junit.framework包下的assert提供了多个断言方法. 主用于比较测试传递进去的两个参数
- 1. 如果两者一致, 程序继续往下运行.
- 2. 如果两者不一致, 中断测试方法, 抛出异常信息 assertionfailederror .
以assert.assertequals(int expected, int actual)为例:
/** * asserts that two ints are equal. 断言两个int是相等的 */ static public void assertequals(int expected, int actual) { assertequals(null, expected, actual); }
可以看到里面调用了assertequals(string message, int expected, int actual)方法:
/** * asserts that two ints are equal. if they are not * an assertionfailederror is thrown with the given message. * 如果不抛出带有 message 的异常(assertionfailederror)信息, 则表明两者相等 */ static public void assertequals(string message, int expected, int actual) { assertequals(message, integer.valueof(expected), integer.valueof(actual)); }
可以看到, 这里把int类型封箱成为integer类型. 注释说, 会抛异常, 但这里没有. 没关系, 我们接着看里面调用: assertequals(string message, object expected, object actual)方法:
/** * asserts that two objects are equal. if they are not * an assertionfailederror is thrown with the given message. * 如果不抛出带有 message 的异常(assertionfailederror)信息, 则表明两者相等(这里比较的是object对象) */ static public void assertequals(string message, object expected, object actual) { if (expected == null && actual == null) { return; } if (expected != null && expected.equals(actual)) { return; } failnotequals(message, expected, actual); }
两个if语句, 判断了两者相等的情况: 引用(地址)相等或者内容相等. 如果这两种if情况都不命中, 那么表明1参和2参实际是不相等, 所以代码会往下执行failnotequals(string message, object expected, object actual)方法,并在此方法中抛出异常, 接下来就比较简单了:
static public void failnotequals(string message, object expected, object actual) { fail(format(message, expected, actual)); } public static string format(string message, object expected, object actual) { string formatted = ""; if (message != null && message.length() > 0) { formatted = message + " "; } return formatted + "expected:<" + expected + "> but was:<" + actual + ">"; } /** * fails a test with the given message. */ static public void fail(string message) { if (message == null) { throw new assertionfailederror(); } throw new assertionfailederror(message); }
以上可以看出, 最终是由fail(string message)这个方法抛出异常信息!!
使用, 示例代码:
assert.assertequals(true, arry.contains("hello")); assert.assertequals(39991l, aa.getlong("key3", 0l)); assert.assertequals(true, bb.getboolean("key4", false)); assert.assertequals(5.3f, cc.getfloat("key5", 0.f)); assert.assertequals(99, dd.getint("key6", 1)); assert.assertequals("如果打印本信息, 证明参数不相等", 10l, 10);
按照源码分析, 我们可以把一个预期结果作为1参传递进去. 2参传递我们需要测试的方法. 然后执行. 相等, 代码继续往下执行, 不相等, 中断执行, 抛出异常信息!!!
assert.assertsame(object expected, object actual)方法:
其比较的是引用地址是否相等, 并没有对内容进行比较:
/** * asserts that two objects refer to the same object. if they are not * the same an assertionfailederror is thrown. */ static public void assertsame(object expected, object actual) { assertsame(null, expected, actual); } /** * asserts that two objects refer to the same object. if they are not * an assertionfailederror is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertsame(string message, object expected, object actual) { if (expected == actual) { return; } failnotsame(message, expected, actual); }
上一篇: 第一次吻女孩子是什么感觉?