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程序员文章站 2023-10-26 23:44:10
本文实例讲述了c#列出所有物理网络适配器的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下: using system; using system.collections;...


using system;
using system.collections;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.linq;
using system.management;
using system.text;
namespace robvanderwoude
 class listnics
  public static arraylist nics = new arraylist( );
  public static string computer = string.empty;
  // use global variables, so we only need to run the wmi queries once
  public static string nsrootwmi = computer + "root\\wmi";
  public static string nsrootcimv2 = computer + "root\\cimv2";
  public static managementobjectsearcher searcher1 = new managementobjectsearcher( nsrootwmi, "select * from msndis_physicalmediumtype" );
  public static managementobjectcollection wmi1 = searcher1.get( );
  public static managementobjectsearcher searcher2 = new managementobjectsearcher( nsrootcimv2, "select * from win32_networkadapter" );
  public static managementobjectcollection wmi2 = searcher2.get( );
  public static managementobjectsearcher searcher3 = new managementobjectsearcher( nsrootwmi, "select * from msndis_linkspeed" );
  public static managementobjectcollection wmi3 = searcher3.get( );
  static int main( string[] args )
    bool listbluetooth = true;
    bool listwired = true;
    bool listwireless = true;
    #region command line parsing
    // only 2 optional argument allowed: remote computer name and/or adapter type
    if ( args.length > 2 )
     return writeerror( "invalid command line arguments" );
    if ( args.length > 0 )
     foreach ( string arg in args )
      // we'll display a 'friendly' message if help was requested
      if ( arg.startswith( "/" ) || arg.startswith( "-" ) )
       switch ( arg.toupper( ) )
        case "/?":
        case "-?":
         return writeerror( string.empty );
        case "/b":
        case "/bluetooth":
         if ( ( listbluetooth && listwired && listwireless ) == false )
          return writeerror( "select a single adapter type only, or omit type to select all" );
         listwired = false;
         listwireless = false;
        case "/w":
        case "/wired":
         if ( ( listbluetooth && listwired && listwireless ) == false )
          return writeerror( "select a single adapter type only, or omit type to select all" );
         listbluetooth = false;
         listwireless = false;
        case "/wl":
        case "/wifi":
        case "/wireless":
         if ( ( listbluetooth && listwired && listwireless ) == false )
          return writeerror( "select a single adapter type only, or omit type to select all" );
         listbluetooth = false;
         listwired = false;
         return writeerror( "invalid command line argument" );
       if ( !string.isnullorempty( computer ) )
        return writeerror( "do not specify more than one computer name" );
       computer = "\\\\" + arg + "\\";
    #endregion command line parsing
    foreach ( managementobject queryobj1 in wmi1 )
     if ( queryobj1["ndisphysicalmediumtype"].tostring( ) == "10" )
      if ( listbluetooth )
       addadapter( queryobj1["instancename"].tostring( ), "bluetooth" );
     if ( queryobj1["ndisphysicalmediumtype"].tostring( ) == "0" )
      if ( listwired )
       addadapter( queryobj1["instancename"].tostring( ), "wired" );
     if ( queryobj1["ndisphysicalmediumtype"].tostring( ) == "1" )
      if ( listwireless )
       addadapter( queryobj1["instancename"].tostring( ), "wireless" );
    nics.sort( );
    foreach ( string nic in nics )
     console.writeline( nic );
    return 0;
   catch ( exception e )
    return writeerror( e );
  public static void addadapter( string name, string type )
   foreach ( managementobject queryobj2 in wmi2 )
    if ( ( queryobj2["name"].tostring( ) == name ) && convert.toboolean( queryobj2["physicaladapter"] ) )
     foreach ( managementobject queryobj3 in wmi3 )
      if ( queryobj3["instancename"].tostring( ) == name )
       nics.add( string.format( "{0,6}", convert.toint32( queryobj3["ndislinkspeed"] ) / 10000 ) + " mb/s\t" + string.format( "{0,-11}", "[" + type + "]" ) + "\t" + name );
  #region error handling
  public static int writeerror( exception e )
   return writeerror( e == null ? null : e.message );
  public static int writeerror( string errormessage )
   if ( string.isnullorempty( errormessage ) == false )
    console.error.writeline( );
    console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.red;
    console.error.write( "error: " );
    console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
    console.error.writeline( errormessage );
    console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "listnics, version 1.00" );
   console.error.writeline( "list physical network adapters on the specified computer" );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.write( "usage: " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "listnics" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.write( " [ computername ] [ " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "/b" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.write( "luetooth | " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "/w" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.write( "ired | " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "/w" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.write( "ire" );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "l" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( "ess ]" );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "where: \"computername\" is a remote computer name (default: this computer)" );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "  /b" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.write( "luetooth or " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "/b" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( " list bluetooth adapters only (default: all)" );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "  /w" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.write( "ired  or " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "/w" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( " list wired adapters only  (default: all)" );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "  /w" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.write( "ire" );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "l" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.write( "ess or " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( "/wl" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( " list wireless adapters only (default: all)" );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "written by rob van der woude" );
   return 1;
  #endregion error handling
