Oracle 中 table 函数的应用浅析
1. 用游标传递数据
利用游标 ref cursor 可将数据集(多行记录)传递到pl/sql函数:
select * from table (myfunction (cursor (select * from mytab)));
2. 利用两个实体化视图(或表)作为样板数据
create materialized view sum_sales_country_mv build immediate refresh complete enable query rewrite as select substr (s.calendar_month_desc, 1, 4) year, c.country_id country, sum (sum_amount_sold) sum_amount_sold from sum_sales_month_mv s, customers c where s.cust_id = c.cust_id and c.country_id in ('us', 'uk', 'fr', 'es', 'jp', 'au') group by substr (s.calendar_month_desc, 1, 4), c.country_id
create materialized view sum_es_gend_mv build deferred refresh fast enable query rewrite as select substr (s.calendar_month_desc, 1, 4) year, s.calendar_month_desc cal_month, c.cust_gender, sum (sum_amount_sold) sum_amount_sold from sum_sales_month_mv s, customer c where s.cust_id = c.cust_id and c.country_id = 'es' and sunstr (s.calendar_month_desc, 1, 4) = '2000' group by substr (s.calendar_month_desc, 1, 4), s.calendar_month_desc, c.cust_gender;
3. 定义对象类型和基于对象类型的表类型
(1)定义对象类型:type sales_country_t
create materialized view sum_es_gend_mv build deferred refresh fast enable query rewrite as select substr (s.calendar_month_desc, 1, 4) year, s.calendar_month_desc cal_month, c.cust_gender, sum (sum_amount_sold) sum_amount_sold from sum_sales_month_mv s, customer c where s.cust_id = c.cust_id and c.country_id = 'es' and sunstr (s.calendar_month_desc, 1, 4) = '2000' group by substr (s.calendar_month_desc, 1, 4), s.calendar_month_desc, c.cust_gender;
(2)定义表类型:type sum_sales_country_t_tab
create type sum_sales_country_t_tab as table of sales_country_t;
(3)定义对象类型:type sales_gender_t
create type sales_gender_t as object ( year varchar2 (4), country_id char (2), cust_gender char (1), sum_amount_sold number );
(4)定义表类型:type sum_sales_gender_t_tab
create type sum_sales_gender_t_tab as table of sales_gender_t;
(5)定义对象类型:type sales_roll_t
create type sales_roll_t as object ( channel_desc varchar2 (20), country_id char (2), sum_amount_sold number );
(6)定义表类型:type sum_sales_roll_t_tab
create type sum_sales_roll_t_tab as table of sales_roll_t;
select object_name, object_type, status from user_objects where object_type = 'type';
4. 定义包:create package and define ref cursor
create or replace package cursor_pkg i type sales_country_t_rec is record ( year varchar (4), country char (2), sum_amount_sold number ); type sales_gender_t_rec is record ( year varchar2 (4), country_id char (2), cust_gender char (1), sum_amount_sold number ); type sales_roll_t_rec is record ( channel_desc varchar2 (20), country_id char (2), sum_amount_sold number ); type sales_country_t_rectab is table of sales_country_t_rec; type sales_roll_t_rectab is table of sales_roll_t_rec; type strong_refcur_t is ref cursor return sales_country_t_rec; type row_refcur_t is ref cursor return sum_sales_country_mv%rowtype; type roll_refcur_t is ref cursor return sales_roll_t_rec; type refcur_t is ref cursor; end corsor_pkg;
5. 定义表函数
(1)定义表函数:function table_ref_cur_week
create or replace function table_ref_cur_week (cur cursor.refcur_t) return sum_sales_country_t_tab is year varchar (4); country char (2); sum_amount_sold number; objset sum_sales_country_t_tab := sum_sales_country_t_tab (); i number := 0; begin loop -- fetch from cursor variable fetch cur into year, country, sum_amount_sold; exit when cur%notfound; -- exit when last row is fetched -- append to collection i := i + 1; objset.extend; objset (i) := sales_country_t (year, country, sum_amount_sold); end loop; close cur; return objset; end; /
(2)定义表函数:function table_ref_cur_strong
create or replace function table_ref_cur_strong (cur cursor_pkg.strong_refcur_t) return sum_sales_country_t_tab pipelined is year varchar (4); country char (2); sum_amount_sold number; i number := 0; begin loop fetch cur into year, country, sum_amount_sold; exit when cur%notfound; -- exit when last row fetched pipe row (sales_country_t (year, country, sum_amount_sold)); end loop; close cur; return; end; /
(3)定义表函数:function table_ref_cur_row
create or replace function table_ref_cur_row (cur cursor_pkg.row_refcur_t) return sum_sales_country_t_tab pipelined is in_rec cur%rowtype; out_rec sales_country_t := sales_country_t (null, null, null); begin loop fetch cur into in_rec; exit when cur%notfound; -- exit when last row is fetched out_rec.year := in_rec.year; :=; out_rec.sum_amount_sold := in_rec.sum_amount_sold; pipe row (out_rec); end loop; close cur; return; end; /
(4)定义表函数:function gender_table_ref_cur_week
create or replace function gender_table_ref_cur_week (cur cursor_pkg.refcur_t) return sum_sales_gender_t_tab is year varchar2 (4); country_id char (2); cust_gender char (1); sum_amount_sold number; objset sum_sales_gender_t_tab := sum_sales_gender_t_tab (); i number := 0; begin loop fetch cur into year, country_id, cust_gender, sum_amount_sold; exit when cur%notfound; -- exit when last row is fetched i := i + 1; objset.extend; objset (i) := sum_sales_gender_t (year, country_id, cust_gender, sum_amount_sold); end loop; close cur; return objset; end; /
6. 调用表函数
下列 sql 查询语句调用已被定义的表函数。
select * from table (table_ref_cur_week (cursor (select * from sum_sales_country_mv))); select * from table (table_ref_cur_strong (cursor (select * from sum_sales_country_mv))); select * from table (table_ref_cur_row (cursor (select * from sum_sales_country_mv))); select * from table (table_ref_cur_week (cursor (select * from sum_sales_country_mv where country = 'au')));
以上所述是小编给大家介绍的oracle 中 table 函数的应用浅析,希望对大家有所帮助
上一篇: Git命令之分支详解