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详解高效而稳定的企业级.NET Office 组件Spire(.NET组件介绍之二)

程序员文章站 2023-02-15 20:19:25


在前面介绍过一款开源免费的组件docx,这个组件主要是对文档进行操作。另一种对excel操作的组件npoi组件。今天介绍一款.net office操作组件spire,这是一个企业级的.net office操作组件,但是这是一款不免费也不开源的组件。可能很多人听到这里就不想再读下去了,的确,在国内毕竟免费才可以占用主流市场,因为很多客户希望减少成本,所以希望采用免费的工具。



由于spire的组件较多,今天就用spire.pdf for .net做个引子,不一定收费就没有客户会选择,如果需要稳定的服务支持,收费的组件是可以考虑的,或者遇到土豪客户,也可以在项目中使用一下,毕竟使用起来很便捷。

一.spire.pdf for .net组件概述:

spire.pdf for .net是一个专业的pdf组件,用于在.net应用程序中创建,编写,编辑,处理和阅读pdf文件,而不需要任何外部依赖。 使用这个.net pdf库,您可以实现丰富的功能从头开始创建pdf文件或完全通过c#/ vb.net处理现有的pdf文档,而无需安装adobe acrobat。

 .net pdf api支持许多丰富的功能,例如安全设置(包括数字签名),pdf文本/附件/图像提取,pdf合并/拆分,元数据更新,段,图像/图像绘制和插入,表创建 以及处理和导入数据等。

此外,spire.pdf for .net可以应用于使用c#/ vb.net以高质量轻松地将文本,图像和html转换为pdf。


详解高效而稳定的企业级.NET Office 组件Spire(.NET组件介绍之二)

spire.pdf for .net支持将html,rtf,xps,文本和图像转换为具有高效性能的pdf文档。 开发人员可以将pdf转换为word,xps,svg,emf,jpg,png,bmp,tiff,文本格式。 此外,随着spire.doc for .net和spire.xls for .net,开发人员可以将word(doc / docx),excel(xls / xlsx)和xml转换为pdf。





4.pdf / a-1b和pdf / x1a:2001合规性,可以应用这两种标准。


6.spire.pdf for .net可支持表和表样式



二.spire.pdf for .net相关类的解析:



详解高效而稳定的企业级.NET Office 组件Spire(.NET组件介绍之二)

详解高效而稳定的企业级.NET Office 组件Spire(.NET组件介绍之二)

详解高效而稳定的企业级.NET Office 组件Spire(.NET组件介绍之二)

详解高效而稳定的企业级.NET Office 组件Spire(.NET组件介绍之二)




public pdfdocument();
  public pdfdocument(string filename);
  public pdfdocument(byte[] bytes);
  public pdfdocument(stream stream);
  public pdfdocument(string filename, string password);
  public pdfdocument(byte[] bytes, string password);
  public pdfdocument(stream stream, string password);



 public void loadfromhtml(string url, bool enablejavascript, bool enablehyperlinks, bool autodetectpagebreak)
  // this item is obfuscated and can not be translated.
  pdfhtmllayoutformat format;
  int num;
  goto label_001e;
  num = 0;
  switch (num)
    case 0:

    case 1:
      if (!autodetectpagebreak)
        format.layout = pdflayouttype.onepage;
        format.fittopage = clip.width;
        format.fittohtml = clip.height;
        num = 2;
        num = 3;
      goto label_0002;

    case 2:
      switch ((1 == 1))
        case 2:
          goto label_008f;
      if (0 != 0)

    case 3:
      format.layout = pdflayouttype.paginate;
      format.fittopage = clip.width;
      goto label_008f;

      goto label_001e;
      if (1 != 0)
      format = new pdfhtmllayoutformat();
      num = 1;
      goto label_0002;
  this.sections.add().loadfromhtml(url, enablejavascript, enablehyperlinks, format);


namespace spire.pdf.htmlconverter
  public enum aspectratio

  public enum clip

  public class htmlconverter : usercontrol, sprᰐ, sprᶪ, sprṳ, sprẝ, sprẏ

  public enum imagetype

  public class pdfhtmllayoutformat

private metafile ();
  static htmlconverter();
  public htmlconverter();
  public int authenticate(ref intptr phwnd, ref intptr pszusername, ref intptr pszpassword);
  public htmltopdfresult convert(string url, imagetype type, int width, int height, aspectratio aspectratio);
  public htmltopdfresult convert(string html, string baseurl, imagetype type, int width, int height, aspectratio aspectratio);
  public htmltopdfresult convert(string url, imagetype type, int width, int height, aspectratio aspectratio, string username, string password);
  public image converttoimage(string url, imagetype type);
  public image converttoimage(stream stream, encoding encoding, imagetype type);
  public image converttoimage(string url, imagetype type, int width);
  public image converttoimage(stream stream, encoding encoding, imagetype type, int width);
  public image converttoimage(string url, imagetype type, int width, int height);
  public image converttoimage(string url, imagetype type, string username, string password);
  public image converttoimage(stream stream, encoding encoding, imagetype type, int width, int height);
  public image converttoimage(string url, imagetype type, int width, int height, aspectratio aspectratio);
  public image converttoimage(string url, imagetype type, int width, string username, string password);
  public image converttoimage(stream stream, encoding encoding, imagetype type, int width, int height, aspectratio aspectratio);
  public image converttoimage(string url, imagetype type, int width, int height, string username, string password);
  public image converttoimage(string url, imagetype type, int width, int height, aspectratio aspectratio, string username, string password);
  public int customizedownload();
  protected override void dispose(bool disposing);
  public image fromstring(string html, imagetype type, int width);
  public image fromstring(string html, string baseurl, imagetype type);
  public image fromstring(string html, imagetype type, int width, int height);
  public image fromstring(string html, string baseurl, imagetype type, int width);
  public image fromstring(string html, imagetype type, int width, int height, aspectratio aspectratio);
  public image fromstring(string html, string baseurl, imagetype type, int width, int height);
  public image fromstring(string html, string baseurl, imagetype type, int width, int height, aspectratio aspectratio);
  public image fromstring(string html, string baseurl, imagetype type, int width, int height, aspectratio aspectratio, string username, string password);
  public image[] getimagesfromstring(string html, string baseurl, imagetype type);
  public int queryservice(ref guid guidservice, ref guid riid, out intptr ppvobject);int sprẏ.getsecurityid(string pwszurl, intptr pbsecurityid, ref uint pcbsecurityid, ref uint dwreserved);
  int sprẏ.getsecuritysite(out intptr psite);
  int sprẏ.getzonemappings(uint dwzone, out ienumstring ppenumstring, uint dwflags);
  int sprẏ.mapurltozone(string pwszurl, out uint pdwzone, uint dwflags);
  int sprẏ.processurlaction(string pwszurl, uint dwaction, intptr ppolicy, uint cbpolicy, intptr pcontext, uint cbcontext, uint dwflags, uint dwreserved);
  int sprẏ.querycustompolicy(string pwszurl, ref guid guidkey, out intptr pppolicy, out uint pcbpolicy, intptr pcontext, uint cbcontext, uint dwreserved);
  int sprẏ.setsecuritysite(intptr psite);
  int sprẏ.setzonemapping(uint dwzone, string lpszpattern, uint dwflags);
  int sprᶪ.getcontainer(object ppcontainer);
  int sprᶪ.getmoniker(uint dwassign, uint dwwhichmoniker, object ppmk);
  int sprᶪ.onshowwindow(bool fshow);
  int sprᶪ.requestnewobjectlayout();
  int sprᶪ.saveobject();
  int sprᶪ.showobject();


三.spire.pdf for .net实例:

   由于本文主要讲解html页面转换为pdf文档,所以先提供一种get请求html页面,以及一种获取页面图片的操作方法。接着介绍创建pdf文档、text转化为pdf, xps转换为pdf,image转换为pdf等操作方法。


/// <summary>
    /// 指定路径发送get请求
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="geturl"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string httpget(string geturl)
        if (string.isnullorempty(geturl))
          throw new argumentnullexception(geturl);
        var request = webrequest.create(geturl) as httpwebrequest;
        if (request == null)
          return null;
        var cookiecontainer = new cookiecontainer();
        request.cookiecontainer = cookiecontainer;
        request.allowautoredirect = true;
        request.method = "get";
        request.contenttype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        var response = request.getresponse() as httpwebresponse;
        if (response != null)
          var instream = response.getresponsestream();
          if (instream == null)
            throw new argumentnullexception("geturl");
          string content;
          using (var sr = new streamreader(instream, encoding.utf8))
            content = sr.readtoend();
          return content;
      catch (exception er)
        throw new exception(er.message);
      return null;

2.取得html中所有图片的 url:

/// <summary>  
    /// 取得html中所有图片的 url。  
    /// </summary>  
    /// <param name="url">html代码</param>
    /// <returns>图片的url列表</returns> 
    public static string htmlcoderequest(string url)
      if (string.isnullorempty(url))
        throw new argumentnullexception(url);
        var httprequst = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create(url);
        httprequst.keepalive = true;
        httprequst.method = "get";
        httprequst.useragent = "user-agent:mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 6.0; windows nt 5.2; .net clr 1.0.3705";
        httprequst.accept = "*/*";
        httprequst.headers.add("accept-language", "zh-cn,en-us;q=0.5");
        httprequst.servicepoint.expect100continue = false;
        httprequst.timeout = 5000;
        httprequst.allowautoredirect = true;
        servicepointmanager.defaultconnectionlimit = 30;
        var webres = (httpwebresponse)httprequst.getresponse();
        string content;
        using (var stream = webres.getresponsestream())
          using (var reader = new streamreader(stream, encoding.getencoding("utf-8")))
            content = reader.readtoend();
        return content;
      catch (exception ex)
        throw new exception(ex.message);


pdfdocument doc = new pdfdocument();

      doc.loadfromhtml(url, false, true, true);



 //enable javascript 
 //load timeout
* 1000,
//page size
new sizef(612, 792),
//page margins
new pdfmargins(0, 0));


 public static void textlayout()
      //create a pdf document.
      pdfdocument doc = new pdfdocument();

      // create one page
      pdfpagebase page = doc.pages.add();
      float pagewidth = page.canvas.clientsize.width;
      float y = 0;

      //page header
      pdfpen pen1 = new pdfpen(color.lightgray, 1f);
      pdfbrush brush1 = new pdfsolidbrush(color.lightgray);
      pdftruetypefont font1 = new pdftruetypefont(new font("arial", 8f, fontstyle.italic));
      pdfstringformat format1 = new pdfstringformat(pdftextalignment.right);
      string text = "demo of spire.pdf";
      page.canvas.drawstring(text, font1, brush1, pagewidth, y, format1);
      sizef size = font1.measurestring(text, format1);
      y = y + size.height + 1;
      page.canvas.drawline(pen1, 0, y, pagewidth, y);

      y = y + 5;
      pdfbrush brush2 = new pdfsolidbrush(color.black);
      pdftruetypefont font2 = new pdftruetypefont(new font("arial", 16f, fontstyle.bold));
      pdfstringformat format2 = new pdfstringformat(pdftextalignment.center);
      format2.characterspacing = 1f;
      text = "summary of science";
      page.canvas.drawstring(text, font2, brush2, pagewidth / 2, y, format2);
      size = font2.measurestring(text, format2);
      y = y + size.height + 6;

      pdfimage image = pdfimage.fromfile(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\data\wikipedia_science.png");
      page.canvas.drawimage(image, new pointf(pagewidth - image.physicaldimension.width, y));
      float imageleftspace = pagewidth - image.physicaldimension.width - 2;
      float imagebottom = image.physicaldimension.height + y;

      //refenrence content
      pdftruetypefont font3 = new pdftruetypefont(new font("arial", 9f));
      pdfstringformat format3 = new pdfstringformat();
      format3.paragraphindent = font3.size * 2;
      format3.measuretrailingspaces = true;
      format3.linespacing = font3.size * 1.5f;
      string text1 = "(all text and picture from ";
      string text2 = "wikipedia";
      string text3 = ", the free encyclopedia)";
      page.canvas.drawstring(text1, font3, brush2, 0, y, format3);

      size = font3.measurestring(text1, format3);
      float x1 = size.width;
      format3.paragraphindent = 0;
      pdftruetypefont font4 = new pdftruetypefont(new font("arial", 9f, fontstyle.underline));
      pdfbrush brush3 = pdfbrushes.blue;
      page.canvas.drawstring(text2, font4, brush3, x1, y, format3);
      size = font4.measurestring(text2, format3);
      x1 = x1 + size.width;

      page.canvas.drawstring(text3, font3, brush2, x1, y, format3);
      y = y + size.height;

      pdfstringformat format4 = new pdfstringformat();
      text = system.io.file.readalltext(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\data\summary_of_science.txt");
      pdftruetypefont font5 = new pdftruetypefont(new font("arial", 10f));
      format4.linespacing = font5.size * 1.5f;
      pdfstringlayouter textlayouter = new pdfstringlayouter();
      float imageleftblockheight = imagebottom - y;
      pdfstringlayoutresult result
        = textlayouter.layout(text, font5, format4, new sizef(imageleftspace, imageleftblockheight));
      if (result.actualsize.height < imagebottom - y)
        imageleftblockheight = imageleftblockheight + result.lineheight;
        result = textlayouter.layout(text, font5, format4, new sizef(imageleftspace, imageleftblockheight));
      foreach (lineinfo line in result.lines)
        page.canvas.drawstring(line.text, font5, brush2, 0, y, format4);
        y = y + result.lineheight;
      pdftextwidget textwidget = new pdftextwidget(result.remainder, font5, brush2);
      pdftextlayout textlayout = new pdftextlayout();
      textlayout.break = pdflayoutbreaktype.fitpage;
      textlayout.layout = pdflayouttype.paginate;
      rectanglef bounds = new rectanglef(new pointf(0, y), page.canvas.clientsize);
      textwidget.stringformat = format4;
      textwidget.draw(page, bounds, textlayout);

      //save pdf file.

      //launching the pdf file.


public void xpstopdf()
      //xps file
      string file = @"..\..\..\..\..\..\data\sample4.xps";

      //open xps document
      pdfdocument doc = new pdfdocument();

      //convert to pdf file.

      //launching the pdf file.


 public void imagetopdf()
      //create a pdf document.
      pdfdocument doc = new pdfdocument();

      // create one page
      pdfpagebase page = doc.pages.add();

      //draw the text
      page.canvas.drawstring("hello, world!",
                  new pdffont(pdffontfamily.helvetica, 30f),
                  new pdfsolidbrush(color.black),
                  10, 10);
      //draw the image
      pdfimage image = pdfimage.fromfile(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\data\salesreportchart.png");
      float width = image.width * 0.75f;
      float height = image.height * 0.75f;
      float x = (page.canvas.clientsize.width - width) / 2;

      page.canvas.drawimage(image, x, 60, width, height);

      //save pdf file.

      //launching the pdf file.




