2022-12-24 16:55:46
一、首先生成一个日期表,执行SQL如下: 二、按天统计所需数据SQL如下: 以上统计数据可根据自身统计需求修改。 三、执行效果如下图: ......
create table num (i int); insert into num (i) values (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9); create table if not exists calendar(datelist date); insert into calendar(datelist) select adddate( ( date_format("2019-1-1", '%y-%m-%d') ), ) as `date` from ( select n1.i + n10.i * 10 + n100.i * 100 + n1000.i * 1000+ n10000.i * 10000 as id from num n1 cross join num as n10 cross join num as n100 cross join num as n1000 cross join num as n10000 ) as numlist;
select date(dday) ddate, max(registernum) as registernum, max(rechargenum) as rechargenum, max(rechargetotal) as rechargetotal from ( select datelist as dday,0 as registernum,0 as rechargenum,0 as rechargetotal from calendar where 1 and date_sub(curdate(), interval 365 day) <= date(datelist)&&date(datelist)<=curdate() union all select from_unixtime(a.time,"%y-%m-%d") as dday, 0 as registernum,count(distinct(a.user_id)) as rechargenum,sum( as rechargetotal from top_up as a left join referee as b on a.user_id=b.referee_id left join channel_user as c on b.user_id = c.uid where 1 and c.uid=1087 and a.status=2 group by dday union all select from_unixtime(a.time,"%y-%m-%d") as dday, count(a.referee_id) as registernum,0 as rechargenum,0 as rechargetotal from referee as a left join channel_user as b on a.user_id = b.uid where 1 and b.uid=1087 group by dday ) a group by ddate order by ddate desc limit 0,10