程序运行时间测试 - 使用libc 中 clock 函数
2023-04-04 12:21:51
我们运行程序的时候,可以简单使用clock函数测试程序的运行时间:(本示例中以微秒为单位输出) https://github.com/yaowenxu/Workplace/blob/master/timer/clocktimer.c 保持更新,更多文章,请关注cnblogs.com/xuyaowen ......
/** * author: yaowen xu * github: https://github.com/yaowenxu * organization: 北航系统结构研究所 * date: 2019-08-18 11:59:54 * lastedittime: 2019-08-18 12:45:45 * description: 使用 c 语言标准库函数clock来进行测试程序运行时间 */ #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int str2int(char* str){ char *p = str; int sum = 0; while (*p != '\0') { sum = sum*10 + (*p-'0'); p++; } return sum; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ clock_t start, stop; int def = 1000; if (argc == 2) { def = str2int(argv[argc-1]); } start = clock(); for (int i = 0; i < def ; i++) { float tmp = sqrt(i); } stop = clock(); double total = stop - start; // 使用运行的时间 printf("clocks: %.1f\n", total); // 总共使用的时钟 printf("time: %.1f us\n", total*1e6/(clocks_per_sec)); // 转换运行时间为微秒 return 0; } /* * approximates the processor time used by the program, * since the beginning of an implementation-defined time * period that is related to the program invocation. * to measure the time spent in a program, call the clock() * function at the start of the program, and subtract its * returned value from the value returned by subsequent calls * to clock(). then, to obtain the time in seconds, divide * the value returned by clock() by clocks_per_sec. * * if you use the system() function in your program, do not * rely on clock() for program timing, because calls to system() * may reset the clock. * * in a multithread posix c application, if you are creating threads * with a function that is based on a posix.4a draft standard, * the clock() function is thread-scoped. * * refer:https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/ssltbw_2.3.0/com.ibm.zos.v2r3.bpxbd00/clock.htm */
程序运行时间测试 - 使用libc 中 clock 函数
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程序运行时间测试 - 使用libc 中 clock 函数
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