public void startactivity(intent intent) { this.startactivity(intent, null); } public void startactivity(intent intent, @nullable bundle options) { if (options != null) { startactivityforresult(intent, -1, options); } else { // note we want to go through this call for compatibility with // applications that may have overridden the method. startactivityforresult(intent, -1); } }
public void startactivityforresult(@requirespermission intent intent, int requestcode, @nullable bundle options) { if (mparent == null) { options = transferspringboardactivityoptions(options); instrumentation.activityresult ar = minstrumentation.execstartactivity( this, mmainthread.getapplicationthread(), mtoken, this, intent, requestcode, options); if (ar != null) { mmainthread.sendactivityresult( mtoken, membeddedid, requestcode, ar.getresultcode(), ar.getresultdata()); } if (requestcode >= 0) { // if this start is requesting a result, we can avoid making // the activity visible until the result is received. setting // this code during oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) or onresume() will keep the // activity hidden during this time, to avoid flickering. // this can only be done when a result is requested because // that guarantees we will get information back when the // activity is finished, no matter what happens to it. mstartedactivity = true; } cancelinputsandstartexittransition(options); // todo consider clearing/flushing other event sources and events for child windows. } else { if (options != null) { mparent.startactivityfromchild(this, intent, requestcode, options); } else { // note we want to go through this method for compatibility with // existing applications that may have overridden it. mparent.startactivityfromchild(this, intent, requestcode); } } }
在mparent == null的分支里,会调用instrumentation的execstartactivity方法
public activityresult execstartactivity( context who, ibinder contextthread, ibinder token, activity target, intent intent, int requestcode, bundle options) { iapplicationthread whothread = (iapplicationthread) contextthread; //... try { intent.migrateextrastreamtoclipdata(); intent.preparetoleaveprocess(who); int result = activitymanager.getservice() .startactivity(whothread, who.getbasepackagename(), intent, intent.resolvetypeifneeded(who.getcontentresolver()), token, target != null ? target.membeddedid : null, requestcode, 0, null, options); checkstartactivityresult(result, intent); } catch (remoteexception e) { throw new runtimeexception("failure from system", e); } return null; }
public static iactivitymanager getservice() { return iactivitymanagersingleton.get(); } private static final singleton<iactivitymanager> iactivitymanagersingleton = new singleton<iactivitymanager>() { @override protected iactivitymanager create() { final ibinder b = servicemanager.getservice(context.activity_service); final iactivitymanager am = iactivitymanager.stub.asinterface(b); return am; } };
public final int startactivity(iapplicationthread caller, string callingpackage, intent intent, string resolvedtype, ibinder resultto, string resultwho, int requestcode, int startflags, profilerinfo profilerinfo, bundle boptions) { return startactivityasuser(caller, callingpackage, intent, resolvedtype, resultto, resultwho, requestcode, startflags, profilerinfo, boptions, userhandle.getcallinguserid()); } public final int startactivityasuser(iapplicationthread caller, string callingpackage, intent intent, string resolvedtype, ibinder resultto, string resultwho, int requestcode, int startflags, profilerinfo profilerinfo, bundle boptions, int userid) { enforcenotisolatedcaller("startactivity"); userid = musercontroller.handleincominguser(binder.getcallingpid(), binder.getcallinguid(), userid, false, allow_full_only, "startactivity", null); // todo: switch to user app stacks here. return mactivitystarter.startactivitymaywait(caller, -1, callingpackage, intent, resolvedtype, null, null, resultto, resultwho, requestcode, startflags, profilerinfo, null, null, boptions, false, userid, null, "startactivityasuser"); }
final int startactivitymaywait(iapplicationthread caller, int callinguid, string callingpackage, intent intent, string resolvedtype, ivoiceinteractionsession voicesession, ivoiceinteractor voiceinteractor, ibinder resultto, string resultwho, int requestcode, int startflags, profilerinfo profilerinfo, waitresult outresult, configuration globalconfig, bundle boptions, boolean ignoretargetsecurity, int userid, taskrecord intask, string reason) { //... final activityrecord[] outrecord = new activityrecord[1]; int res = startactivitylocked(caller, intent, ephemeralintent, resolvedtype, ainfo, rinfo, voicesession, voiceinteractor, resultto, resultwho, requestcode, callingpid, callinguid, callingpackage, realcallingpid, realcallinguid, startflags, options, ignoretargetsecurity, componentspecified, outrecord, intask, reason); //... } }
int startactivitylocked(iapplicationthread caller, intent intent, intent ephemeralintent, string resolvedtype, activityinfo ainfo, resolveinfo rinfo, ivoiceinteractionsession voicesession, ivoiceinteractor voiceinteractor, ibinder resultto, string resultwho, int requestcode, int callingpid, int callinguid, string callingpackage, int realcallingpid, int realcallinguid, int startflags, activityoptions options, boolean ignoretargetsecurity, boolean componentspecified, activityrecord[] outactivity, taskrecord intask, string reason) { //... mlaststartactivityresult = startactivity(caller, intent, ephemeralintent, resolvedtype, ainfo, rinfo, voicesession, voiceinteractor, resultto, resultwho, requestcode, callingpid, callinguid, callingpackage, realcallingpid, realcallinguid, startflags, options, ignoretargetsecurity, componentspecified, mlaststartactivityrecord, intask); //... }
final void dopendingactivitylauncheslocked(boolean doresume) { while (!mpendingactivitylaunches.isempty()) { final pendingactivitylaunch pal = mpendingactivitylaunches.remove(0); final boolean resume = doresume && mpendingactivitylaunches.isempty(); try { startactivity(pal.r, pal.sourcerecord, null, null, pal.startflags, resume, null, null, null /*outrecords*/); } catch (exception e) { slog.e(tag, "exception during pending activity launch pal=" + pal, e); pal.senderrorresult(e.getmessage()); } } } private int startactivity(final activityrecord r, activityrecord sourcerecord, ivoiceinteractionsession voicesession, ivoiceinteractor voiceinteractor, int startflags, boolean doresume, activityoptions options, taskrecord intask, activityrecord[] outactivity) { int result = start_canceled; try { mservice.mwindowmanager.defersurfacelayout(); result = startactivityunchecked(r, sourcerecord, voicesession, voiceinteractor, startflags, doresume, options, intask, outactivity); } finally { // if we are not able to proceed, disassociate the activity from the task. leaving an // activity in an incomplete state can lead to issues, such as performing operations // without a window container. if (!activitymanager.isstartresultsuccessful(result) && mstartactivity.gettask() != null) { mstartactivity.gettask().removeactivity(mstartactivity); } mservice.mwindowmanager.continuesurfacelayout(); } poststartactivityprocessing(r, result, msupervisor.getlaststack().mstackid, msourcerecord, mtargetstack); return result; }
private int startactivityunchecked(final activityrecord r, activityrecord sourcerecord, ivoiceinteractionsession voicesession, ivoiceinteractor voiceinteractor, int startflags, boolean doresume, activityoptions options, taskrecord intask, activityrecord[] outactivity) { //... if (dontstart) { topstack.mlastpausedactivity = null; if (mdoresume) { msupervisor.resumefocusedstacktopactivitylocked(); } //... } //... }
boolean resumefocusedstacktopactivitylocked() { return resumefocusedstacktopactivitylocked(null, null, null); } boolean resumefocusedstacktopactivitylocked( activitystack targetstack, activityrecord target, activityoptions targetoptions) { if (!readytoresume()) { return false; } if (targetstack != null && isfocusedstack(targetstack)) { return targetstack.resumetopactivityuncheckedlocked(target, targetoptions); } final activityrecord r = mfocusedstack.toprunningactivitylocked(); if (r == null || r.state != resumed) { mfocusedstack.resumetopactivityuncheckedlocked(null, null); } else if (r.state == resumed) { // kick off any lingering app transitions form the movetasktofront operation. mfocusedstack.executeapptransition(targetoptions); } return false; }
boolean resumetopactivityuncheckedlocked(activityrecord prev, activityoptions options) { if (mstacksupervisor.inresumetopactivity) { // don't even start recursing. return false; } boolean result = false; try { // protect against recursion. mstacksupervisor.inresumetopactivity = true; result = resumetopactivityinnerlocked(prev, options); } finally { mstacksupervisor.inresumetopactivity = false; } // when resuming the top activity, it may be necessary to pause the top activity (for // example, returning to the lock screen. we suppress the normal pause logic in // {@link #resumetopactivityuncheckedlocked}, since the top activity is resumed at the end. // we call the {@link activitystacksupervisor#checkreadyforsleeplocked} again here to ensure // any necessary pause logic occurs. in the case where the activity will be shown regardless // of the lock screen, the call to {@link activitystacksupervisor#checkreadyforsleeplocked} // is skipped. final activityrecord next = toprunningactivitylocked(true /* focusableonly */); if (next == null || !next.canturnscreenon()) { checkreadyforsleep(); } return result; }
private boolean resumetopactivityinnerlocked(activityrecord prev, activityoptions options) { //... mstacksupervisor.startspecificactivitylocked(next, true, true); //... }
void startspecificactivitylocked(activityrecord r, boolean andresume, boolean checkconfig) { // is this activity's application already running? processrecord app = mservice.getprocessrecordlocked(r.processname, r.info.applicationinfo.uid, true); r.getstack().setlaunchtime(r); if (app != null && app.thread != null) { try { if ((r.info.flags&activityinfo.flag_multiprocess) == 0 || !"android".equals(r.info.packagename)) { // don't add this if it is a platform component that is marked // to run in multiple processes, because this is actually // part of the framework so doesn't make sense to track as a // separate apk in the process. app.addpackage(r.info.packagename, r.info.applicationinfo.versioncode, mservice.mprocessstats); } realstartactivitylocked(r, app, andresume, checkconfig); return; } catch (remoteexception e) { slog.w(tag, "exception when starting activity " + r.intent.getcomponent().flattentoshortstring(), e); } // if a dead object exception was thrown -- fall through to // restart the application. } mservice.startprocesslocked(r.processname, r.info.applicationinfo, true, 0, "activity", r.intent.getcomponent(), false, false, true); }
final boolean realstartactivitylocked(activityrecord r, processrecord app, boolean andresume, boolean checkconfig) throws remoteexception { //... app.thread.schedulelaunchactivity(new intent(r.intent), r.apptoken, system.identityhashcode(r), r.info, // todo: have this take the merged configuration instead of separate global // and override configs. mergedconfiguration.getglobalconfiguration(), mergedconfiguration.getoverrideconfiguration(), r.compat, r.launchedfrompackage, task.voiceinteractor, app.repprocstate, r.icicle, r.persistentstate, results, newintents, !andresume, mservice.isnexttransitionforward(), profilerinfo); //... }
public final void schedulelaunchactivity(intent intent, ibinder token, int ident, activityinfo info, configuration curconfig, configuration overrideconfig, compatibilityinfo compatinfo, string referrer, ivoiceinteractor voiceinteractor, int procstate, bundle state, persistablebundle persistentstate, list<resultinfo> pendingresults, list<referrerintent> pendingnewintents, boolean notresumed, boolean isforward, profilerinfo profilerinfo) { updateprocessstate(procstate, false); activityclientrecord r = new activityclientrecord(); r.token = token; r.ident = ident; r.intent = intent; r.referrer = referrer; r.voiceinteractor = voiceinteractor; r.activityinfo = info; r.compatinfo = compatinfo; r.state = state; r.persistentstate = persistentstate; r.pendingresults = pendingresults; r.pendingintents = pendingnewintents; r.startsnotresumed = notresumed; r.isforward = isforward; r.profilerinfo = profilerinfo; r.overrideconfig = overrideconfig; updatependingconfiguration(curconfig); sendmessage(h.launch_activity, r); }
public void handlemessage(message msg) { if (debug_messages) slog.v(tag, ">>> handling: " + codetostring(msg.what)); switch (msg.what) { case launch_activity: { trace.tracebegin(trace.trace_tag_activity_manager, "activitystart"); final activityclientrecord r = (activityclientrecord) msg.obj; r.packageinfo = getpackageinfonocheck( r.activityinfo.applicationinfo, r.compatinfo); handlelaunchactivity(r, null, "launch_activity"); trace.traceend(trace.trace_tag_activity_manager); } break; //... } //... }
private void handlelaunchactivity(activityclientrecord r, intent customintent, string reason) { //... windowmanagerglobal.initialize(); activity a = performlaunchactivity(r, customintent); if (a != null) { r.createdconfig = new configuration(mconfiguration); reportsizeconfigurations(r); bundle oldstate = r.state; handleresumeactivity(r.token, false, r.isforward, !r.activity.mfinished && !r.startsnotresumed, r.lastprocessedseq, reason); if (!r.activity.mfinished && r.startsnotresumed) { // the activity manager actually wants this one to start out paused, because it // needs to be visible but isn't in the foreground. we accomplish this by going // through the normal startup (because activities expect to go through onresume() // the first time they run, before their window is displayed), and then pausing it. // however, in this case we do -not- need to do the full pause cycle (of freezing // and such) because the activity manager assumes it can just retain the current // state it has. performpauseactivityifneeded(r, reason); // we need to keep around the original state, in case we need to be created again. // but we only do this for pre-honeycomb apps, which always save their state when // pausing, so we can not have them save their state when restarting from a paused // state. for hc and later, we want to (and can) let the state be saved as the // normal part of stopping the activity. if (r.isprehoneycomb()) { r.state = oldstate; } } } else { // if there was an error, for any reason, tell the activity manager to stop us. try { activitymanager.getservice() .finishactivity(r.token, activity.result_canceled, null, activity.dont_finish_task_with_activity); } catch (remoteexception ex) { throw ex.rethrowfromsystemserver(); } } }
private activity performlaunchactivity(activityclientrecord r, intent customintent) { //... contextimpl appcontext = createbasecontextforactivity(r); activity activity = null; try { java.lang.classloader cl = appcontext.getclassloader(); activity = minstrumentation.newactivity( cl, component.getclassname(), r.intent); //... } catch (exception e) { if (!minstrumentation.onexception(activity, e)) { throw new runtimeexception( "unable to instantiate activity " + component + ": " + e.tostring(), e); } } try { application app = r.packageinfo.makeapplication(false, minstrumentation); //... if (activity != null) { //... window window = null; if (r.mpendingremovewindow != null && r.mpreservewindow) { window = r.mpendingremovewindow; r.mpendingremovewindow = null; r.mpendingremovewindowmanager = null; } appcontext.setoutercontext(activity); activity.attach(appcontext, this, getinstrumentation(), r.token, r.ident, app, r.intent, r.activityinfo, title, r.parent, r.embeddedid, r.lastnonconfigurationinstances, config, r.referrer, r.voiceinteractor, window, r.configcallback); //... if (r.ispersistable()) { minstrumentation.callactivityoncreate(activity, r.state, r.persistentstate); } else { minstrumentation.callactivityoncreate(activity, r.state); } if (!activity.mcalled) { throw new supernotcalledexception( "activity " + r.intent.getcomponent().toshortstring() + " did not call through to super.oncreate()"); } r.activity = activity; r.stopped = true; if (!r.activity.mfinished) { activity.performstart(); r.stopped = false; } if (!r.activity.mfinished) { if (r.ispersistable()) { if (r.state != null || r.persistentstate != null) { minstrumentation.callactivityonrestoreinstancestate(activity, r.state, r.persistentstate); } } else if (r.state != null) { minstrumentation.callactivityonrestoreinstancestate(activity, r.state); } } if (!r.activity.mfinished) { activity.mcalled = false; if (r.ispersistable()) { minstrumentation.callactivityonpostcreate(activity, r.state, r.persistentstate); } else { minstrumentation.callactivityonpostcreate(activity, r.state); } if (!activity.mcalled) { throw new supernotcalledexception( "activity " + r.intent.getcomponent().toshortstring() + " did not call through to super.onpostcreate()"); } } } r.paused = true; mactivities.put(r.token, r); } catch (supernotcalledexception e) { throw e; } catch (exception e) { if (!minstrumentation.onexception(activity, e)) { throw new runtimeexception( "unable to start activity " + component + ": " + e.tostring(), e); } } return activity; }
public componentname startservice(intent service) { return mbase.startservice(service); }
public componentname startservice(intent service) { warnifcallingfromsystemprocess(); return startservicecommon(service, false, muser); }
private componentname startservicecommon(intent service, boolean requireforeground, userhandle user) { //... componentname cn = activitymanager.getservice().startservice( mmainthread.getapplicationthread(), service, service.resolvetypeifneeded( getcontentresolver()), requireforeground, getoppackagename(), user.getidentifier()); //... }
public componentname startservice(iapplicationthread caller, intent service, string resolvedtype, boolean requireforeground, string callingpackage, int userid) throws transactiontoolargeexception { //... res = mservices.startservicelocked(caller, service, resolvedtype, callingpid, callinguid, requireforeground, callingpackage, userid); //... }
componentname startservicelocked(iapplicationthread caller, intent service, string resolvedtype, int callingpid, int callinguid, boolean fgrequired, string callingpackage, final int userid) throws transactiontoolargeexception { //... componentname cmp = startserviceinnerlocked(smap, service, r, callerfg, addtostarting); return cmp; }
componentname startserviceinnerlocked(servicemap smap, intent service, servicerecord r, boolean callerfg, boolean addtostarting) throws transactiontoolargeexception { //... string error = bringupservicelocked(r, service.getflags(), callerfg, false, false); if (error != null) { return new componentname("!!", error); } //... }
private string bringupservicelocked(servicerecord r, int intentflags, boolean execinfg, boolean whilerestarting, boolean permissionsreviewrequired) throws transactiontoolargeexception { //... realstartservicelocked(r, app, execinfg); //... }
private final void realstartservicelocked(servicerecord r, processrecord app, boolean execinfg) throws remoteexception { //... //创建service app.thread.schedulecreateservice(r, r.serviceinfo, mam.compatibilityinfoforpackagelocked(r.serviceinfo.applicationinfo), app.repprocstate); //... //调用service的start方法 sendserviceargslocked(r, execinfg, true); //... }
public final void schedulecreateservice(ibinder token, serviceinfo info, compatibilityinfo compatinfo, int processstate) { updateprocessstate(processstate, false); createservicedata s = new createservicedata(); s.token = token; s.info = info; s.compatinfo = compatinfo; sendmessage(h.create_service, s); }
private void handlecreateservice(createservicedata data) { // if we are getting ready to gc after going to the background, well // we are back active so skip it. unschedulegcidler(); loadedapk packageinfo = getpackageinfonocheck( data.info.applicationinfo, data.compatinfo); service service = null; try { java.lang.classloader cl = packageinfo.getclassloader(); service = (service) cl.loadclass(data.info.name).newinstance(); } catch (exception e) { if (!minstrumentation.onexception(service, e)) { throw new runtimeexception( "unable to instantiate service " + data.info.name + ": " + e.tostring(), e); } } try { if (locallogv) slog.v(tag, "creating service " + data.info.name); contextimpl context = contextimpl.createappcontext(this, packageinfo); context.setoutercontext(service); application app = packageinfo.makeapplication(false, minstrumentation); service.attach(context, this, data.info.name, data.token, app, activitymanager.getservice()); service.oncreate(); mservices.put(data.token, service); try { activitymanager.getservice().servicedoneexecuting( data.token, service_done_executing_anon, 0, 0); } catch (remoteexception e) { throw e.rethrowfromsystemserver(); } } catch (exception e) { if (!minstrumentation.onexception(service, e)) { throw new runtimeexception( "unable to create service " + data.info.name + ": " + e.tostring(), e); } } }
public boolean bindservice(intent service, serviceconnection conn, int flags) { return mbase.bindservice(service, conn, flags); }
public boolean bindservice(intent service, serviceconnection conn, int flags) { warnifcallingfromsystemprocess(); return bindservicecommon(service, conn, flags, mmainthread.gethandler(), process.myuserhandle()); }
private boolean bindservicecommon(intent service, serviceconnection conn, int flags, handler handler, userhandle user) { //... int res = activitymanager.getservice().bindservice( mmainthread.getapplicationthread(), getactivitytoken(), service, service.resolvetypeifneeded(getcontentresolver()), sd, flags, getoppackagename(), user.getidentifier()); //... }
public int bindservice(iapplicationthread caller, ibinder token, intent service, string resolvedtype, iserviceconnection connection, int flags, string callingpackage, int userid) throws transactiontoolargeexception { //... synchronized(this) { return mservices.bindservicelocked(caller, token, service, resolvedtype, connection, flags, callingpackage, userid); } }
int bindservicelocked(iapplicationthread caller, ibinder token, intent service, string resolvedtype, final iserviceconnection connection, int flags, string callingpackage, final int userid) throws transactiontoolargeexception { //... bringupservicelocked(servicerecord,serviceintent.getflags(),callerfg, false, false); //... }
private string bringupservicelocked(servicerecord r, int intentflags, boolean execinfg, boolean whilerestarting, boolean permissionsreviewrequired) throws transactiontoolargeexception { //... realstartservicelocked(r, app, execinfg); //... }
private final boolean requestservicebindinglocked(servicerecord r, intentbindrecord i, boolean execinfg, boolean rebind) throws transactiontoolargeexception { if (r.app == null || r.app.thread == null) { // if service is not currently running, can't yet bind. return false; } if (debug_service) slog.d(tag_service, "requestbind " + i + ": requested=" + i.requested + " rebind=" + rebind); if ((!i.requested || rebind) && i.apps.size() > 0) { try { bumpserviceexecutinglocked(r, execinfg, "bind"); r.app.forceprocessstateupto(activitymanager.process_state_service); r.app.thread.schedulebindservice(r, i.intent.getintent(), rebind, r.app.repprocstate); if (!rebind) { i.requested = true; } i.hasbound = true; i.dorebind = false; } catch (transactiontoolargeexception e) { // keep the executenesting count accurate. if (debug_service) slog.v(tag_service, "crashed while binding " + r, e); final boolean indestroying = mdestroyingservices.contains(r); servicedoneexecutinglocked(r, indestroying, indestroying); throw e; } catch (remoteexception e) { if (debug_service) slog.v(tag_service, "crashed while binding " + r); // keep the executenesting count accurate. final boolean indestroying = mdestroyingservices.contains(r); servicedoneexecutinglocked(r, indestroying, indestroying); return false; } } return true; }
public final void schedulebindservice(ibinder token, intent intent, boolean rebind, int processstate) { updateprocessstate(processstate, false); bindservicedata s = new bindservicedata(); s.token = token; s.intent = intent; s.rebind = rebind; if (debug_service) slog.v(tag, "schedulebindservice token=" + token + " intent=" + intent + " uid=" + binder.getcallinguid() + " pid=" + binder.getcallingpid()); sendmessage(h.bind_service, s); }
private void handlebindservice(bindservicedata data) { service s = mservices.get(data.token); if (debug_service) slog.v(tag, "handlebindservice s=" + s + " rebind=" + data.rebind); if (s != null) { try { data.intent.setextrasclassloader(s.getclassloader()); data.intent.preparetoenterprocess(); try { if (!data.rebind) { ibinder binder = s.onbind(data.intent); activitymanager.getservice().publishservice( data.token, data.intent, binder); } else { s.onrebind(data.intent); activitymanager.getservice().servicedoneexecuting( data.token, service_done_executing_anon, 0, 0); } ensurejitenabled(); } catch (remoteexception ex) { throw ex.rethrowfromsystemserver(); } } catch (exception e) { if (!minstrumentation.onexception(s, e)) { throw new runtimeexception( "unable to bind to service " + s + " with " + data.intent + ": " + e.tostring(), e); } } } }
public intent registerreceiver( broadcastreceiver receiver, intentfilter filter) { return mbase.registerreceiver(receiver, filter); }
public intent registerreceiver(broadcastreceiver receiver, intentfilter filter) { return registerreceiver(receiver, filter, null, null); }
public intent registerreceiver(broadcastreceiver receiver, intentfilter filter, string broadcastpermission, handler scheduler) { return registerreceiverinternal(receiver, getuserid(), filter, broadcastpermission, scheduler, getoutercontext(), 0); }
private intent registerreceiverinternal(broadcastreceiver receiver, int userid, intentfilter filter, string broadcastpermission, handler scheduler, context context, int flags) { //... try { final intent intent = activitymanager.getservice().registerreceiver( mmainthread.getapplicationthread(), mbasepackagename, rd, filter, broadcastpermission, userid, flags); if (intent != null) { intent.setextrasclassloader(getclassloader()); intent.preparetoenterprocess(); } return intent; } catch (remoteexception e) { throw e.rethrowfromsystemserver(); } }
public intent registerreceiver(iapplicationthread caller, string callerpackage, iintentreceiver receiver, intentfilter filter, string permission, int userid, int flags) { //... synchronized (this) { //... broadcastfilter bf = new broadcastfilter(filter, rl, callerpackage, permission, callinguid, userid, instantapp, visibletoinstantapps); rl.add(bf); if (!bf.debugcheck()) { slog.w(tag, "==> for dynamic broadcast"); } mreceiverresolver.addfilter(bf); //... return sticky; } }
public void sendbroadcast(intent intent) { mbase.sendbroadcast(intent); }
public void sendbroadcast(intent intent) { warnifcallingfromsystemprocess(); string resolvedtype = intent.resolvetypeifneeded(getcontentresolver()); try { intent.preparetoleaveprocess(this); activitymanager.getservice().broadcastintent( mmainthread.getapplicationthread(), intent, resolvedtype, null, activity.result_ok, null, null, null, appopsmanager.op_none, null, false, false, getuserid()); } catch (remoteexception e) { throw e.rethrowfromsystemserver(); } }
public final int broadcastintent(iapplicationthread caller, intent intent, string resolvedtype, iintentreceiver resultto, int resultcode, string resultdata, bundle resultextras, string[] requiredpermissions, int appop, bundle boptions, boolean serialized, boolean sticky, int userid) { enforcenotisolatedcaller("broadcastintent"); synchronized(this) { intent = verifybroadcastlocked(intent); final processrecord callerapp = getrecordforapplocked(caller); final int callingpid = binder.getcallingpid(); final int callinguid = binder.getcallinguid(); final long origid = binder.clearcallingidentity(); int res = broadcastintentlocked(callerapp, callerapp != null ? callerapp.info.packagename : null, intent, resolvedtype, resultto, resultcode, resultdata, resultextras, requiredpermissions, appop, boptions, serialized, sticky, callingpid, callinguid, userid); binder.restorecallingidentity(origid); return res; } }
final int broadcastintentlocked(processrecord callerapp, string callerpackage, intent intent, string resolvedtype, iintentreceiver resultto, int resultcode, string resultdata, bundle resultextras, string[] requiredpermissions, int appop, bundle boptions, boolean ordered, boolean sticky, int callingpid, int callinguid, int userid) { //... queue.enqueueorderedbroadcastlocked(r); queue.schedulebroadcastslocked(); //... }
public void schedulebroadcastslocked() { if (debug_broadcast) slog.v(tag_broadcast, "schedule broadcasts [" + mqueuename + "]: current=" + mbroadcastsscheduled); if (mbroadcastsscheduled) { return; } mhandler.sendmessage(mhandler.obtainmessage(broadcast_intent_msg, this)); mbroadcastsscheduled = true; }
public void handlemessage(message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case broadcast_intent_msg: { if (debug_broadcast) slog.v( tag_broadcast, "received broadcast_intent_msg"); processnextbroadcast(true); } break; case broadcast_timeout_msg: { synchronized (mservice) { broadcasttimeoutlocked(true); } } break; } }
final void processnextbroadcast(boolean frommsg) { //... delivertoregisteredreceiverlocked(r, filter, r.ordered, recidx); //... }
private void delivertoregisteredreceiverlocked(broadcastrecord r, broadcastfilter filter, boolean ordered, int index) { //... performreceivelocked(filter.receiverlist.app, filter.receiverlist.receiver, new intent(r.intent), r.resultcode, r.resultdata, r.resultextras, r.ordered, r.initialsticky, r.userid); //... }
void performreceivelocked(processrecord app, iintentreceiver receiver, intent intent, int resultcode, string data, bundle extras, boolean ordered, boolean sticky, int sendinguser) throws remoteexception { // send the intent to the receiver asynchronously using one-way binder calls. if (app != null) { if (app.thread != null) { // if we have an app thread, do the call through that so it is // correctly ordered with other one-way calls. try { app.thread.scheduleregisteredreceiver(receiver, intent, resultcode, data, extras, ordered, sticky, sendinguser, app.repprocstate); // todo: uncomment this when (b/28322359) is fixed and we aren't getting // deadobjectexception when the process isn't actually dead. //} catch (deadobjectexception ex) { // failed to call into the process. it's dying so just let it die and move on. // throw ex; } catch (remoteexception ex) { // failed to call into the process. it's either dying or wedged. kill it gently. synchronized (mservice) { slog.w(tag, "can't deliver broadcast to " + app.processname + " (pid " + app.pid + "). crashing it."); app.schedulecrash("can't deliver broadcast"); } throw ex; } } else { // application has died. receiver doesn't exist. throw new remoteexception("app.thread must not be null"); } } else { receiver.performreceive(intent, resultcode, data, extras, ordered, sticky, sendinguser); } }
public void scheduleregisteredreceiver(iintentreceiver receiver, intent intent, int resultcode, string datastr, bundle extras, boolean ordered, boolean sticky, int sendinguser, int processstate) throws remoteexception { updateprocessstate(processstate, false); receiver.performreceive(intent, resultcode, datastr, extras, ordered, sticky, sendinguser); }
public void performreceive(intent intent, int resultcode, string data, bundle extras, boolean ordered, boolean sticky, int sendinguser) { loadedapk.receiverdispatcher rd; if (intent == null) { log.wtf("loadedapk", "null intent received"); rd = null; } else { rd = (loadedapk.receiverdispatcher)this.mdispatcher.get(); } if (rd != null) { rd.performreceive(intent, resultcode, data, extras, ordered, sticky, sendinguser); } else { iactivitymanager mgr = activitymanagernative.getdefault(); try { if (extras != null) { extras.setallowfds(false); } mgr.finishreceiver(this, resultcode, data, extras, false, intent.getflags()); } catch (remoteexception var11) { throw var11.rethrowfromsystemserver(); } } }
public void performreceive(intent intent, int resultcode, string data, bundle extras, boolean ordered, boolean sticky, int sendinguser) { loadedapk.receiverdispatcher.args args = new loadedapk.receiverdispatcher.args(intent, resultcode, data, extras, ordered, sticky, sendinguser); if (intent == null) { log.wtf("loadedapk", "null intent received"); } if ((intent == null || !this.mactivitythread.post(args)) && this.mregistered && ordered) { iactivitymanager mgr = activitymanagernative.getdefault(); args.sendfinished(mgr); } }
public void run() { //... receiver.onreceive(receiverdispatcher.this.mcontext, intent); //... }
public static void main(string[] args) { //... looper.preparemainlooper(); activitythread thread = new activitythread(); thread.attach(false); if (smainthreadhandler == null) { smainthreadhandler = thread.gethandler(); } if (false) { looper.mylooper().setmessagelogging(new logprinter(log.debug, "activitythread")); } // end of event activitythreadmain. trace.traceend(trace.trace_tag_activity_manager); looper.loop(); throw new runtimeexception("main thread loop unexpectedly exited"); }
private void attach(boolean system) { //... final iactivitymanager mgr = activitymanager.getservice(); try { mgr.attachapplication(mappthread); } catch (remoteexception ex) { throw ex.rethrowfromsystemserver(); } //... }
public final void attachapplication(iapplicationthread thread) { synchronized (this) { int callingpid = binder.getcallingpid(); final long origid = binder.clearcallingidentity(); attachapplicationlocked(thread, callingpid); binder.restorecallingidentity(origid); } }
private final boolean attachapplicationlocked(iapplicationthread thread, int pid) { //... thread.bindapplication(processname, appinfo, providers, app.instr.mclass, profilerinfo, app.instr.marguments, app.instr.mwatcher, app.instr.muiautomationconnection, testmode, mbindertransactiontrackingenabled, enabletrackallocation, isrestrictedbackupmode || !normalmode, app.persistent, new configuration(getglobalconfiguration()), app.compat, getcommonserviceslocked(app.isolated), mcoresettingsobserver.getcoresettingslocked(), buildserial); //... }
public final void bindapplication(string processname, applicationinfo appinfo, list<providerinfo> providers, componentname instrumentationname, profilerinfo profilerinfo, bundle instrumentationargs, iinstrumentationwatcher instrumentationwatcher, iuiautomationconnection instrumentationuiconnection, int debugmode, boolean enablebindertracking, boolean trackallocation, boolean isrestrictedbackupmode, boolean persistent, configuration config, compatibilityinfo compatinfo, map services, bundle coresettings, string buildserial) { if (services != null) { // setup the service cache in the servicemanager servicemanager.initservicecache(services); } setcoresettings(coresettings); appbinddata data = new appbinddata(); data.processname = processname; data.appinfo = appinfo; data.providers = providers; data.instrumentationname = instrumentationname; data.instrumentationargs = instrumentationargs; data.instrumentationwatcher = instrumentationwatcher; data.instrumentationuiautomationconnection = instrumentationuiconnection; data.debugmode = debugmode; data.enablebindertracking = enablebindertracking; data.trackallocation = trackallocation; data.restrictedbackupmode = isrestrictedbackupmode; data.persistent = persistent; data.config = config; data.compatinfo = compatinfo; data.initprofilerinfo = profilerinfo; data.buildserial = buildserial; sendmessage(h.bind_application, data); }
public void handlemessage(message msg) { if (debug_messages) slog.v(tag, ">>> handling: " + codetostring(msg.what)); switch (msg.what) { case bind_application: trace.tracebegin(trace.trace_tag_activity_manager, "bindapplication"); appbinddata data = (appbinddata)msg.obj; handlebindapplication(data); trace.traceend(trace.trace_tag_activity_manager); break; //... } }
private void handlebindapplication(appbinddata data) { //... app = data.info.makeapplication(data.restrictedbackupmode, null); minitialapplication = app; if (!data.restrictedbackupmode) { if (!arrayutils.isempty(data.providers)) { installcontentproviders(app, data.providers); // for process that contains content providers, we want to // ensure that the jit is enabled "at some point". mh.sendemptymessagedelayed(h.enable_jit, 10*1000); } } //... minstrumentation.callapplicationoncreate(app); //... }
private void installcontentproviders( context context, list<providerinfo> providers) { final arraylist<contentproviderholder> results = new arraylist<>(); for (providerinfo cpi : providers) { if (debug_provider) { stringbuilder buf = new stringbuilder(128); buf.append("pub "); buf.append(cpi.authority); buf.append(": "); buf.append(cpi.name); log.i(tag, buf.tostring()); } //1 contentproviderholder cph = installprovider(context, null, cpi, false /*noisy*/, true /*noreleaseneeded*/, true /*stable*/); if (cph != null) { cph.noreleaseneeded = true; results.add(cph); } } try { //2 activitymanager.getservice().publishcontentproviders( getapplicationthread(), results); } catch (remoteexception ex) { throw ex.rethrowfromsystemserver(); } }
private contentproviderholder installprovider(context context, contentproviderholder holder, providerinfo info, boolean noisy, boolean noreleaseneeded, boolean stable) { //... localprovider = (contentprovider)cl. loadclass(info.name).newinstance(); provider = localprovider.geticontentprovider(); if (provider == null) { slog.e(tag, "failed to instantiate class " + info.name + " from sourcedir " + info.applicationinfo.sourcedir); return null; } if (debug_provider) slog.v( tag, "instantiating local provider " + info.name); // xxx need to create the correct context for this provider. localprovider.attachinfo(c, info); //... }
private void attachinfo(context context, providerinfo info, boolean testing) { mnoperms = testing; /* * only allow it to be set once, so after the content service gives * this to us clients can't change it. */ if (mcontext == null) { mcontext = context; if (context != null) { mtransport.mappopsmanager = (appopsmanager) context.getsystemservice( context.app_ops_service); } mmyuid = process.myuid(); if (info != null) { setreadpermission(info.readpermission); setwritepermission(info.writepermission); setpathpermissions(info.pathpermissions); mexported = info.exported; msingleuser = (info.flags & providerinfo.flag_single_user) != 0; setauthorities(info.authority); } contentprovider.this.oncreate(); } }
public final void publishcontentproviders(iapplicationthread caller, list<contentproviderholder> providers) { //... componentname comp = new componentname(dst.info.packagename, dst.info.name); mprovidermap.putproviderbyclass(comp, dst); string names[] = dst.info.authority.split(";"); for (int j = 0; j < names.length; j++) { mprovidermap.putproviderbyname(names[j], dst); } //... if (wasinlaunchingproviders) { mhandler.removemessages(content_provider_publish_timeout_msg, r); } //... }
public contentresolver getcontentresolver() { return mbase.getcontentresolver(); }
public contentresolver getcontentresolver() { return mcontentresolver; }
private contextimpl(@nullable contextimpl container, @nonnull activitythread mainthread, @nonnull loadedapk packageinfo, @nullable string splitname, @nullable ibinder activitytoken, @nullable userhandle user, int flags, @nullable classloader classloader) { //... mcontentresolver = new applicationcontentresolver(this, mainthread, user); //... }
public final @nullable cursor query(final @requirespermission.read @nonnull uri uri, @nullable string[] projection, @nullable bundle queryargs, @nullable cancellationsignal cancellationsignal) { //... icontentprovider unstableprovider = acquireunstableprovider(uri); //... }
public final icontentprovider acquireunstableprovider(uri uri) { if (!scheme_content.equals(uri.getscheme())) { return null; } string auth = uri.getauthority(); if (auth != null) { return acquireunstableprovider(mcontext, uri.getauthority()); } return null; }
protected icontentprovider acquireunstableprovider(context c, string auth) { return this.mmainthread.acquireprovider(c, contentprovider.getauthoritywithoutuserid(auth), this.resolveuseridfromauthority(auth), false); }
public final icontentprovider acquireprovider( context c, string auth, int userid, boolean stable) { final icontentprovider provider = acquireexistingprovider(c, auth, userid, stable); if (provider != null) { return provider; } // there is a possible race here. another thread may try to acquire // the same provider at the same time. when this happens, we want to ensure // that the first one wins. // note that we cannot hold the lock while acquiring and installing the // provider since it might take a long time to run and it could also potentially // be re-entrant in the case where the provider is in the same process. contentproviderholder holder = null; try { holder = activitymanager.getservice().getcontentprovider( getapplicationthread(), auth, userid, stable); } catch (remoteexception ex) { throw ex.rethrowfromsystemserver(); } if (holder == null) { slog.e(tag, "failed to find provider info for " + auth); return null; } // install provider will increment the reference count for us, and break // any ties in the race. holder = installprovider(c, holder, holder.info, true /*noisy*/, holder.noreleaseneeded, stable); return holder.provider; }
public final contentproviderholder getcontentprovider( iapplicationthread caller, string name, int userid, boolean stable) { enforcenotisolatedcaller("getcontentprovider"); if (caller == null) { string msg = "null iapplicationthread when getting content provider " + name; slog.w(tag, msg); throw new securityexception(msg); } // the incoming user check is now handled in checkcontentproviderpermissionlocked() to deal // with cross-user grant. return getcontentproviderimpl(caller, name, null, stable, userid); }