2022-11-23 10:30:00
简介最近花了两天时间研究使用flutter开发一个抖音国际版. 个人感觉使用flutter开发app快得不要不要的额. 两天就基本可以开发个大概出来. 最主要是热重载,太方便实时调整ui布局了. 相应...
最近花了两天时间研究使用flutter开发一个抖音国际版. 个人感觉使用flutter开发app快得不要不要的额. 两天就基本可以开发个大概出来. 最主要是热重载,太方便实时调整ui布局了. 相应速度极快. 如下图:
- pubspec.yaml是配置插件的位置,如http: ^0.12.0+4,类似依赖组件.
- common文件夹存放的是重写的网络组件,以及图标组件icons.dart
- config文件夹存放的api.dart,wei调用的api配置文件
- models文件存放的实体层
- screen文件夹存放的页面view层
- tabs存放的底部切换文件夹层
- widgets存放的组件,包含视频播放组件player.dart以及左右等描述组件
flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_svg: ^0.17.4 # the following adds the cupertino icons font to your application. # use with the cupertinoicons class for ios style icons. cupertino_icons: ^0.1.3 cached_network_image: ^2.2.0 json_annotation: ^3.0.1 font_awesome_flutter: ^8.8.1 http: ^0.12.0+4 provider: ^4.0.4 avatar_glow: any getflutter: ^1.0.11 flutter_money_formatter: ^0.8.3 video_player: ^0.10.8+1 dio: ^3.0.9 dio_cookie_manager: ^1.0.0
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; class douyinicons { douyinicons._(); static const _kfontfam = 'douyinicons'; static const icondata chat_bubble = const icondata(0xe808, fontfamily: _kfontfam); static const icondata create = const icondata(0xe809, fontfamily: _kfontfam); static const icondata heart = const icondata(0xe80a, fontfamily: _kfontfam); static const icondata home = const icondata(0xe80b, fontfamily: _kfontfam); static const icondata messages = const icondata(0xe80c, fontfamily: _kfontfam); static const icondata profile = const icondata(0xe80d, fontfamily: _kfontfam); static const icondata reply = const icondata(0xe80e, fontfamily: _kfontfam); static const icondata search = const icondata(0xe80f, fontfamily: _kfontfam); }
此次采用flutter开发安卓、ios等 app确实方便,主要为将tiktok的数据使用http下载下来.
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; class requestcontroller { static string host = "https://www.tiktok.com/"; string url = host + "/share/item/list?secuid=&id=&type=5&count=30&mincursor=0&maxcursor=0&shareuid=&lang=en&_signature=pkb.ogageb9imosqahoqjksm.raapox"; future<string> getcookie() async { try { var response = await http.get(host + "/share/item/"); return response.headers["set-cookie"]; } catch (e) { return "error"; } }
class tiktok { int statuecode; body body; object errmsg; tiktok({this.statuecode, this.body, this.errmsg}); tiktok.fromjson(map<string, dynamic> json) { statuecode = json['statuscode']; body = json['body'] != null ? new body.fromjson(json['body']) : null; errmsg = json['errmsg']; } map<string, dynamic> tojson() { final map<string, dynamic> data = new map<string, dynamic>(); data['statuscode'] = this.statuecode; if (this.body != null) { data['body'] = this.body.tojson(); } data['errmsg'] = this.errmsg; return data; } }
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app/screens/trendingscreen.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app/widgets/bottom_toolbar.dart'; class home extends statefulwidget { @override homestate createstate() => homestate(); } class homestate extends state<home> { int currentindex = 0; pagecontroller pagecontroller; @override widget build(buildcontext context) { return scaffold( body: pageview( controller: pagecontroller, children: <widget>[ trending(), ], onpagechanged: (int index) { setstate(() { currentindex = index; }); }, ), bottomnavigationbar: bottomitems(currentindex, pagecontroller), ); } }
import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:getflutter/getflutter.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app/config/api.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app/models/tiktok.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:flutter_app/screens/videoscreen.dart'; class trending extends statefulwidget { _trendingstate createstate() => _trendingstate(); } class _trendingstate extends state<trending> { pagecontroller pagecontroller; buildcontext context; requestcontroller api = requestcontroller(); list<widget> videos = []; gettrending() async { var cookies = await api.getcookie(); api.setcookie(cookies); try { var response = await http.get( api.url, headers: api.headers, ); tiktok tiktok = tiktok.fromjson(jsondecode(response.body)); tiktok.body.itemlistdata.foreach( (item) { setstate(() { videos.add(videoitem(data: item)); }); }, ); } catch (ex) { simpledialog( title: text('hot videos list is empty'), ); print(ex); } } @override void initstate() { super.initstate(); gettrending(); } @override widget build(buildcontext context) { context = context; return pageview( scrolldirection: axis.vertical, controller: pagecontroller, children: videos.length == 0 ? <widget>[ container( color: colors.black, child: center( child: gfloader( type: gfloadertype.circle, loadercolorone: colors.blueaccent, loadercolortwo: colors.white, loadercolorthree: colors.pink, ), ), ) ] : videos, ); } }
videoscreen主要为绑定数据. 展示抖音的视频
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app/models/tiktok.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app/widgets/video_description.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app/widgets/actions_toolbar.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app/widgets/player.dart'; class videoitem extends statelesswidget { final itemlistdata data; const videoitem({@required this.data}); @override widget build(buildcontext context) { return scaffold( body: stack( children: <widget>[ douyinvideoplayer( url: data.iteminfos.video.urls[0], ), title(), videodescription( description: data.iteminfos.text, musicname: data.musicinfos.musicname, authorname: data.musicinfos.authorname, username: data.authorinfos.uniqueid, ), actionstoolbar( comments: data.iteminfos.commentcount.tostring(), userimg: data.authorinfos.covers[0], favorite: data.iteminfos.diggcount, coverimg: data.musicinfos.covers[0], ), ], ), ); } widget title() => align( alignment: alignment.topcenter, child: padding( padding: edgeinsets.symmetric(vertical: 28.0), child: text( "trending | for you", style: textstyle(color: colors.white, fontsize: 19.0), ), ), ); }
各位感兴趣的可以到我的github上点一下star. 留言可以教你们开发以及搭建dart环境. 地址:https://github.com/wangcharlie/douyin