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程序员文章站 2023-04-04 13:28:52
Java的String类 String类是除了Java的基本类型之外用的最多的类, 甚至用的比基本类型还多. 同样jdk中对Java类也有很多的优化 类的定义 Final 标识不允许集成重载. jdk中还多重要类都是final 标识, 防止应用程序继承重载以影响jdk的安全 继承Serializab ......


string类是除了java的基本类型之外用的最多的类, 甚至用的比基本类型还多. 同样jdk中对java类也有很多的优化


public final class string
    implements java.io.serializable, comparable<string>, charsequence{
   /** the value is used for character storage. */
    private final char value[];

    /** cache the hash code for the string */
    private int hash; // default to 0

    /** use serialversionuid from jdk 1.0.2 for interoperability */
    private static final long serialversionuid = -6849794470754667710l;

     * class string is special cased within the serialization stream protocol.
     * a string instance is written into an objectoutputstream according to
     * <a href="{@docroot}/../platform/serialization/spec/output.html">
     * object serialization specification, section 6.2, "stream elements"</a>
    private static final objectstreamfield[] serialpersistentfields =
        new objectstreamfield[0];

     * initializes a newly created {@code string} object so that it represents
     * an empty character sequence.  note that use of this constructor is
     * unnecessary since strings are immutable.
    public string() {
        this.value = "".value;

     * initializes a newly created {@code string} object so that it represents
     * the same sequence of characters as the argument; in other words, the
     * newly created string is a copy of the argument string. unless an
     * explicit copy of {@code original} is needed, use of this constructor is
     * unnecessary since strings are immutable.
     * @param  original
     *         a {@code string}
    public string(string original) {
        this.value = original.value;
        this.hash = original.hash;
  • final 标识不允许集成重载. jdk中还多重要类都是final 标识, 防止应用程序继承重载以影响jdk的安全

  • 继承serializable 接口, 可以放心的序列化

  • comparable 接口, 可以根据自然序排序.

  • charsequence 字符串的重要接口

  • char数组 value . final 修饰.

  • hash字段 int, 表示当前的hashcode值, 避免每次重复计算hash值

comparable 接口的compareto方法实现

public int compareto(string anotherstring) {
    int len1 = value.length;
    int len2 = anotherstring.value.length;
    int lim = math.min(len1, len2); 
    char v1[] = value;
    char v2[] = anotherstring.value;

    int k = 0;
    while (k < lim) {  //也只是循环比较到长度短的那个字符串
        char c1 = v1[k];
        char c2 = v2[k];
        if (c1 != c2) {
            return c1 - c2;
    return len1 - len2;  //如果前面的长度字符串都一样, 则长度长的大
  • 从左往右逐个char字符比较大小, 从代码可以看出 "s" > "asssssssssssssss"

  • 也只是循环比较到长度短的那个字符串

  • 如果前面的长度字符串都一样, 则长度长的大


 * initializes a newly created {@code string} object so that it represents
 * an empty character sequence.  note that use of this constructor is
 * unnecessary since strings are immutable.
public string() {
    this.value = "".value;

 * initializes a newly created {@code string} object so that it represents
 * the same sequence of characters as the argument; in other words, the
 * newly created string is a copy of the argument string. unless an
 * explicit copy of {@code original} is needed, use of this constructor is
 * unnecessary since strings are immutable.
 * @param  original
 *         a {@code string}
public string(string original) {
    this.value = original.value;
    this.hash = original.hash;
 public string(byte bytes[], int offset, int length, charset charset) {
        if (charset == null)
            throw new nullpointerexception("charset");
        checkbounds(bytes, offset, length);
        this.value =  stringcoding.decode(charset, bytes, offset, length);
  • 空白构造方法其实是生成 "" 字符串

  • 传入其他字符串的构造方式其实只是把其他字符串的value 和hash 值的引用复制一份, 不用担心两个字符串的value和hash 互相干扰. 因为string类中没有修改这两个值的方法, 并且这两个值是private final修饰的, 已经无法修改了

  • 空白构造方法中没有设置hash的值, 则使用 hash的默认值 // default to 0

  • 传入字节数组的构造方法, 怎么将字节转成字符串是使用stringcoding.decode(charset, bytes, offset, length);方法

    stringcoding类的修饰符是default 并且里面都是default static 修饰的方法, 很遗憾, 我们无法直接使用其中的方法

stringcoding.decode 方法

static char[] decode(charset cs, byte[] ba, int off, int len) {
    // (1)we never cache the "external" cs, the only benefit of creating
    // an additional stringde/encoder object to wrap it is to share the
    // de/encode() method. these sd/e objects are short-lifed, the young-gen
    // gc should be able to take care of them well. but the best approash
    // is still not to generate them if not really necessary.
    // (2)the defensive copy of the input byte/char[] has a big performance
    // impact, as well as the outgoing result byte/char[]. need to do the
    // optimization check of (sm==null && classloader0==null) for both.
    // (3)getclass().getclassloader0() is expensive
    // (4)there might be a timing gap in istrusted setting. getclassloader0()
    // is only chcked (and then istrusted gets set) when (sm==null). it is
    // possible that the sm==null for now but then sm is not null later
    // when safetrim() is invoked...the "safe" way to do is to redundant
    // check (... && (istrusted || sm == null || getclassloader0())) in trim
    // but it then can be argued that the sm is null when the opertaion
    // is started...
    charsetdecoder cd = cs.newdecoder();
    int en = scale(len, cd.maxcharsperbyte());
    char[] ca = new char[en];
    if (len == 0)
        return ca;
    boolean istrusted = false;
    if (system.getsecuritymanager() != null) {
        if (!(istrusted = (cs.getclass().getclassloader0() == null))) {
            ba =  arrays.copyofrange(ba, off, off + len);
            off = 0;
    if (cd instanceof arraydecoder) {
        int clen = ((arraydecoder)cd).decode(ba, off, len, ca);
        return safetrim(ca, clen, cs, istrusted);
    } else {
        bytebuffer bb = bytebuffer.wrap(ba, off, len);
        charbuffer cb = charbuffer.wrap(ca);
        try {
            coderresult cr = cd.decode(bb, cb, true);
            if (!cr.isunderflow())
            cr = cd.flush(cb);
            if (!cr.isunderflow())
        } catch (charactercodingexception x) {
            // substitution is always enabled,
            // so this shouldn't happen
            throw new error(x);
        return safetrim(ca, cb.position(), cs, istrusted);
  • 真正的byte[] 转成char[] 是使用charsetdecoder虚拟类, 而这个类的对象是你传入的charset字符编码类中生成的.


    utf8的charsetdecoder 类是内部静态类, 实现了charsetdecoder 和arraydecoder 接口, 接口中的方法很长,都是字节转字符的一些换算, 如果要看懂, 需要一些编码的知识. 追到这里结束

    private static class decoder extends charsetdecoder implements arraydecoder {
        private decoder(charset var1) {
            super(var1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
         // 此处省略无关方法.......
          * 真正的字节转字符的方法
          public int decode(byte[] var1, int var2, int var3, char[] var4) {
                int var5 = var2 + var3;
                int var6 = 0;
                int var7 = math.min(var3, var4.length);
                bytebuffer var8;
                for(var8 = null; var6 < var7 && var1[var2] >= 0; var4[var6++] = (char)var1[var2++]) {
                while(true) {
                    while(true) {
                        while(var2 < var5) {
                            byte var9 = var1[var2++];
                            if (var9 < 0) {
                                byte var10;
                                if (var9 >> 5 != -2 || (var9 & 30) == 0) {
                                    byte var11;
                                    if (var9 >> 4 == -2) {
                                        if (var2 + 1 < var5) {
                                            var10 = var1[var2++];
                                            var11 = var1[var2++];
                                            if (ismalformed3(var9, var10, var11)) {
                                                if (this.malformedinputaction() != codingerroraction.replace) {
                                                    return -1;
                                                var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                                var2 -= 3;
                                                var8 = getbytebuffer(var8, var1, var2);
                                                var2 += malformedn(var8, 3).length();
                                            } else {
                                                char var15 = (char)(var9 << 12 ^ var10 << 6 ^ var11 ^ -123008);
                                                if (character.issurrogate(var15)) {
                                                    if (this.malformedinputaction() != codingerroraction.replace) {
                                                        return -1;
                                                    var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                                } else {
                                                    var4[var6++] = var15;
                                        } else {
                                            if (this.malformedinputaction() != codingerroraction.replace) {
                                                return -1;
                                            if (var2 >= var5 || !ismalformed3_2(var9, var1[var2])) {
                                                var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                                return var6;
                                            var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                    } else if (var9 >> 3 != -2) {
                                        if (this.malformedinputaction() != codingerroraction.replace) {
                                            return -1;
                                        var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                    } else if (var2 + 2 < var5) {
                                        var10 = var1[var2++];
                                        var11 = var1[var2++];
                                        byte var12 = var1[var2++];
                                        int var13 = var9 << 18 ^ var10 << 12 ^ var11 << 6 ^ var12 ^ 3678080;
                                        if (!ismalformed4(var10, var11, var12) && character.issupplementarycodepoint(var13)) {
                                            var4[var6++] = character.highsurrogate(var13);
                                            var4[var6++] = character.lowsurrogate(var13);
                                        } else {
                                            if (this.malformedinputaction() != codingerroraction.replace) {
                                                return -1;
                                            var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                            var2 -= 4;
                                            var8 = getbytebuffer(var8, var1, var2);
                                            var2 += malformedn(var8, 4).length();
                                    } else {
                                        if (this.malformedinputaction() != codingerroraction.replace) {
                                            return -1;
                                        int var14 = var9 & 255;
                                        if (var14 <= 244 && (var2 >= var5 || !ismalformed4_2(var14, var1[var2] & 255))) {
                                            if (var2 >= var5 || !ismalformed4_3(var1[var2])) {
                                                var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                                return var6;
                                            var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                        } else {
                                            var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                } else {
                                    if (var2 >= var5) {
                                        if (this.malformedinputaction() != codingerroraction.replace) {
                                            return -1;
                                        var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                        return var6;
                                    var10 = var1[var2++];
                                    if (isnotcontinuation(var10)) {
                                        if (this.malformedinputaction() != codingerroraction.replace) {
                                            return -1;
                                        var4[var6++] = this.replacement().charat(0);
                                    } else {
                                        var4[var6++] = (char)(var9 << 6 ^ var10 ^ 3968);
                            } else {
                                var4[var6++] = (char)var9;
                        return var6;

结论: 字节转换成字符串需要使用到工具类stringcoding 类的decode方法,此方法会依赖传入的charset 编码类中的内部静态类stringdecode的decode方法来真正的把字节转成字符串. java通过接口的定义很好的把具体的实现转移到具体的编码类中, 而string只要面向接口编程就可以了, 这样也方便扩展不同的编码

同样的string的getbytes方法也是把主要的工作转移到具体charset 编码类的stringencode 来完成


重写了此方法, 并且值和每个字符有关

public int hashcode() {
    int h = hash;
    if (h == 0 && value.length > 0) {
        char val[] = value;
        for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            h = 31 * h + val[i];   //为何旧值要乘以31
        hash = h;
        return h;



public string concat(string str) {
    int otherlen = str.length();
    if (otherlen == 0) {
        return this;
    int len = value.length;
    char buf[] = arrays.copyof(value, len + otherlen);
    str.getchars(buf, len);
    return new string(buf, true);
  • 直接在内存中复制一份新的数组, 在new 一个string对象. 线程安全. 性能较低.

  • 也可以直接是用 + 拼接.

    参考 https://blog.csdn.net/youanyyou/article/details/78992978这个链接了解到. + 链接再编译成字节码后还是使用的stringbuiler 来拼接, 而concat 还是使用数组复制加上 new 新对象来拼接, 综合得出 还是使用 + 来拼接吧, 性能更好


public static string join(charsequence delimiter, charsequence... elements) {
    // number of elements not likely worth arrays.stream overhead.
    stringjoiner joiner = new stringjoiner(delimiter);
    for (charsequence cs: elements) {
    return joiner.tostring();


public final class stringjoiner {
    private final string prefix;
    private final string delimiter;
    private final string suffix;

     * stringbuilder value -- at any time, the characters constructed from the
     * prefix, the added element separated by the delimiter, but without the
     * suffix, so that we can more easily add elements without having to jigger
     * the suffix each time.
    private stringbuilder value;
     * adds a copy of the given {@code charsequence} value as the next
     * element of the {@code stringjoiner} value. if {@code newelement} is
     * {@code null}, then {@code "null"} is added.
     * @param  newelement the element to add
     * @return a reference to this {@code stringjoiner}
    public stringjoiner add(charsequence newelement) {
        return this;

    private stringbuilder preparebuilder() {
        if (value != null) {
        } else {
            value = new stringbuilder().append(prefix);
        return value;

  • 内部发现还是使用stringbuilder来实现, join 完全就是一个为了使用方便的一个工具方法


public string replace(char oldchar, char newchar) 
  • 使用数组遍历替换
public string replace(charsequence target, charsequence replacement)
  • 使用正则表达式进行替换, 正则的源码在 接下来的文章分析

format 静态方法, 可以格式换字符串, 主要用于字符串的国际化,

内部使用了formatter类, 而formatter 中也是使用了正则表达式,


public string tolowercase(locale locale) 
  • 遍历char 数组, 每个字符使用character.tolowercase 来小写

trim 方法

从前后遍历空白字符, 判断空白字符是使用的 char <=' ' 来判断的(学到一点), 后面在使用substring来截取非空白字符


内部使用public string(char value[], int offset, int count) 构造方法来生成新的字符串, 在这个构造方法内部会有数组的赋值


public static string valueof(object obj) {
    return (obj == null) ? "null" : obj.tostring();
// 内部使用传入对象的自己的tostring方法, 传入对象如果没有重载tostring方法, 就使用默认的tostring方法. 
public static string valueof(char data[]) {
    return new string(data);
// 根据传入的数组来选择合适的构造方法来生成string对象

public static string valueof(boolean b) {
    return b ? "true" : "false";
// 根据传入布尔值

static copyvalueof方法

public static string copyvalueof(char data[], int offset, int count) {
        return new string(data, offset, count);
// 静态工具方法, 默认使用合适构造方法来截取和生成新新的字符串

native intern方法

这个方法涉及到string的内存和常量池, 具体会在其他文章中详解.

public native string intern();