2023-02-06 20:09:59
oracle删除表,如果表不存在,就报错,在跑大型脚本(脚本长且耗时的时候)比较麻烦,一般希望的是点开始然后脚本运行到结束,不可能一直盯着屏幕等弹出提示手工点掉,mysql就很好有drop table if not exist功能CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE p_drop_... ......
oracle删除表,如果表不存在,就报错,在跑大型脚本(脚本长且耗时的时候)比较麻烦,一般希望的是点开始然后脚本运行到结束,不可能一直盯着屏幕等弹出提示手工点掉,mysql就很好有drop table if not exist功能
create or replace procedure p_drop_table_if_exist(p_vc2_tbl_name in all_tables.table_name%type,
p_vc2_tbl_owner in all_tables.owner%type default user) is
v_num_tbl_count number(4);
v_vc2_sql_stmt varchar2(1000);
-- check if table already exists
p_chk_table_exist(p_vc2_tbl_name, p_vc2_tbl_owner, v_num_tbl_count);
if (v_num_tbl_count != 0) then
-- table already exists and must be dropped
v_vc2_sql_stmt := 'drop table ' || case
when p_vc2_tbl_owner is not null then
p_vc2_tbl_owner || '.'
end || p_vc2_tbl_name || ' purge'
execute immediate v_vc2_sql_stmt;
end if;
create or replace procedure p_chk_table_exist(p_vc2_tbl_name in all_tables.table_name%type,
p_vc2_tbl_owner in all_tables.owner%type default user,
p_num_tbl_count out number -- 1 if table exists, 0 if it doesn't
) is
v_vc2_tbl_name all_tables.table_name%type := upper(p_vc2_tbl_name);
if p_vc2_tbl_owner is not null then
select count(1)
into p_num_tbl_count
from all_tables
where table_name = v_vc2_tbl_name
and owner = upper(p_vc2_tbl_owner);
select count(1)
into p_num_tbl_count
from user_tables
where table_name = v_vc2_tbl_name;
end if;
end p_chk_table_exist;
have fun