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程序员文章站 2022-03-15 17:45:02
本人较菜,请问各位侠士,如何在PHP中达到EventStack的NotifyWatcher方法可以将取得的数据返还给welcome.php指定的回调函数,我哪里写的不对啊 ???

出现的错误为:Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/latel/Workspace/new_zhebo/module/EventStack.php on line ××


addEvent(    "DATA_REQUEST",    serialize(array(        array(            "request" => "settingDaemon"        )    )),    $fGetSettings,    null);?>

_aEventStack[] = array(            "stamp" => $sStamp,            "value" => $sValue,            "handler" => $fHandler,            "scope" => $mScope,            "timestamp" => time()        );        $iKey =  sizeof($this->_aEventStack) - 1;        $this->notifyWatcher($iKey);        return $iKey;    }    public function addWatcher($oWatcher, $sWatchStamp) {    }    ##C##    public function clearEventStack() {        //清空事件堆栈    }    ##E##    public function exportEventStack() {        //输出调试信息    }    ##G##    public function getStack($iStackId) {        //根据是否提供堆栈序号,返回堆栈列表或指定堆栈的内容    }    ##N##    private function notifyWatcher($iKey) {        //推送事件至相应的观察者        if (array_key_exists($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"], $this->_aWatcherRegistry)) {            $mCallback = $this->_aWatcherRegistry[$this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"]](                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"],                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["value"],                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["handler"],                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["scope"]            );            //如果指定了回调函数,依据观察者返回的数据,做出具体的操作            if (isset($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"]) && !$mCallback) {                $func = $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"];                $func($mCallback);            } else {                $func(null);            }        }    }    ##R##    public function removeWatcher($sWatchStamp) {        //移除指定的观察者    }}  ?>



$fGetSettings = function($oSettingDaemon) {    //处理回调返回的系统设置数据模型    echo $oSettingDaemon;};$EventStack = new EventStack;//请求数据原型$EventStack->addEvent(    "DATA_REQUEST",    serialize(array(        array(            "request" => "settingDaemon"        )    )),    $fGetSettings,    null);class EventStack {    private $_aWatcherRegistry = array();//已注册的观察者列表    private $_aEventStack = array();//事件堆栈    private $_aCallbackRegistry = array();//已注册的回调函数      function __construct() {    }    function __destruct() {        //将关键信息存储至数据源的Log表        //根据调试开关,决定是否输出调试信息至页面    }    function __toString() {    }    ##A##    public function addEvent($sStamp = "ISSUE_TRACK", $sValue, $fHandler = null, $mScope = null) {print_r(func_get_args());//传入正确        /*sStamp: 此条消息的戳记         *sValue: 序列化的数组         * fHandler(function): 匿名回调函数         * mScope(mixed type): 回调函数的上下文环境,             * null表示传入的handler函数是一个全局函数,             * 字符串类型表示传入的handler函数是scope类的静态函数,             * 对象类型表示传入的scope是一个对象,handler函数是对象的一个方法         */        $this->_aEventStack[] = array(            "stamp" => $sStamp,            "value" => $sValue,            "handler" => $fHandler,            "scope" => $mScope,            "timestamp" => time()        );print_r($this->_aEventStack);//赋值正确        $iKey =  sizeof($this->_aEventStack) - 1;        $this->notifyWatcher($iKey);        return $iKey;    }    public function addWatcher($oWatcher, $sWatchStamp) {    }    ##C##    public function clearEventStack() {        //清空事件堆栈    }    ##E##    public function exportEventStack() {        //输出调试信息    }    ##G##    public function getStack($iStackId) {        //根据是否提供堆栈序号,返回堆栈列表或指定堆栈的内容    }    ##N##    private function notifyWatcher($iKey) {        //推送事件至相应的观察者        if (array_key_exists($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"], $this->_aWatcherRegistry)) {            $mCallback = $this->_aWatcherRegistry[$this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"]](                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"],                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["value"],                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["handler"],                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["scope"]            );            //如果指定了回调函数,依据观察者返回的数据,做出具体的操作            if (isset($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"]) && !$mCallback) {                $func = $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"];                $func($mCallback);            } else {                $func(null);            }        }    }    ##R##    public function removeWatcher($sWatchStamp) {        //移除指定的观察者    }}
Array(    [0] => DATA_REQUEST    [1] => a:1:{i:0;a:1:{s:7:"request";s:13:"settingDaemon";}}    [2] => Closure Object        (            [parameter] => Array                (                    [$oSettingDaemon] =>                 )        )    [3] => )Array(    [0] => Array        (            [stamp] => DATA_REQUEST            [value] => a:1:{i:0;a:1:{s:7:"request";s:13:"settingDaemon";}}            [handler] => Closure Object                (                    [parameter] => Array                        (                            [$oSettingDaemon] =>                         )                )            [scope] =>             [timestamp] => 1383634959        ))


$fGetSettings = function($oSettingDaemon) {    //处理回调返回的系统设置数据模型    echo $oSettingDaemon;};$EventStack = new EventStack;//请求数据原型$EventStack->addEvent(    "DATA_REQUEST",    serialize(array(        array(            "request" => "settingDaemon"        )    )),    $fGetSettings,    null);class EventStack {    private $_aWatcherRegistry = array();//已注册的观察者列表    private $_aEventStack = array();//事件堆栈    private $_aCallbackRegistry = array();//已注册的回调函数      function __construct() {    }    function __destruct() {        //将关键信息存储至数据源的Log表        //根据调试开关,决定是否输出调试信息至页面    }    function __toString() {    }    ##A##    public function addEvent($sStamp = "ISSUE_TRACK", $sValue, $fHandler = null, $mScope = null) {print_r(func_get_args());//传入正确        /*sStamp: 此条消息的戳记         *sValue: 序列化的数组         * fHandler(function): 匿名回调函数         * mScope(mixed type): 回调函数的上下文环境,             * null表示传入的handler函数是一个全局函数,             * 字符串类型表示传入的handler函数是scope类的静态函数,             * 对象类型表示传入的scope是一个对象,handler函数是对象的一个方法         */        $this->_aEventStack[] = array(            "stamp" => $sStamp,            "value" => $sValue,            "handler" => $fHandler,            "scope" => $mScope,            "timestamp" => time()        );print_r($this->_aEventStack);//赋值正确        $iKey =  sizeof($this->_aEventStack) - 1;        $this->notifyWatcher($iKey);        return $iKey;    }    public function addWatcher($oWatcher, $sWatchStamp) {    }    ##C##    public function clearEventStack() {        //清空事件堆栈    }    ##E##    public function exportEventStack() {        //输出调试信息    }    ##G##    public function getStack($iStackId) {        //根据是否提供堆栈序号,返回堆栈列表或指定堆栈的内容    }    ##N##    private function notifyWatcher($iKey) {        //推送事件至相应的观察者        if (array_key_exists($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"], $this->_aWatcherRegistry)) {            $mCallback = $this->_aWatcherRegistry[$this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"]](                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"],                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["value"],                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["handler"],                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["scope"]            );            //如果指定了回调函数,依据观察者返回的数据,做出具体的操作            if (isset($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"]) && !$mCallback) {                $func = $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"];                $func($mCallback);            } else {                $func(null);            }        }    }    ##R##    public function removeWatcher($sWatchStamp) {        //移除指定的观察者    }}
Array(    [0] => DATA_REQUEST    [1] => a:1:{i:0;a:1:{s:7:"request";s:13:"settingDaemon";}}    [2] => Closure Object        (            [parameter] => Array                (                    [$oSettingDaemon] =>                 )        )    [3] => )Array(    [0] => Array        (            [stamp] => DATA_REQUEST            [value] => a:1:{i:0;a:1:{s:7:"request";s:13:"settingDaemon";}}            [handler] => Closure Object                (                    [parameter] => Array                        (                            [$oSettingDaemon] =>                         )                )            [scope] =>             [timestamp] => 1383634959        ))



addEvent(//添加数据请求至事件堆栈	"DATA_REQUEST",	serialize(array(		array(			"request" => "settingDaemon"		)	)),	$fGetSettings,	null);$EventStack->addEvent(//添加数据请求至事件堆栈	"DATA_REQUEST",	serialize(array(		array(			"request" => "archiveList",			"index" => "case",			"sort" => "date DESC",			"limit" => "0, 8"		),		array(			"request" => "archiveList",			"index" => "case",			"sort" => "successful_flag DESC",			"limit" => "0, 8"		),		array(			"request" => "archiveList",			"index" => "detection",			"sort" => "hot_flag DESC",			"limit" => "0, 5"		),		array(			"request" => "archiveList",			"index" => "news",			"sort" => "date DESC",			"limit" => "0, 2"		),		array(			"request" => "archiveList",			"index" => "news_industrial",			"sort" => "hot_flag DESC",			"limit" => "0, 1"		),		array(			"request" => "userList",			"level" => "worker"		),		array(			"request" => "archiveList",			"index" => "news",			"sort" => "count_clicks DESC",			"limit" => "0, 3"		)	)),	$fDataMap,//指定回调函数	null//指明上下文环境);//为模版绑定数据//输出页面$Smarty->display("kit-full.tpl");?>

文件: EventStack.php

addEvent(			"NOTICE",			serialize(array("Module(Core) and Module(Pdo) is initiated"))		);		$this->addEvent(			"NOTICE",			serialize(array("Module(EventStack) is initiated"))		);	}	function __destruct() {		//将关键信息存储至数据源的Log表		//根据调试开关,决定是否输出调试信息至页面		$bDebugLock = parent::getArgument("lockring", "debug");		if ($bDebugLock) {			$this->exportEventStack();		}	}	function __toString() {	}	##A##	public function addEvent($sStamp = "ISSUE_TRACK", $sValue, $fHandler = null, $mScope = null) {		/*sStamp: 此条消息的戳记		 *sValue: 序列化的数组		 * fHandler(function): 匿名回调函数		 * mScope(mixed type): 回调函数的上下文环境,			 * null表示传入的handler函数是一个全局函数,			 * 字符串类型表示传入的handler函数是scope类的静态函数,			 * 对象类型表示传入的scope是一个对象,handler函数是对象的一个方法		 */		$this->_aEventStack[] = array(			"stamp" => $sStamp,			"value" => $sValue,			"handler" => $fHandler,			"scope" => $mScope,			"timestamp" => time()		);		$iKey =  sizeof($this->_aEventStack) - 1;		$this->toast($iKey);		return $iKey;	}	public function addWatcher($oWatcher, $sWatchStamp) {		//添加观察者		if(is_object($oWatcher)) {			$this->_aWatcherRegistry[$sWatchStamp] = $oWatcher;			$this->addEvent(				"NOTICE",				serialize(array("Watcher($sWatchStamp) is added on EventStack"))			);		}	}	##C##	public function clearEventStack() {		//清空事件堆栈		unset($this->_aEventStack);		$this->addEvent(			"NOTICE",			serialize(array("EventStack is cleared"))		);	}	##E##	public function exportEventStack() {		//输出调试信息		echo "debug";		echo "_________________________________________________>
"; foreach ($this->_aEventStack as $key => $value) { //if (in_array($value["stamp"], array("NOTICE", "WARNING", "ERROR", "ISSUE_TRACK"))) { echo "Stackid: $key Stamp ".$value["stamp"]." Backtrace ".$value["value"]." TIMESTAMP ".date("h:m:s",$value["timestamp"])."
"; //} } } ##G## public function getStack($iStackId) { //根据是否提供堆栈序号,返回堆栈列表或指定堆栈的内容 if ($iStackId) { if(!isset($_aEventStack[$iStackId])) { $this->addEvent( "ISSUE_TRACK", serialize(array( "sLevel" => "notice", "sLocate" => "", "sMessage" => "Requested stack id($iStackId) doesn't existed in EventStack", "isLog" => true, "bDirectOutput" => false )) ); return null; } else { return $_aEventStack[$iStackId]; } } else { return $this->_aEventStack; } } ##L## public function loopEvent() { //遍历事件堆栈 //在所有其他组件运行完成时执行 #如果发现需要回调的或被观察者绑定的事件,则作出具体动作 foreach ($this->_aEventStack as $aEvent) { //推送相应事件至绑定此类型事件的观察者 if (array_key_exists($aEvent["stamp"], $this->_aWatcherRegistry)) { $mCallback = $this->_aWatcherRegistry[$aEvent["stamp"]] ( $aEvent["stamp"], $aEvent["value"] ); } //检查回调函数 $fFunc = $aEvent["fHandler"]; if (isset($mCallback) && is_callable($fFunc)) { $fFunc($mCallback); } else { } } } ##N## private function toast($iKey) { //推送事件至相应的观察者 if (array_key_exists($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"], $this->_aWatcherRegistry)) { $mCallback = $this->_aWatcherRegistry[$this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"]]( $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"], $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["value"] ); //如果指定了回调函数,依据观察者返回的数据,做出具体的操作 if (isset($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"]) && !$mCallback) { echo $func = $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"]; echo 1; $func($mCallback); } else { echo 2; $func(null); } } } ##R## public function removeWatcher($sWatchStamp) { //移除指定的观察者 unset($this->_aWatcherRegistry[$sWatchStamp]); if (empty($this->_aWatcherRegistry[$sWatchStamp])) { $this->addEvent( "NOTICE", serialize(array("Watcher($sWatchStamp) is removed")) ); return true; } else { return false; } }}?>


Fatal error: Function name must be a string in C:\wamp\www\newzhebo\module\EventStack.php on line 157

Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0000 146864 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 0.0540 1074504 Init->start( ) ..\index.php:57
3 0.0540 1074520 App->__invoke( ) ..\Init.php:152
4 0.0550 1083208 require_once( 'C:\wamp\www\newzhebo\module\app\welcome.php' ) ..\App.php:30
5 0.0550 1084664 EventStack->addEvent( ) ..\welcome.php:34
6 0.0550 1085176 EventStack->toast( ) ..\EventStack.php:65


 $this->aSettingDaemon		);		print_r($aObjectArray);	}	function onModel($sModel, $aArgPack) {		if ($sModel != "settingdaemon") return false;		global $Core, $EventStack, $Pdo;		try {			$aDataBaseSoftLink = $Core->getArgument("db", "softLink");			$sTable = $aDataBaseSoftLink["system"];			$sSql = "SELECT * FROM $sTable";			$aResult = $Pdo->query($sSql);			$sSettingDaemon = $aResult->fetchColumn();			$this->aSettingDaemon = unserialize($sSettingDaemon);			//返回数据模型			return $this;		} catch(PDOException $e) {			$EventStack->addEvent(				"ISSUE_TRACK",				serialize(array(					"sLevel" => "ERROR",					"sLocate" => "Model->on->SettingDaemon",					"sMessage" => "Requested Model(SettingDaemon) failed, possibly reason:".$e->getMessage(),					"isLog" => true,					"bDirectOutput" => false				))			);			return false;		}	}	function onModify($sModel, $aSqlPack) {		if ($sModel != "settingdaemon") return false;		global $EventStack, $Pdo;		try {			$aDataBaseSoftLink = $Core->getArgument("db", "softlink");			$sTable = $aDataBaseSoftLink["system"];			foreach ($aSqlPack as $sSql) {				$Pdo->query($sSql);			}		} catch(PDOException $e) {			$EventStack->addEvent(				"ISSUE_TRACK",				serialize(array(					"sLevel" => "ERROR",					"sLocate" => "Model->modify->SettingDaemon",					"sMessage" => "",					"isLog" => true,					"bDirectOutput" => false				))			);		}	}}class StaticWords{	//[静态文本]数据模型	#variables	public $sWelcomeIntro;	public $sAboutZhebo;	public $sAboutCulture;	public $sAboutLaboratory;	public $sAboutTeam;	public $sAboutHornor;	public $sFootIntro;	#functions	function __toString() {	}	function onModel($sModel, $aArgPack) {		if ($sModel != "staticwords") return false;		global $Core, $EventStack, $Pdo;		try {			$aDataBaseSoftLink = $Core->getArgument("db", "softLink");			$sTable = $aDataBaseSoftLink["system"];			$sSql = "SELECT * FROM $sTable";			$aResult = $Pdo->query($sSql);			$aResultLine = $aResult->fetch();			$this->sWelcomeIntro = $aResultLine("introduction_short");			$this->sAboutZhebo = $aResultLine("introduction_all");			$this->sAboutCulture = $aResultLine("introduction_culture");			$this->sAboutLaboratory = $aResultLine("introduction_lab");			$this->sAboutTeam = $aResultLine("introduction_team");			$this->sAboutHornor = $aResultLine("introduction_hornor");			$this->sFootIntro = $aResultLine("introduction_foot");			//返回数据模型			return $this;		} catch(PDOException $e) {			$EventStack->addEvent(				"ISSUE_TRACK",				serialize(array(					"sLevel" => "ERROR",					"sLocate" => "Model->on->SettingDaemon",					"sMessage" => "Requested Model(SettingDaemon) failed, possibly reason:".$e->getMessage(),					"isLog" => true,					"bDirectOutput" => false				))			);			return false;		}	}	function onModify($sModel, $aSqlPack) {		if ($sModel != "staticwords") return false;		global $EventStack, $Pdo;		try {			//取得所需表名			$aDataBaseSoftLink = $Core->getArgument("db", "softlink");			$sTable = $aDataBaseSoftLink["system"];			//验证参数			//生成Sql查询语句			//更新数据			//返回对象			return $this;		} catch(PDOException $e) {			$EventStack->addEvent(				"ISSUE_TRACK",				serialize(array(					"sLevel" => "ERROR",					"sLocate" => "Model->modify->SettingDaemon",					"sMessage" => "",					"isLog" => true,					"bDirectOutput" => false				))			);		}	}}class ArchiveContent implements iModeldo{	//[文章内容]数据模型	#variables	public $iId;	public $sIndex;	public $iAuthor;	public $sAuthorName;	public $sTimestamp;	public $sTitle;	public $sContent;	public $bHotFlag;	public $iCountClicks;	#functions	function __toString() {	}	function onModel($sModel, $aArgPack) {		if ($sModel != "archivecontent") return false;		global $Core, $EventStack;		extract($aArgPack);		try {			//获得所需的数据表名			$aDataBaseSoftLink = $Core->getArgument("db", "softLink");			$sTable = $aDataBaseSoftLink["archive"];			//核实参数			$sSqlId = isset($iId)? " WHERE `id`=$iId": " WHERE `id`=1";			//生成查询Sql			$sSql = "SELECT * FROM $sTable".$sSqlId;			//取得数据			$aResult = $Pdo->query($sSql);			while ($aRow = $aResult->fetch()) {				$this->aArchiveList[] = array(					"id" => $aRow["id"],					"index" => $aRow["index"],					"date" => $aRow["date"],					"author" => $aRow["author"],					"title" => $aRow["title"],					"content" => $aRow["content"],					"hot_flag" => $aRow["hot_flag"],					"successful_flag" => $aRow["successful_flag"],					"count_clicks" => $aRow["count_clicks"]				);			}			//返回数据模型			return $this;		} catch(PDOException $e) {			$EventStack->addEvent(				"ERROR",				serialize(array(					"sLevel" => "ERROR",					"sLocate" => "Model->on->ArchiveContent",					"sMessage" => "Requested Model(ArchiveContent) failed, possibly reason:".$e->getMessage(),					"isLog" => true,					"bDirectOutput" => false				))			);		}	}	function onModify($sModel, $aSqlPack) {		if ($sModel != "archivecontent") return false;	}}class Model extends Init{	#variables	private $_aModelMap = array();//戳记和类名的实际对应	private $_aModels = array();//已注册的数据模型模块	#functions	function __construct() {		$this->registry();		//添加所有的数据模块至数据模块列表		$this->registerModel("SettingDaemon");		$this->registerModel("StaticWords");		$this->registerModel("ArchiveContent");		$this->registerModel("ArchiveList");		$this->registerModel("UserDetail");		$this->registerModel("UserList");		$this->registerModel("FriendLinkList");		$this->registerModel("ChattingLine");		$this->registerModel("SearchResult");	}	function __invoke($sStamp, $sValue) {		//收到事件堆栈推送的消息		if ($sStamp != "DATA_REQUEST") {			//复查消息戳记			die("Module(Model) recived wrong toast from EventStack");		} else {			$aValue = unserialize($sValue);			//核查参数			if (!is_array($aValue)) {				//数据请求者传递?本组件的参数不合法			} else {				foreach ($aValue as $aArgPack) {					//获得数据模型名					$sModelName = strtolower($aArgPack["request"]);					//提取传递给数据模型的参数列表					array_shift($aArgPack);					//生成需要的数据模型对象					$oModel = $this->creatModel($sModelName);					//添加次数据模型对象至保存的列表					$this->_aModels[] = $oModel;					//继续该数据模型填充数据,并保存至要返回的数据模型列表中					$oModel->onModel($sModelName, $aArgPack);				}				//将所有数据模型对象作为参数返回至事件堆栈, 事件堆栈会视回调函数返回至数据请求方,注意是一个数组				return $this->_aModels;			}		}	}	##R##	function registry() {		//注册此组件为事件堆栈组件的观察者		global $EventStack;		$EventStack->addWatcher($this, "DATA_REQUEST");		$EventStack->addWatcher($this, "DATA_MODIFY");	}	private function registerModel($sModelName) {		//注册戳记和类名的对应关系		$this->_aModelMap[strtolower($sModelName)] = $sModelName;	}	private function creatModel($sModelName) {		//以工厂模式生成数据模型		if (in_array($sModelName, array_keys($this->_aModelMap))) {			$sClassName = $this->_aModelMap[$sModelName];			return new $sClassName();		} else {			return null;		}	}}?>


getController();		if (in_array($sApp, $aAppAvailableList)) {			$this->_sApp = $sApp;			$sFilePath = "module/app/".$sApp.".php";			if (is_file($sFilePath) && is_readable($sFilePath)) {				require_once($sFilePath);			}		}	}}?>

Fatal error: Function name must be a string in C:\wamp\www\newzhebo\module\ EventStack.php on line 157
不就是 EventStack.php 的 157 行出错吗?

143    private function toast($iKey) {144        //推送事件至相应的观察者145        if (array_key_exists($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"], $this->_aWatcherRegistry)) {146            $mCallback = $this->_aWatcherRegistry[$this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"]](147                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"],148                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["value"]149            );150            //如果指定了回调函数,依据观察者返回的数据,做出具体的操作151            if (isset($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"]) && !$mCallback) {152                echo $func = $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"];153                echo 1;154                $func($mCallback);155            } else {156                echo 2;157                $func(null); //这个 $func 在哪里赋值的?            }        }    }

154 的是在 152 赋值的,哪 157 的 $func 在哪里赋值的?

至少要把 $func = $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"]; 放到条件分支外面吧?

Fatal error: Function name must be a string in C:\wamp\www\newzhebo\module\ EventStack.php on line 157
不就是 EventStack.php 的 157 行出错吗?

143    private function toast($iKey) {144        //推送事件至相应的观察者145        if (array_key_exists($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"], $this->_aWatcherRegistry)) {146            $mCallback = $this->_aWatcherRegistry[$this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"]](147                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"],148                $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["value"]149            );150            //如果指定了回调函数,依据观察者返回的数据,做出具体的操作151            if (isset($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"]) && !$mCallback) {152                echo $func = $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"];153                echo 1;154                $func($mCallback);155            } else {156                echo 2;157                $func(null); //这个 $func 在哪里赋值的?            }        }    }

154 的是在 152 赋值的,哪 157 的 $func 在哪里赋值的?

至少要把 $func = $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"]; 放到条件分支外面吧?


private function toast($iKey) {		//推送事件至相应的观察者		if (array_key_exists($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"], $this->_aWatcherRegistry)) {			$mCallback = $this->_aWatcherRegistry[$this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"]](				$this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["stamp"],				$this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["value"]			);			//如果指定了回调函数,依据观察者返回的数据,做出具体的操作			$func = $this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"];			if (isset($this->_aEventStack[$iKey]["fHandler"]) && !$mCallback) {				echo 1;				$func($mCallback);			} else {				echo 2;				$func(null);			}		}	}

var_dump EventStack对象实例的结果如下

private '_aWatcherRegistry' =>
array (size=3)
private '_aLastIssue' =>
array (size=0)
private '_aModelMap' =>
array (size=9)
private '_aModels' =>
array (size=8)
protected 'aInitArguments' =>
array (size=6)
protected 'aModules' =>
array (size=0)
private '_aModuleList' (Init) =>
array (size=11)
private '_aModelMap' =>
array (size=9)
private '_aModels' =>
array (size=8)
protected 'aInitArguments' =>
array (size=6)
protected 'aModules' =>
array (size=0)
private '_aModuleList' (Init) =>
array (size=11)
private '_aEventStack' =>
array (size=17)
0 =>
array (size=5)
'stamp' => string 'NOTICE' (length=6)
'value' => string 'a:1:{i:0;s:41:"Module(Core) and Module(Pdo) is initiated";}' (length=59)
'handler' => null
'scope' => null
'timestamp' => int 1383656323
1 =>
array (size=5)
'stamp' => string 'NOTICE' (length=6)
'value' => string 'a:1:{i:0;s:31:"Module(EventStack) is initiated";}' (length=49)
'handler' => null
'scope' => null
'timestamp' => int 1383656323
2 =>
array (size=5)
'stamp' => string 'NOTICE' (length=6)
'value' => string 'a:1:{i:0;s:43:"Watcher(ISSUE_TRACK) is added on EventStack";}' (length=61)
'handler' => null
'scope' => null
'timestamp' => int 1383656323
3 =>
array (size=5)
'stamp' => string 'NOTICE' (length=6)
'value' => string 'a:1:{i:0;s:26:"Module(Issue) is initiated";}' (length=44)
'handler' => null
'scope' => null
'timestamp' => int 1383656323
4 =>
array (size=5)
'stamp' => string 'NOTICE' (length=6)
'value' => string 'a:1:{i:0;s:29:"Module(HashUtls) is initiated";}' (length=47)
'handler' => null
'scope' => null
'timestamp' => int 1383656323
5 =>
array (size=5)
'stamp' => string 'NOTICE' (length=6)
'value' => string 'a:1:{i:0;s:44:"Watcher(DATA_REQUEST) is added on EventStack";}' (length=62)
'handler' => null
'scope' => null
'timestamp' => int 1383656323
6 =>
array (size=5)