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AQS 框架之 Lock 接口

程序员文章站 2023-04-07 09:19:52
■ 前言 - 内存锁的不足 不可中断:使用内部锁(指的是 synchronized) 时,不能中断正在等待获取锁的线程 不可超时:使用内部锁时,在请求锁失败情况下,必须无限等待,没有超时效果 自动释放:使用内部锁时,内部锁必须在获取它们的代码块中被自动释放(虽然对代码来说是种简化且对异常友好) 不可 ......

■ 前言 - 内存锁的不足

  • 不可中断:使用内部锁(指的是 synchronized) 时,不能中断正在等待获取锁的线程
  • 不可超时:使用内部锁时,在请求锁失败情况下,必须无限等待,没有超时效果
  • 自动释放:使用内部锁时,内部锁必须在获取它们的代码块中被自动释放(虽然对代码来说是种简化且对异常友好)
  • 不可伸缩:使用内部锁时,无法细粒度控制锁(伸缩性不足),即无法实现锁分离和锁联结,比如为每个链表节点(或部分)加锁从而允许不同的线程能够独立操作链表的不同节点(部分),遍历或修改链表时,需先获取该节点锁并直到获取下一个节点锁时才释放当前节点锁
  • 性能问题:使用内部锁时,在有竞争情况下仍会出现性能问题,尽管jdk6对内部锁进行了优化,但无论是偏向锁或是轻量级锁都是针对无竞争情况的优化,无竞争情况下与 reentractlock 性能一致,但有竞争时lock明显更高效


■ lock 接口综述

  • 定义: jdk1.5 引入lock接口,其定义了一些抽象的锁操作,相比synchronized,lock 提供了无条件、可轮询、可定时、可中断的锁获取操作,所有加锁和解锁的方法都是显式的
  • 实现: lock 的实现必须提供具有与 synchronized 相同的内存语义,但加锁的语义、调度算法、顺序保证、性能特性可以有所不同
  • 使用: lock接口的实现基本是通过聚合一个同步器 abstractqueuedsynchronized 的子类来完成线程的访问控制
  • 对比内部锁: lock缺少隐式获取/释放锁的便捷,但却拥有了锁获取与释放的可操作性、可中断的获取锁以及超时获取锁等多种内部锁不具备的同步性,甚至还支持读写锁分离,同时允许获取和释放可以不在同一个块中
  • 补充:此番为 aqs 框架之综述 (排期中) 的子番,同时也是 aqs 框架之 reentractlock (排期中) 的预备番


AQS 框架之 Lock 接口


■ lock 接口方法标准使用

lock lock = new reentrantlock();


■ lock 接口方重点方法

  1. lock()

  • lock方法应具有与内部锁加锁相同的内存语义,即无锁阻塞和支持可重入
  • lock方法必须搭配unlock方法使用,同时必须在finally中显式调用unlock方法释放锁
 * acquires the lock.
 *  获取锁,调用该方法的当前线程将会获取锁,当锁获得后,从该方法返回
 * <p>if the lock is not available then the current thread becomes
 * disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until the
 * lock has been acquired.
 *  若当前锁不可用(已被占有),当前线程会一直休眠直到锁为可被获取状态
 * <p><b>implementation considerations</b>
 *  实现该方法的注意事项
 * <p>a {@code lock} implementation may be able to detect erroneous use
 * of the lock, such as an invocation that would cause deadlock, and
 * may throw an (unchecked) exception in such circumstances.  the
 * circumstances and the exception type must be documented by that
 * {@code lock} implementation.
 *  该方法的实现需要能发现lock被错误使用,如死锁或抛出不可查异常(即可运行期异常和error)
 *  此时该实现必须用文档注明其可能出现的异常或需要的使用环境
void lock();


  2. lockinterruptibly()

  • lockinterruptibly 方法提供可中断的锁获取操作并允许在可取消的活动中使用
public boolean dotask throws interruptedexception(){ lock.lockinterruptibly(); try{ return canceltask(); }finally{ lock.unlock(); } } //取消任务 private boolean canceltask() throws interruptedexception {...}
 * acquires the lock unless the current thread is
 * {@linkplain thread#interrupt interrupted}.
 *      可中断地获取锁,即在锁的获取中可以中断当前线程
 * <p>acquires the lock if it is available and returns immediately.
 *  当获取锁时锁可用就立即返回
 * <p>if the lock is not available then the current thread becomes
 * disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until
 * one of two things happens:
 * <ul>
 * <li>the lock is acquired by the current thread; or
 * <li>some other thread {@linkplain thread#interrupt interrupts} the
 * current thread, and interruption of lock acquisition is supported.
 * </ul>
 *  若当前锁不可用(已被占有),当前线程会一直休眠直到以下两种情况发生:
 *      1.锁被当前线程获取
 *      2.其他线程中断当前线程,同时锁的获取允许被中断
 * <p><b>implementation considerations</b>
 *      实现该方法的注意事项
 * <p>the ability to interrupt a lock acquisition in some
 * implementations may not be possible, and if possible may be an
 * expensive operation.  the programmer should be aware that this
 * may be the case. an implementation should document when this is
 * the case.
 *      该方法属于拓展方法,只有需要中断服务的时候才需要实现它
 * <p>an implementation can favor responding to an interrupt over
 * normal method return.
 *      相对于返回,该方法更适合抛出一个中断响应,比如中断异常
 * @throws interruptedexception if the current thread is
 *         interrupted while acquiring the lock (and interruption
 *         of lock acquisition is supported)
void lockinterruptibly() throws interruptedexception;


 3. trylock()

  • trylock 方法提供可定时与可轮询的锁获取方式,与无条件的锁获取相比,具有更完善的错误恢复机制
  • trylock 方法能够有效的防止死锁的发生,比如使用轮询锁优雅失败规避死锁
  • trylock 方法同时提供定时锁的功能,其允许在限时活动内部使用独占锁,当线程获取锁、被中断或超时后返回
  • trylock 方法支持轮询获取锁:通过一个循环配合trylock()来不断尝试获取锁,由于trylock()非阻塞因此会立即返回是否成功获取锁的结果;当不能获取所有的锁时,应释放已获得的所有锁并重新尝试获取
  • trylock 方法同时支持响应中断
 * acquires the lock only if it is free at the time of invocation.
 *      尝试非阻塞的获取锁,调用该方法后立即返回是否成功获取锁true/false
 * <p>acquires the lock if it is available and returns immediately
 * with the value {@code true}.
 * if the lock is not available then this method will return
 * immediately with the value {@code false}.
 *      当锁不可用时立即返回false
 * this usage ensures that the lock is unlocked if it was acquired, and
 * doesn't try to unlock if the lock was not acquired.
 *      该实现应确保当锁被获取时是未锁状态,当未被获取时不会尝试解锁
 * @return {@code true} if the lock was acquired and
 *         {@code false} otherwise
boolean trylock();
 * acquires the lock if it is free within the given waiting time and the
 * current thread has not been {@linkplain thread#interrupt interrupted}.
 *      没有被中断当前线程在指定超时时间内获取锁
 * if the lock is not available then the current thread becomes disabled for
 * thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of three things happens:
 * <ul>
 * <li>the lock is acquired by the current thread; or
 * <li>some other thread {@linkplain thread#interrupt interrupts} the
 * current thread, and interruption of lock acquisition is supported; or
 * <li>the specified waiting time elapses
 * </ul>
 * <p>if the specified waiting time elapses then the value {@code false} is returned.
 * if the time is less than or equal to zero, the method will not wait at all.
 *      当前线程在以下三种情况下会返回:
 *          1.当前线程在超时时间内获得锁
 *          2.当前线程在超时时间内被中断
 *          3.超时时间结束,返回false,线程不再被阻塞
 * @param time the maximum time to wait for the lock
 * @param unit the time unit of the {@code time} argument
 * @return {@code true} if the lock was acquired and {@code false}
 *         if the waiting time elapsed before the lock was acquired
 * @throws interruptedexception if the current thread is interrupted
 *         while acquiring the lock (and interruption of lock
 *         acquisition is supported)
boolean trylock(long time, timeunit unit) throws interruptedexception;    


  4. unlock()

  • 使用lock方法、lockinterruptibly方法、trylock方法都必须显式调用unlock方法释放锁
  • unlock方法必须在finally块中执行,这也是lock使用的一个代码隐患(容易忘记执行)
  • unlock方法允许与lock方法不在同一个块(即{})中执行,但业务代码必须保证在try-finally块中执行
 * releases the lock.
 *  释放锁
void unlock();


 5. newcondition 方法

  • lock搭配condition可以实现更加灵活的锁获取与释放的条件控制
 * returns a new {@link condition} instance that is bound to this
 * {@code lock} instance.
 *      返回一个等待通知组(条)件
 * <p>before waiting on the condition the lock must be held by the current thread.
 * a call to {@link condition#await()} will atomically release the lock
 * before waiting and re-acquire the lock before the wait returns.
 *      该组件与当前锁绑定,当先线程只有获得锁才能调用该组件的await方法并释放锁
 * @return a new {@link condition} instance for this {@code lock} instance
 * @throws unsupportedoperationexception if this {@code lock}
 *         implementation does not support conditions
condition newcondition();