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程序员文章站 2023-08-23 13:42:49
Oracle建表参考网址:http://www.oraclejsq.com/getOracle_jcjc.do?nodeid=010100139 ......


-- create table
create table student.stuinfo
  stuid      varchar2(10) not null,--学号:'s'+班号(6位数)+学生序号(3位数)(1)
  stuname    varchar2(50) not null,--学生姓名
  sex        char(1) not null,--性别
  age        number(2) not null,--年龄
  classno    varchar2(6) not null,--班号:年级(4位数)+班级序号(2位数)
  stuaddress varchar2(100) default '地址未录入',--地址 (2)
  grade      char(4) not null,--年级
  enroldate  date,--入学时间
  idnumber   varchar2(18) default '身份证未采集' not null--身份证
tablespace users --(3)
    initial 64k
    minextents 1
    maxextents unlimited
-- add comments to the table 
comment on table student.stuinfo --(4)
  is '学生信息表';
-- add comments to the columns 
comment on column student.stuinfo.stuid -- (5)
  is '学号';
comment on column student.stuinfo.stuname
  is '学生姓名';
comment on column student.stuinfo.sex
  is '学生性别';
comment on column student.stuinfo.age
  is '学生年龄';
comment on column student.stuinfo.classno
  is '学生班级号';
comment on column student.stuinfo.stuaddress
  is '学生住址';
comment on column student.stuinfo.grade
  is '年级';
comment on column student.stuinfo.enroldate
  is '入学时间';
comment on column student.stuinfo.idnumber
  is '身份证号';


-- create/recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 
alter table student.stuinfo
  add constraint pk_stuinfo_stuid primary key (stuid);
-- create/recreate check constraints 
alter table student.stuinfo
  add constraint ch_stuinfo_age
  check (age>0 and age<=50);--给字段年龄age添加约束,学生的年龄只能0-50岁之内的
alter table student.stuinfo
  add constraint ch_stuinfo_sex
  check (sex='1' or sex='2');
alter table student.stuinfo
  add constraint ch_stuinfo_grade
  check (grade>='1900' and grade<='2999');