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程序员文章站 2023-10-16 19:34:42
SELECT *FROM ( SELECT TOP (@count1) a.* FROM Article AS a WITH (NOLOCK)LEFT JOIN Article_Type AS at WITH (NOLOCK)ON a.ArticleType=at.ArticleTypeIdWHER ......

select *
from (
select top (@count1) a.* from article as a with (nolock)
left join article_type as at with (nolock)
on a.articletype=at.articletypeid
where a.isdelete=0 and a.status=0
and at.articletypeid=@articletype1---条件变换
and a.issuetime<getdate()
order by a.issuetime desc,a.articletype asc
) t
union all
select *
from (
select top (@count2) a.* from article as a with (nolock)
left join article_type as at with (nolock)
on a.articletype=at.articletypeid
where a.isdelete=0 and a.status=0
and at.articletypeid=@articletype2---条件变换
and a.issuetime<getdate()
order by a.issuetime desc,a.articletype asc
) t
union all
select *
from (
select top (@count3) a.* from article as a with (nolock)
left join article_type as at with (nolock)
on a.articletype=at.articletypeid
where a.isdelete=0 and a.status=0
and at.articletypeid=@articletype3 ---条件变换
and a.issuetime<getdate()
order by a.issuetime desc,a.articletype asc
) t