我们讨论《c++ primer plus》中的如下场景:银行记录客户信息,包括客户姓名、当前余额。客户这一类别当然能够创建客户对象、存款、取款以及显示信息。银行需要特殊记录具有透支权限的客户,因此这一类别的客户要额外记录透支上限、透支贷款利率以及当前透支总额。此外,取款和显示信息两个操作必须考虑客户的透支情况。综上,具有透支权限的客户是客户这一基类的派生类,派生类中不但需要添加新的成员,还要重载两个继承方法。
1 #ifndef brass_h_ 2 #define brass_h_ 3 4 #include <string> 5 6 class brass 7 { 8 private: 9 std::string fullname; 10 long acctnum; 11 double balance; 12 public: 13 brass(const std::string& s = "nullbody",long an = -1,double ba = 0.0);//default constructor 14 void deposit(double amt); 15 double balance() const; 16 virtual void withdraw(double amt);//virtual function 17 virtual void viewacct() const; 18 virtual ~brass() {}//使用虚析构函数确保先调用继承类析构函数 19 }; 20 21 //brass plus account class 22 class brassplus:public brass 23 { 24 private: 25 double maxloan; 26 double rate; 27 double owesbank; 28 public: 29 brassplus(const std::string& s = "nullbody",long an = -1, 30 double bal = 0.0,double ml = 500,double r = 0.11125); 31 brassplus(const brass& ba,double ml = 500,double r = 0.11125); 32 virtual void viewacct() const; 33 virtual void withdraw(double amt); 34 void resetmax(double m) {maxloan = m;}//inline function 35 void resetrate(double r) {rate = r;} 36 void resetowes() {owesbank = 0;} 37 }; 38 39 #endif
1 #include"brass.h" 2 #include <iostream> 3 4 using std::cout; 5 using std::endl; 6 using std::string; 7 8 //brass methods 9 brass::brass(const string& s,long an,double bal) 10 { 11 fullname = s; 12 acctnum = an; 13 balance = bal; 14 } 15 16 void brass::deposit(double amt) 17 { 18 if(amt < 0) 19 cout << "negative deposit not allowed;" 20 << "deposit is cancelled.\n"; 21 else 22 balance += amt; 23 } 24 25 void brass::withdraw(double amt) 26 { 27 if(amt < 0) 28 cout << "withdrawal amount must be positive;" 29 << "withdrawal canceled.\n"; 30 else if (amt <= balance) 31 balance -= amt; 32 else 33 cout << "withdrawal amount of $" << amt 34 << "exceeds your balance.\n" 35 << "withdrawal canceled.\n"; 36 } 37 38 double brass::balance() const 39 { 40 return balance; 41 } 42 43 void brass::viewacct() const 44 { 45 cout << "client: " << fullname << endl; 46 cout << "account number: " << acctnum << endl; 47 cout << "balance: $" << balance << endl; 48 } 49 50 //brassplus methods 51 brassplus::brassplus(const string& s,long an,double bal, 52 double ml,double r):brass(s,an,bal) 53 { 54 maxloan = ml; 55 owesbank = 0.0; 56 rate = r; 57 } 58 59 brassplus::brassplus(const brass& ba,double ml,double r):brass(ba) 60 { 61 maxloan = ml; 62 owesbank = 0.0; 63 rate = r; 64 } 65 66 //redefine viewacct() 67 void brassplus::viewacct() const 68 { 69 brass::viewacct(); 70 cout << "maximum loan: $" << maxloan << endl; 71 cout << "owed to bank: $" << owesbank << endl; 72 } 73 74 void brassplus::withdraw(double amt) 75 { 76 double bal = balance(); 77 if(amt <= bal) 78 brass::withdraw(amt); 79 else if(amt <= bal + maxloan - owesbank)// 已欠 + 此欠 ≤ maxloan 80 { 81 double advance = amt - bal; 82 owesbank += advance * (1.0+rate); 83 cout << "bank advance: $" << advance << endl; 84 cout << "finance charge: $" << advance*rate << endl; 85 deposit(advance); 86 brass::withdraw(amt);// return to zero 87 } 88 else 89 cout << "credit limit exceeded. transcation cancelled.\n" ; 90 }
上述代码多了一个新的语法特性:虚函数(virtual function)。当基类声明中函数前加virtual,表示该函数为虚函数。区别在于当调用者是引用或者指针时,调用的是基类方法,还是派生类重载后的方法。具体区别我们后边在讨论。重中之重在于虚析构函数的意义。如果程序中使用delete删除占用的动态内存,且用于索引内存地址的指针类型是基类,那么即使该指针指向的是一个派生类对象,此时仅基类析构函数被调用。 我们着重观察brassplus类重载的方法withdraw有什么变化。这类客户由于具有透支权限,在取款时肯定要考虑欠款情况。若欲取出金额≤存储金额,则直接调用基类方法withdraw,把存储金额减小;若欲取出金额大于存储金额,就必须进一步分析欠款情况。已欠款+此次欠款≤透支额度时,取款操作才有效。因此:owes+(amt - balance) ≤ maxloan,进一步变形为:amt ≤ balance+maxloan-owes。
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include "brass.h" 3 4 int main() 5 { 6 using std::cout; 7 using std::endl; 8 9 brass piggy("porcelot pigg",381299,4000.00); 10 brassplus hoggy("horatio hogg",382288,3000.00); 11 12 piggy.viewacct(); 13 cout << endl; 14 hoggy.viewacct(); 15 cout << endl; 16 17 cout << "depositing $1000 into the hogg account:\n"; 18 hoggy.deposit(1000.00); 19 cout << "new balance: $" <<hoggy.balance() <<endl; 20 cout << endl; 21 22 cout << "withdrawing $4200 from the pigg account:\n"; 23 piggy.withdraw(4200.00); 24 cout << "pigg account balance: $" << piggy.balance() << endl; 25 cout << endl; 26 27 cout << "withdrawing $4200 from the hogg account:\n"; 28 hoggy.withdraw(4200.00); 29 hoggy.viewacct(); 30 cout << endl; 31 32 brass dom("dominic banker",11224,4183.45); 33 brassplus dot("dorothy banker",12118,2592.00); 34 35 brass& b1_ref = dom; 36 brass& b2_ref = dot;//use brassplus::viewacct() function 37 38 b1_ref.viewacct(); 39 cout << endl; 40 b2_ref.viewacct(); 41 cout << endl; 42 43 return 0; 44 }