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.net下灰度模式图像在创建Graphics时出现:无法从带有索引像素格式的图像创建graphics对象 问题的解决方案。

程序员文章站 2023-08-25 23:39:12

    在.net下,如果你加载了一副8位的灰度图像,然后想向其中绘制一些线条、或者填充一些矩形、椭圆等,都需要先创建grahpics.fromimage创建grahphics对象,而此时会出现:无法从带有索引像素格式的图像创建graphics对象 这个错误,让我们的后续工作无法完成。本文叙述了一种另外的方法来实现它。

      我们通过reflector发编译.net framework的相关函数后发现,fromimage的实现过程如下:

public static graphics fromimage(image image)
    if (image == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception("image");
    if ((image.pixelformat & pixelformat.indexed) != pixelformat.undefined)
        throw new exception(sr.getstring("gdipluscannotcreategraphicsfromindexedpixelformat"));
    intptr zero = intptr.zero;
    int status = safenativemethods.gdip.gdipgetimagegraphicscontext(new handleref(image, image.nativeimage), out zero);
    if (status != 0)
        throw safenativemethods.gdip.statusexception(status);
    return new graphics(zero) { backingimage = image };

     this constructor also fails if the image uses one of the following pixel formats:








  unsafe class graybitmap

        #region gdiapi

        private const int dib_rgb_colors = 0;
        private const int bi_rgb = 0;

        [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, pack = 1)]
        private struct rgbquad
            internal byte blue;
            internal byte green;
            internal byte red;
            internal byte reserved;

        [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, pack = 1)]
        private struct bitmapinfoheader
            internal uint size;
            internal int width;
            internal int height;
            internal ushort planes;
            internal ushort bitcount;
            internal uint compression;
            internal uint sizeimage;
            internal int xpelspermeter;
            internal int ypelspermeter;
            internal uint clrused;
            internal uint clrimportant;
        [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, pack = 1)]
        private struct bitmapinfo
            internal bitmapinfoheader header;
            [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvalarray, sizeconst = 256)]
            internal rgbquad[] palette;

        internal struct logpalette
            internal ushort palversion;
            internal ushort palnumentries;
            [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvalarray, sizeconst = 0x400)]
            internal byte[] palpalentry;

        [dllimport("user32.dll", setlasterror = true)]
        private extern static intptr getdc(intptr hwnd);

        [dllimport("user32.dll", setlasterror = true)]
        private extern static int releasedc(intptr hwnd, intptr hdc);

        [dllimport("gdi32.dll", setlasterror = true)]
        private extern static intptr createcompatibledc(intptr hdc);

        [dllimport("gdi32.dll", setlasterror = true)]
        private static extern uint setdibcolortable(intptr hdc, int un1, int un2, rgbquad[] pcrgbquad);

        [dllimport("gdi32.dll", setlasterror = true)]
        private static extern intptr createdibsection(intptr hdc, ref bitmapinfo bmpinfo, uint iusage, out byte* ppvbits, intptr hsection, uint dwoffset);

        [dllimport("gdi32.dll", setlasterror = true)]
        private extern static boolean deletedc(intptr hdc);

        [dllimport("gdi32.dll", setlasterror = true)]
        private extern static intptr selectobject(intptr hdc, intptr object);
        [dllimport("gdi32.dll", setlasterror = true)]
        private static extern bool deleteobject(intptr object);


        #region privatevariable

        private int m_width = 0;
        private int m_height = 0;
        private int m_stride = 0;
        private intptr m_hdc = intptr.zero;
        private graphics m_graphics = null;
        private intptr m_handle = intptr.zero;
        private byte* m_pointer = null;
        private bitmap m_bitmap = null;
        private bool disposed = false;


        #region property

        public int width { get { return m_width; } }
        public int height { get { return m_height; } }
        public int stride { get { return m_stride; } }
        public intptr handle { get { return m_handle; } }
        public intptr hdc { get { return m_hdc; } }
        public graphics graphics { get { return m_graphics; } }
        public byte* pointer { get { return m_pointer; } }
        public bitmap bitmap { get { return m_bitmap; } }


        #region constructor

        public graybitmap(int width, int height)
            allocatebitmap(width, height);

        public graybitmap(string filename)
            bitmap bmp = (bitmap)bitmap.fromfile(filename);
            if (isgraybitmap(bmp) == false)
                throw new exception("wrong pixelformat");
                allocatebitmap(bmp.width, bmp.height);
                bitmapdata bmpdata = new bitmapdata();
                bmpdata.scan0 = (intptr)m_pointer;
                bmpdata.stride = m_stride;                                  // 把image对象的数据拷贝到dibseciton中去
                bmp.lockbits(new rectangle(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height), imagelockmode.readwrite | imagelockmode.userinputbuffer, bmp.pixelformat, bmpdata);

        public graybitmap(bitmap bmp)
            if (isgraybitmap(bmp) == false)
                throw new exception("wrong pixelformat");
                allocatebitmap(bmp.width, bmp.height);
                bitmapdata bmpdata = new bitmapdata();
                bmpdata.scan0 = (intptr)m_pointer;
                bmpdata.stride = m_stride;                                  // 把image对象的数据拷贝到dibseciton中去
                bmp.lockbits(new rectangle(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height), imagelockmode.readwrite | imagelockmode.userinputbuffer, bmp.pixelformat, bmpdata);



        #region publicmethod

        public static graybitmap fromfile(string filename)
            graybitmap bmp = new graybitmap(filename);
            return bmp;

        public void dispose()

        protected void dispose(bool suppress = true)
            if (disposed == false)
                disposed = true;
                if (m_hdc != intptr.zero) deletedc(m_hdc); m_hdc = intptr.zero;
                if (m_graphics != null) m_graphics.dispose(); m_graphics = null;
                if (m_bitmap != null) m_bitmap.dispose(); m_bitmap = null;
                if (m_handle != intptr.zero) deleteobject(m_handle); m_handle = intptr.zero;
                m_width = 0; m_height = 0; m_stride = 0; m_pointer = null;
                if (suppress == true) gc.suppressfinalize(this);


        #region privatemethod

        private void allocatebitmap(int width, int height)
            if (width <= 0) throw new argumentoutofrangeexception("width", width, "width must be >=0");
            if (height <= 0) throw new argumentoutofrangeexception("height", height, "height must be >=0");

            bitmapinfo bmpinfo = new bitmapinfo();
            bmpinfo.header.size = (uint)sizeof(bitmapinfoheader);
            bmpinfo.header.width = width;
            bmpinfo.header.height = -height;                                    // 为了和gdi对象的坐标(起点坐标在左上角),建立一个倒序的dib
            bmpinfo.header.bitcount = (ushort)8; ;
            bmpinfo.header.planes = 1;
            bmpinfo.header.compression = bi_rgb;                                //  创建dibsection必须用不压缩的格式
            bmpinfo.header.xpelspermeter = 0;                                   // createdibsection does not use the bitmapinfoheader parameters bixpelspermeter or biypelspermeter and will not provide resolution information in the bitmapinfo structure.
            bmpinfo.header.ypelspermeter = 0;
            bmpinfo.header.clrused = 0;
            bmpinfo.header.sizeimage = 0;
            bmpinfo.header.clrimportant = 0;
            bmpinfo.header.sizeimage = 0;
            bmpinfo.palette = new rgbquad[256];
            for (int x = 0; x <256 ; x++)                                      //   for (byte x=0;x<=255;x++)  用这个代码试试,呵呵
                bmpinfo.palette[x].red = (byte)x;
                bmpinfo.palette[x].green = (byte)x;
                bmpinfo.palette[x].blue = (byte)x;
                bmpinfo.palette[x].reserved = 255;
            intptr screecdc = getdc(intptr.zero);
            m_hdc = createcompatibledc(screecdc);
            releasedc(intptr.zero, screecdc);
            m_handle = createdibsection(hdc, ref bmpinfo, dib_rgb_colors, out m_pointer, intptr.zero, 0);
            if (m_handle == intptr.zero)
                m_hdc = intptr.zero;
                throw new outofmemoryexception("createdibsection function failed,this may be caused by user input too large size of image.");
                selectobject(m_hdc, m_handle);
                setdibcolortable(m_hdc, 0, 256, bmpinfo.palette);
                m_width = width; m_height = height; m_stride = (int)((m_width + 3) & 0xfffffffc);
                m_graphics = graphics.fromhdc(m_hdc);
                m_bitmap = new bitmap(m_width, m_height, m_stride, pixelformat.format8bppindexed, (intptr)m_pointer);
                colorpalette pal = m_bitmap.palette;
                for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++) pal.entries[x] = color.fromargb(255, x, x, x);       // 设置灰度图像的调色板  
                m_bitmap.palette = pal;

        private bool isgraybitmap(bitmap bmp)
            bool isgray;
            if (bmp.pixelformat == pixelformat.format8bppindexed)
                isgray = true;
                if (bmp.palette.entries.length != 256)
                    isgray = false;
                    for (int x = 0; x < bmp.palette.entries.length; x++)
                        if (bmp.palette.entries[x].r != bmp.palette.entries[x].g || bmp.palette.entries[x].r != bmp.palette.entries[x].b || bmp.palette.entries[x].b != bmp.palette.entries[x].g)
                            isgray = false;
                isgray = false;
            return isgray;



    solidbrush sb = new solidbrush(color.fromargb(255, 255, 255, 255));
    bmp.graphics.smoothingmode = system.drawing.drawing2d.smoothingmode.antialias;
    bmp.graphics.fillellipse(sb, new rectangle(100, 100, 200, 300));