ORA-14061: 不能更改索引分区列的数据类型或长度
在行: 2 上开始执行命令时出错 -
alter table kc23 modify aaz210 varchar2(50)
错误报告 -
sql 错误: ora-14061: 不能更改索引分区列的数据类型或长度
14061. 00000 - "data type or length of an index partitioning column may not be changed"
*cause: user issued alter table statement attempting to modify
data type and/or length of a column used to partition some index
defined on the table named in alter table statement, which is
*action: avoid modifying data type and/or length of index
partitioning column(s)
alter table kc23 drop constraint pk_kc23;
drop index pk_kc23;
alter table kc23 modify ( aaz210 varchar2(50));
alter table kc23 add constraint pk_kc23 primary key(aaz210) using index tablespace tbsb_sjqy;
alter table kc23 enable constraint pk_kc23;