Spring Boot(十三):整合Redis哨兵,集群模式实践
前面的两篇文章(redis的持久化方案, 一文掌握redis的三种集群方案)分别介绍了redis的持久化与集群方案 —— 包括主从复制模式、哨兵模式、cluster模式,其中主从复制模式由于不能自动做故障转移,当节点出现故障时需要人为干预,不满足生产环境的高可用需求,所以在生产环境一般使用哨兵模式或cluster模式。那么在spring boot项目中,如何访问这两种模式的redis集群,可能遇到哪些问题,是本文即将介绍的内容。
spring boot 2 整合redis
spring boot中整合redis非常简单,在pom.xml中添加依赖
<dependency> <groupid>org.springframework.boot</groupid> <artifactid>spring-boot-starter-data-redis</artifactid> </dependency>
spring boot 2的spring-boot-starter-data-redis
- jedis是同步的,不支持异步,jedis客户端实例不是线程安全的,需要每个线程一个jedis实例,所以一般通过连接池来使用jedis
- lettuce是基于netty框架的事件驱动的redis客户端,其方法调用是异步的,lettuce的api也是线程安全的,所以多个线程可以操作单个lettuce连接来完成各种操作,同时lettuce也支持连接池
<dependency> <groupid>org.springframework.boot</groupid> <artifactid>spring-boot-starter-data-redis</artifactid> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupid>io.lettuce</groupid> <artifactid>lettuce-core</artifactid> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> <dependency> <groupid>redis.clients</groupid> <artifactid>jedis</artifactid> <version>2.9.0</version> </dependency>
spring: redis: host: port: 6379 password: passw0rd database: 0 # 数据库索引,默认0 timeout: 5000 # 连接超时,单位ms jedis: # 或lettuce, 连接池配置,springboot2.0中使用jedis或者lettuce配置连接池,默认为lettuce连接池 pool: max-active: 8 # 连接池最大连接数(使用负值表示没有限制) max-wait: -1 # 连接池分配连接最大阻塞等待时间(阻塞时间到,抛出异常。使用负值表示无限期阻塞) max-idle: 8 # 连接池中的最大空闲连接数 min-idle: 0 # 连接池中的最小空闲连接数
@configuration @enablecaching public class redisconfig { @bean public redistemplate<string, object> redistemplate(redisconnectionfactory factory) { redistemplate<string, object> template = new redistemplate<>(); template.setconnectionfactory(factory); // 使用jackson2jsonredisserialize 替换默认的jdkserializeable序列化 jackson2jsonredisserializer jackson2jsonredisserializer = new jackson2jsonredisserializer(object.class); objectmapper om = new objectmapper(); om.setvisibility(propertyaccessor.all, jsonautodetect.visibility.any); om.enabledefaulttyping(objectmapper.defaulttyping.non_final); jackson2jsonredisserializer.setobjectmapper(om); stringredisserializer stringredisserializer = new stringredisserializer(); // key采用string的序列化方式 template.setkeyserializer(stringredisserializer); // hash的key也采用string的序列化方式 template.sethashkeyserializer(stringredisserializer); // value序列化方式采用jackson template.setvalueserializer(jackson2jsonredisserializer); // hash的value序列化方式采用jackson template.sethashvalueserializer(jackson2jsonredisserializer); template.afterpropertiesset(); return template; } }
上述配置类注入了自定义的redistemplate<string, object>, 替换redisautoconfiguration中自动配置的redistemplate<object, object>类(redisautoconfiguration另外还自动配置了stringredistemplate)。
@component @slf4j public class redisservice { @autowired private redistemplate<string, object> redistemplate; /** * 指定缓存失效时间 * * @param key 键 * @param time 时间(秒) * @return */ public boolean expire(string key, long time) { try { if (time > 0) { redistemplate.expire(key, time, timeunit.seconds); } return true; } catch (exception e) { log.error("exception when expire key {}. ", key, e); return false; } } /** * 根据key获取过期时间 * * @param key 键 不能为null * @return 时间(秒) 返回0代表为永久有效 */ public long getexpire(string key) { return redistemplate.getexpire(key, timeunit.seconds); } /** * 判断key是否存在 * * @param key 键 * @return true 存在 false不存在 */ public boolean haskey(string key) { try { return redistemplate.haskey(key); } catch (exception e) { log.error("exception when check key {}. ", key, e); return false; } } ... }
@service @cacheconfig(cachenames = "users") public class userservice { private static map<string, user> usermap = new hashmap<>(); @cacheput(key = "#user.username") public user adduser(user user){ user.setuid(uuid.randomuuid().tostring()); system.out.println("add user: " + user); usermap.put(user.getusername(), user); return user; } @caching(put = { @cacheput( key = "#user.username"), @cacheput( key = "#user.uid") }) public user adduser2(user user) { user.setuid(uuid.randomuuid().tostring()); system.out.println("add user2: " + user); usermap.put(user.getusername(), user); return user; } ... }
spring boot 2 整合redis哨兵模式
spring boot 2 整合redis哨兵模式除了配置稍有差异,其它与整合单实例模式类似,配置示例为
spring: redis: password: passw0rd timeout: 5000 sentinel: master: mymaster nodes:,, # 哨兵的ip:port列表 jedis: # 或lettuce pool: max-active: 8 max-wait: -1 max-idle: 8 min-idle: 0
在 jedissentinelpool 类的构造函数中,对连接池做了初始化,如下
public jedissentinelpool(string mastername, set<string> sentinels, final genericobjectpoolconfig poolconfig, final int connectiontimeout, final int sotimeout, final string password, final int database, final string clientname) { this.poolconfig = poolconfig; this.connectiontimeout = connectiontimeout; this.sotimeout = sotimeout; this.password = password; this.database = database; this.clientname = clientname; hostandport master = initsentinels(sentinels, mastername); initpool(master); } private hostandport initsentinels(set<string> sentinels, final string mastername) { for (string sentinel : sentinels) { final hostandport hap = hostandport.parsestring(sentinel); log.fine("connecting to sentinel " + hap); jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = new jedis(hap.gethost(), hap.getport()); list<string> masteraddr = jedis.sentinelgetmasteraddrbyname(mastername); // connected to sentinel... sentinelavailable = true; if (masteraddr == null || masteraddr.size() != 2) { log.warning("can not get master addr, master name: " + mastername + ". sentinel: " + hap + "."); continue; } master = tohostandport(masteraddr); log.fine("found redis master at " + master); break; } catch (jedisexception e) { // resolves #1036, it should handle jedisexception there's another chance // of raising jedisdataexception log.warning("cannot get master address from sentinel running @ " + hap + ". reason: " + e + ". trying next one."); } finally { if (jedis != null) { jedis.close(); } } } //省略了非关键代码 for (string sentinel : sentinels) { final hostandport hap = hostandport.parsestring(sentinel); masterlistener masterlistener = new masterlistener(mastername, hap.gethost(), hap.getport()); // whether masterlistener threads are alive or not, process can be stopped masterlistener.setdaemon(true); masterlisteners.add(masterlistener); masterlistener.start(); } return master; }
- 遍历哨兵节点,通过
[root@dev-server-1 master-slave]# redis-cli -p 26379> sentinel get-master-addr-by-name mymaster 1) "" 2) "7001">
- 对每一个哨兵节点通过一个 masterlistener 进行监听(redis的发布订阅功能),订阅哨兵节点
j.subscribe(new jedispubsub() { @override public void onmessage(string channel, string message) { log.fine("sentinel " + host + ":" + port + " published: " + message + "."); string[] switchmastermsg = message.split(" "); if (switchmastermsg.length > 3) { if (mastername.equals(switchmastermsg[0])) { initpool(tohostandport(arrays.aslist(switchmastermsg[3], switchmastermsg[4]))); } else { log.fine("ignoring message on +switch-master for master name " + switchmastermsg[0] + ", our master name is " + mastername); } } else { log.severe("invalid message received on sentinel " + host + ":" + port + " on channel +switch-master: " + message); } } }, "+switch-master");
initpool 方法如下:如果发现新的master节点与当前的master不同,则重新初始化。
private void initpool(hostandport master) { if (!master.equals(currenthostmaster)) { currenthostmaster = master; if (factory == null) { factory = new jedisfactory(master.gethost(), master.getport(), connectiontimeout, sotimeout, password, database, clientname, false, null, null, null); initpool(poolconfig, factory); } else { factory.sethostandport(currenthostmaster); // although we clear the pool, we still have to check the // returned object // in getresource, this call only clears idle instances, not // borrowed instances internalpool.clear(); } log.info("created jedispool to master at " + master); } }
spring boot 2 整合redis cluster模式
spring boot 2 整合redis cluster模式除了配置稍有差异,其它与整合单实例模式也类似,配置示例为
spring: redis: password: passw0rd timeout: 5000 database: 0 cluster: nodes:,,,,, max-redirects: 3 # 重定向的最大次数 jedis: pool: max-active: 8 max-wait: -1 max-idle: 8 min-idle: 0
在 一文掌握redis的三种集群方案 中已经介绍了cluster模式访问的基本原理,可以通过任意节点跳转到目标节点执行命令,上面配置中 max-redirects 控制在集群中跳转的最大次数。
public object execute(string command, byte[]... args) { assert.notnull(command, "command must not be null!"); assert.notnull(args, "args must not be null!"); return clustercommandexecutor .executecommandonarbitrarynode((jedisclustercommandcallback<object>) client -> jedisclientutils.execute(command, empty_2d_byte_array, args, () -> client)) .getvalue(); }
public <t> noderesult<t> executecommandonarbitrarynode(clustercommandcallback<?, t> cmd) { assert.notnull(cmd, "clustercommandcallback must not be null!"); list<redisclusternode> nodes = new arraylist<>(getclustertopology().getactivenodes()); return executecommandonsinglenode(cmd, nodes.get(new random().nextint(nodes.size()))); } private <s, t> noderesult<t> executecommandonsinglenode(clustercommandcallback<s, t> cmd, redisclusternode node, int redirectcount) { assert.notnull(cmd, "clustercommandcallback must not be null!"); assert.notnull(node, "redisclusternode must not be null!"); if (redirectcount > maxredirects) { throw new toomanyclusterredirectionsexception(string.format( "cannot follow cluster redirects over more than %s legs. please consider increasing the number of redirects to follow. current value is: %s.", redirectcount, maxredirects)); } redisclusternode nodetouse = lookupnode(node); s client = this.resourceprovider.getresourceforspecificnode(nodetouse); assert.notnull(client, "could not acquire resource for node. is your cluster info up to date?"); try { return new noderesult<>(node, cmd.doincluster(client)); } catch (runtimeexception ex) { runtimeexception translatedexception = converttodataaccessexception(ex); if (translatedexception instanceof clusterredirectexception) { clusterredirectexception cre = (clusterredirectexception) translatedexception; return executecommandonsinglenode(cmd, topologyprovider.gettopology().lookup(cre.gettargethost(), cre.gettargetport()), redirectcount + 1); } else { throw translatedexception != null ? translatedexception : ex; } } finally { this.resourceprovider.returnresourceforspecificnode(nodetouse, client); } }
- 从集群节点列表中随机选择一个节点
- 从该节点获取一个客户端连接(如果配置了连接池,从连接池中获取),执行命令
- 如果抛出clusterredirectexception异常,则跳转到返回的目标节点上执行
- 如果跳转次数大于配置的值 max-redirects, 则抛出toomanyclusterredirectionsexception异常
- redis连接超时
检查服务是否正常启动(比如 ps -ef|grep redis
查看进程,netstat -ano|grep 6379
- cluster模式下,报连接到127.0.0.1被拒绝错误,如
connection refused: no further information: /
这是因为在redis.conf中配置 bind
或 bind
导致,需要改为具体在外部可访问的ip,如 bind
。如果之前已经起了集群,并产生了数据,则修改redis.conf文件后,还需要修改cluster-config-file文件,将127.0.0.1替换为bind 的具体ip,然后重启。
- master挂了,slave升级成为master,重启master,不能正常同步新的master数据
如果设置了密码,需要在master, slave的配置文件中都配置masterauth password
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