解决MySQL 5.7中定位DDL被阻塞的问题
在上篇文章《mysql表结构变更,不可不知的metadata lock》中,我们介绍了mdl引入的背景,及基本概念,从“道”的层面知道了什么是mdl。下面就从“术”的层面看看如何定位mdl的相关问题。
在mysql 5.7中,针对mdl,引入了一张新表performance_schema.metadata_locks,该表可对外展示mdl的相关信息,包括其作用对象,类型及持有等待情况。
但是相关instrument并没有开启(mysql 8.0是默认开启的),其可通过如下两种方式开启,
修改performance_schema.setup_instrume nts表
update performance_schema.setup_instruments set enabled = 'yes', timed = 'yes' where name = 'wait/lock/metadata/sql/mdl';
[mysqld] performance-schema-instrument='wait/lock/metadata/sql/mdl=on'
下面结合一个简单的demo,来看看在mysql 5.7中如何定位ddl操作的阻塞问题。
session1> begin; query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) session1> delete from slowtech.t1 where id=2; query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) session1> select * from slowtech.t1; +------+------+ | id | name | +------+------+ | 1 | a | +------+------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) session1> update slowtech.t1 set name='c' where id=1; query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) rows matched: 1 changed: 1 warnings: 0 session2> alter table slowtech.t1 add c1 int; ##被阻塞 session3> show processlist; +----+------+-----------+------+---------+------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | id | user | host | db | command | time | state | info | +----+------+-----------+------+---------+------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | 2 | root | localhost | null | sleep | 51 | | null | | 3 | root | localhost | null | query | 0 | starting | show processlist | | 4 | root | localhost | null | query | 9 | waiting for table metadata lock | alter table slowtech.t1 add c1 int | +----+------+-----------+------+---------+------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) session3> select object_type,object_schema,object_name,lock_type,lock_duration,lock_status,owner_thread_id from performance_schema.metadata_locks; +-------------+--------------------+----------------+---------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+ | object_type | object_schema | object_name | lock_type | lock_duration | lock_status | owner_thread_id | +-------------+--------------------+----------------+---------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+ | table | slowtech | t1 | shared_write | transaction | granted | 27 | | global | null | null | intention_exclusive | statement | granted | 29 | | schema | slowtech | null | intention_exclusive | transaction | granted | 29 | | table | slowtech | t1 | shared_upgradable | transaction | granted | 29 | | table | slowtech | t1 | exclusive | transaction | pending | 29 | | table | performance_schema | metadata_locks | shared_read | transaction | granted | 28 | +-------------+--------------------+----------------+---------------------+---------------+-------------+-----------------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
但需要注意的是,owner_thread_id给出的只是线程id,并不是show processlist中的id。如果要查找线程对应的processlist id,需查询performance_schema.threads表。
session3> select * from performance_schema.threads where thread_id in (27,29)\g *************************** 1. row *************************** thread_id: 27 name: thread/sql/one_connection type: foreground processlist_id: 2 processlist_user: root processlist_host: localhost processlist_db: null processlist_command: sleep processlist_time: 214 processlist_state: null processlist_info: null parent_thread_id: 1 role: null instrumented: yes history: yes connection_type: socket thread_os_id: 9800 *************************** 2. row *************************** thread_id: 29 name: thread/sql/one_connection type: foreground processlist_id: 4 processlist_user: root processlist_host: localhost processlist_db: null processlist_command: query processlist_time: 172 processlist_state: waiting for table metadata lock processlist_info: alter table slowtech.t1 add c1 int parent_thread_id: 1 role: null instrumented: yes history: yes connection_type: socket thread_os_id: 9907 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
将这两张表结合,借鉴sys.innodb_lock _waits的输出,实际上我们也可以直观地呈现mdl的等待关系。
select a.object_schema as locked_schema, a.object_name as locked_table, "metadata lock" as locked_type, c.processlist_id as waiting_processlist_id, c.processlist_time as waiting_age, c.processlist_info as waiting_query, c.processlist_state as waiting_state, d.processlist_id as blocking_processlist_id, d.processlist_time as blocking_age, d.processlist_info as blocking_query, concat('kill ', d.processlist_id) as sql_kill_blocking_connection from performance_schema.metadata_locks a join performance_schema.metadata_locks b on a.object_schema = b.object_schema and a.object_name = b.object_name and a.lock_status = 'pending' and b.lock_status = 'granted' and a.owner_thread_id <> b.owner_thread_id and a.lock_type = 'exclusive' join performance_schema.threads c on a.owner_thread_id = c.thread_id join performance_schema.threads d on b.owner_thread_id = d.thread_id\g *************************** 1. row *************************** locked_schema: slowtech locked_table: t1 locked_type: metadata lock waiting_processlist_id: 4 waiting_age: 259 waiting_query: alter table slowtech.t1 add c1 int waiting_state: waiting for table metadata lock blocking_processlist_id: 2 blocking_age: 301 blocking_query: null sql_kill_blocking_connection: kill 2 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
输出一目了然,ddl操作如果要获得mdl,执行kill 2即可。
实际上,mysql 5.7在sys库中也集成了类似功能,同样的场景,其输出如下,
mysql> select * from sys.schema_table_lock_waits\g *************************** 1. row *************************** object_schema: slowtech object_name: t1 waiting_thread_id: 29 waiting_pid: 4 waiting_account: root@localhost waiting_lock_type: exclusive waiting_lock_duration: transaction waiting_query: alter table slowtech.t1 add c1 int waiting_query_secs: 446 waiting_query_rows_affected: 0 waiting_query_rows_examined: 0 blocking_thread_id: 27 blocking_pid: 2 blocking_account: root@localhost blocking_lock_type: shared_read blocking_lock_duration: transaction sql_kill_blocking_query: kill query 2 sql_kill_blocking_connection: kill 2 *************************** 2. row *************************** object_schema: slowtech object_name: t1 waiting_thread_id: 29 waiting_pid: 4 waiting_account: root@localhost waiting_lock_type: exclusive waiting_lock_duration: transaction waiting_query: alter table slowtech.t1 add c1 int waiting_query_secs: 446 waiting_query_rows_affected: 0 waiting_query_rows_examined: 0 blocking_thread_id: 29 blocking_pid: 4 blocking_account: root@localhost blocking_lock_type: shared_upgradable blocking_lock_duration: transaction sql_kill_blocking_query: kill query 4 sql_kill_blocking_connection: kill 4 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
只有一个alter table操作,却产生了两条记录,而且两条记录的kill对象竟然还不一样,对表结构不熟悉及不仔细看记录内容的话,难免会kill错对象。
而之前的sql,无论有多少操作被阻塞,一个alter table操作,就只会输出一条记录。
这个与performance_schema.threads(类似于show processlist)有关,其只会输出当前正在运行的sql,对于已经执行过的,实际上是没办法看到。
即performance schema中记录statement event(操作事件)的表,具体包括
select locked_schema, locked_table, locked_type, waiting_processlist_id, waiting_age, waiting_query, waiting_state, blocking_processlist_id, blocking_age, substring_index(sql_text,"transaction_begin;" ,-1) as blocking_query, sql_kill_blocking_connection from ( select b.owner_thread_id as granted_thread_id, a.object_schema as locked_schema, a.object_name as locked_table, "metadata lock" as locked_type, c.processlist_id as waiting_processlist_id, c.processlist_time as waiting_age, c.processlist_info as waiting_query, c.processlist_state as waiting_state, d.processlist_id as blocking_processlist_id, d.processlist_time as blocking_age, d.processlist_info as blocking_query, concat('kill ', d.processlist_id) as sql_kill_blocking_connection from performance_schema.metadata_locks a join performance_schema.metadata_locks b on a.object_schema = b.object_schema and a.object_name = b.object_name and a.lock_status = 'pending' and b.lock_status = 'granted' and a.owner_thread_id <> b.owner_thread_id and a.lock_type = 'exclusive' join performance_schema.threads c on a.owner_thread_id = c.thread_id join performance_schema.threads d on b.owner_thread_id = d.thread_id ) t1, ( select thread_id, group_concat( case when event_name = 'statement/sql/begin' then "transaction_begin" else sql_text end order by event_id separator ";" ) as sql_text from performance_schema.events_statements_history group by thread_id ) t2 where t1.granted_thread_id = t2.thread_id \g *************************** 1. row *************************** locked_schema: slowtech locked_table: t1 locked_type: metadata lock waiting_processlist_id: 4 waiting_age: 294 waiting_query: alter table slowtech.t1 add c1 int waiting_state: waiting for table metadata lock blocking_processlist_id: 2 blocking_age: 336 blocking_query: delete from slowtech.t1 where id=2;select * from slowtech.t1;update slowtech.t1 set name='c' where id=1 sql_kill_blocking_connection: kill 2 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
以上所述是小编给大家介绍的解决mysql 5.7中如何定位ddl被阻塞的问题,希望对大家有所帮助
Mysql5.7中使用group concat函数数据被截断的问题完美解决方法
MySQL 5.7中如何定位DDL被阻塞的问题
解决MySQL 5.7中定位DDL被阻塞的问题
MySQL 5.6中如何定位DDL被阻塞的问题
MySQL 中定位 DDL 被阻塞的问题及解决方案