.indexof("超神")); //字符串第一次出现的位置 system.out.println(sentence.lastindexof("了")); //字符串最后出现的位置 system.out.println(sentence.indexof(',',5)); //从位置5开始,出现的第一次,的位置 system.out.println(sentence.contains("击杀")); //是否包含字符串"击杀" } }
示例 8 : 替换
replaceall 替换所有的
replacefirst 只替换第一个
package character; public class teststring { public static void main(string[] args) { string sentence = "盖伦,在进行了连续8次击杀后,获得了超神 的称号"; string temp = sentence.replaceall("击杀", "被击杀"); //替换所有的 temp = temp.replaceall("超神", "超鬼"); system.out.println(temp); temp = sentence.replacefirst(",","");//只替换第一个 system.out.println(temp); } }
把 lengendary 改成间隔大写小写模式,即 lengendary
package character; public class teststring { public static void main(string[] args) { // 把 lengendary 改成间隔大写小写模式,即 lengendary string s = "lengendary"; char[] cs =s.tochararray(); int count= 0; for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) { if(0==i%2) cs[i] = character.touppercase(cs[i]); } string result = new string(cs); system.out.printf(result); } }
nature has given us that two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue, to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak
package character; public class teststring { public static void main(string[] args) { // 把最后一个two单词首字母大写 string s = "nature has given us that two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue, to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak"; int index = s.lastindexof(" two "); char[] cs = s.tochararray(); cs[index +1] = character.touppercase(cs[index+1]); string result = new string(cs); system.out.printf(result); } }