element-ui select组件中复选时以字符串形式显示
.el-select__tags.notags .notagspan{ display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; width: 100%; padding:0 6px; overflow: hidden; /*自动隐藏文字*/ text-overflow: ellipsis; /*文字隐藏后添加省略号*/ white-space: nowrap; /*强制不换行*/ }
//当复选时文字超出输入框,出现提示框 showspantooltip: function (event) { if(!this.showpop) return; var ev = event || window.event; var eventname = ev.target.classname; if (eventname.indexof('notagspan') != -1) { if (ev.target.offsetwidth < ev.target.scrollwidth) { var tooltip = this.$refs.texttooltip; tooltip.referenceelm = ev.target; tooltip.$refs.popper.style.display = 'none'; tooltip.dodestroy(); tooltip.showpopper = true; } } }, //当复选时文字超出输入框,隐藏提示框 hiddenspantooltip: function () { if(!this.showpop) return; const tooltip = this.$refs.texttooltip; if (tooltip) { tooltip.doclose() ; tooltip.dodestroy(); } }
.notaginputdiv{ border: 1px solid rgb(191, 193, 217); margin-left: -1px; margin-top:-30px; width: 100%; max-width: 185px; padding-right: 30px; overflow: hidden; /*自动隐藏文字*/ text-overflow: ellipsis; /*文字隐藏后添加省略号*/ white-space: nowrap; /*强制不换行*/ }
<template> <div class="el-select" v-clickoutside="handleclose"> <div class="el-select__tags" :class="{'notags':notag}" v-if="multiple" @click.stop="togglemenu" ref="tags" :style="{ 'max-width': inputwidth - 32 + 'px' }"> <transition-group @after-leave="resetinputheight"> <el-tag v-if="!notag" v-for="item in selected" :key="getvaluekey(item)" closable :hit="item.hitstate" type="primary" @close="deletetag($event, item)" close-transition> <span class="el-select__tags-text">{{ item.currentlabel }}</span> </el-tag> </transition-group> <el-popover ref="texttooltip" placement="top-start" width="200" trigger="hover" :content="currentsellabel"> </el-popover> <span v-if="notag" class="notagspan" @mouseenter="showspantooltip($event)" @mouseleave="hiddenspantooltip($event)"> {{currentsellabel}} </span> <input type="text" class="el-select__input" :class="`is-${ size }`" @focus="visible = true" :disabled="disabled" @keyup="manageplaceholder" @keydown="resetinputstate" @keydown.down.prevent="navigateoptions('next')" @keydown.up.prevent="navigateoptions('prev')" @keydown.enter.prevent="selectoption" @keydown.esc.stop.prevent="visible = false" @keydown.delete="deleteprevtag" v-model="query" :debounce="remote ? 300 : 0" v-if="filterable && !notag" :style="{ width: inputlength + 'px', 'max-width': inputwidth - 42 + 'px' }" ref="input"> </div> <el-input ref="reference" v-model="selectedlabel" type="text" :placeholder="currentplaceholder" :name="name" :size="size" :disabled="disabled" :readonly="!filterable || multiple" :validate-event="false" @focus="handlefocus" @click="handleiconclick" @mousedown.native="handlemousedown" @keyup.native="debouncedoninputchange" @keydown.native.down.prevent="navigateoptions('next')" @keydown.native.up.prevent="navigateoptions('prev')" @keydown.native.enter.prevent="selectoption" @keydown.native.esc.stop.prevent="visible = false" @keydown.native.tab="visible = false" @paste.native="debouncedoninputchange" @mouseenter.native="inputhovering = true" @mouseleave.native="inputhovering = false" :icon="iconclass"> </el-input> <transition name="el-zoom-in-top" @before-enter="handlemenuenter" @after-leave="dodestroy"> <el-select-menu ref="popper" v-show="visible && emptytext !== false"> <!--有notag时搜索框在下面显示--> <div v-if="filterable && notag && multiple" :class="{'notaginputdiv':notag}"> <input type="text" class="el-select__input" :class="`is-${ size }`" @focus="visible = true" :disabled="disabled" @keyup="manageplaceholder" @keydown="resetinputstate" @keydown.down.prevent="navigateoptions('next')" @keydown.up.prevent="navigateoptions('prev')" @keydown.enter.prevent="selectoption" @keydown.esc.stop.prevent="visible = false" @keydown.delete="deleteprevtag" v-model="query" :debounce="remote ? 300 : 0" v-if="filterable && notag && multiple" :style="{ width: inputlength + 'px', 'max-width': inputwidth - 42 + 'px' }" ref="input"> </div> <el-input v-model="search" @focus="visible = true" v-if="searchable"></el-input> <el-scrollbar tag="ul" wrap-class="el-select-dropdown__wrap" view-class="el-select-dropdown__list" :class="{ 'is-empty': !allowcreate && filteredoptionscount === 0 }" v-show="options.length > 0 && !loading"> <el-option :value="query" created v-if="shownewoption"> </el-option> <el-option v-if="notag && multiple && allowcreate" v-for="item in muloptions" :key="item.currentlabel" :optcreated="item.optcreated" :value="item.currentlabel"> </el-option> <slot></slot> </el-scrollbar> <p class="el-select-dropdown__empty" v-if="emptytext && (allowcreate && options.length === 0 || !allowcreate)">{{ emptytext }}</p> </el-select-menu> </transition> </div> </template> <script type="text/babel"> import emitter from 'element-ui/src/mixins/emitter'; import locale from 'element-ui/src/mixins/locale'; import elinput from 'element-ui/packages/input'; import elselectmenu from './select-dropdown.vue'; import eloption from './option.vue'; import eltag from 'element-ui/packages/tag'; import elscrollbar from 'element-ui/packages/scrollbar'; import debounce from 'throttle-debounce/debounce'; import clickoutside from 'element-ui/src/utils/clickoutside'; import { addclass, removeclass, hasclass } from 'element-ui/src/utils/dom'; import { addresizelistener, removeresizelistener } from 'element-ui/src/utils/resize-event'; import { t } from 'element-ui/src/locale'; import scrollintoview from 'element-ui/src/utils/scroll-into-view'; import { getvaluebypath } from 'element-ui/src/utils/util'; const sizemap = { 'large': 42, 'small': 30, 'mini': 22 }; export default { mixins: [emitter, locale], name: 'elselect', componentname: 'elselect', computed: { iconclass() { let criteria = this.clearable && !this.disabled && this.inputhovering && !this.multiple && this.value !== undefined && this.value !== ''; return criteria ? 'circle-close is-show-close' : (this.remote && this.filterable ? '' : 'caret-top'); }, debounce() { return this.remote ? 300 : 0; }, emptytext() { if (this.loading) { return this.loadingtext || this.t('el.select.loading'); } else { if (this.remote && this.query === '' && this.options.length === 0) return false; if (this.filterable && this.options.length > 0 && this.filteredoptionscount === 0) { return this.nomatchtext || this.t('el.select.nomatch'); } if (this.options.length === 0) { return this.nodatatext || this.t('el.select.nodata'); } } return null; }, shownewoption() { let hasexistingoption = this.options.filter(option => !option.created) .some(option => option.currentlabel === this.query); return this.filterable && this.allowcreate && this.query !== '' && !hasexistingoption; } }, components: { elinput, elselectmenu, eloption, eltag, elscrollbar }, directives: { clickoutside }, props: { name: string, value: { required: true }, size: string, disabled: boolean, clearable: boolean, filterable: boolean, searchable: boolean, allowcreate: boolean, notag:boolean, //多选的时候是否以字符串形式展示 f showpop: { //是否在文字超出span标签的时候显示提示 f type: boolean, default: true }, loading: boolean, popperclass: string, remote: boolean, loadingtext: string, nomatchtext: string, nodatatext: string, remotemethod: function, filtermethod: function, multiple: boolean, multiplelimit: { type: number, default: 0 }, placeholder: { type: string, default() { return t('el.select.placeholder'); } }, defaultfirstoption: boolean, valuekey: { type: string, default: 'value' } }, data() { return { options: [], cachedoptions: [], createdlabel: null, createdselected: false, selected: this.multiple ? [] : {}, isselect: true, inputlength: 20, inputwidth: 0, cachedplaceholder: '', optionscount: 0, filteredoptionscount: 0, visible: false, selectedlabel: '', hoverindex: -1, query: '', search: '', optionsalldisabled: false, inputhovering: false, currentplaceholder: '', currentsellabel:'', //多选时以字符串形式展示的标签 f initpoppertop:0, //初始时下拉框的位置 f muloptions:[] //多选时添加的数据 f }; }, watch: { placeholder(val) { this.cachedplaceholder = this.currentplaceholder = val; }, value(val) { if (this.multiple) { this.resetinputheight(); if (val.length > 0 || (this.$refs.input && this.query !== '')) { this.currentplaceholder = ''; } else { this.currentplaceholder = this.cachedplaceholder; } } this.setselected(); if (this.filterable && !this.multiple) { this.inputlength = 20; } this.$emit('change', val); this.dispatch('elformitem', 'el.form.change', val); }, search(val) { if (this.searchable) { this.$emit('search-change', val); } }, query(val) { this.$nexttick(() => { if (this.visible) { this.broadcast('elselectdropdown', 'updatepopper'); //multiple、notag、filterable 同时存在时,调整下拉框位置 if(this.multiple && this.notag && this.filterable){ this.$nexttick(()=>{ var poppertop = window.getcomputedstyle? window.getcomputedstyle(this.$refs.popper.$el).top : this.$refs.popper.$el.currentstyle.top; this.$refs.popper.$el.style.top = parseint(poppertop)+ 25+'px'; }) } } }); this.hoverindex = -1; if (this.multiple && this.filterable) { this.inputlength = this.$refs.input.value.length * 15 + 20; this.manageplaceholder(); this.resetinputheight(); } if (this.remote && typeof this.remotemethod === 'function') { this.hoverindex = -1; this.remotemethod(val); this.broadcast('eloption', 'resetindex'); } else if (typeof this.filtermethod === 'function') { this.filtermethod(val); this.broadcast('eloptiongroup', 'querychange'); } else { this.filteredoptionscount = this.optionscount; this.broadcast('eloption', 'querychange', val); this.broadcast('eloptiongroup', 'querychange'); } if (this.defaultfirstoption && (this.filterable || this.remote) && this.filteredoptionscount) { this.checkdefaultfirstoption(); } }, visible(val) { if (!val) { this.$refs.reference.$el.queryselector('input').blur(); this.handleiconhide(); this.broadcast('elselectdropdown', 'destroypopper'); if (this.$refs.input) { this.$refs.input.blur(); } this.query = ''; this.selectedlabel = ''; this.inputlength = 20; this.resethoverindex(); this.$nexttick(() => { if (this.$refs.input && this.$refs.input.value === '' && this.selected.length === 0) { this.currentplaceholder = this.cachedplaceholder; } }); if (!this.multiple) { if (this.selected) { if (this.filterable && this.allowcreate && this.createdselected && this.createdlabel) { this.selectedlabel = this.createdlabel; } else { this.selectedlabel = this.selected.currentlabel; } if (this.filterable) this.query = this.selectedlabel; } } } else { this.handleiconshow(); this.broadcast('elselectdropdown', 'updatepopper'); //multiple、notag、filterable 同时存在时,调整下拉框位置,并记录初始下拉框的位置 if(this.multiple && this.notag && this.filterable){ this.$nexttick(()=>{ this.$refs.input.focus(); var poppertop = window.getcomputedstyle? window.getcomputedstyle(this.$refs.popper.$el).top : this.$refs.popper.$el.currentstyle.top; //记录初始下拉框的位置 this.initpoppertop = poppertop; this.$refs.popper.$el.style.top = parseint(poppertop) + 25 +'px'; }) } if (this.filterable) { this.query = this.selectedlabel; if (this.multiple) { this.$refs.input.focus(); } else { if (!this.remote) { this.broadcast('eloption', 'querychange', ''); this.broadcast('eloptiongroup', 'querychange'); } this.broadcast('elinput', 'inputselect'); } } } this.$emit('visible-change', val); }, options(val) { if (this.$isserver) return; this.optionsalldisabled = val.length === val.filter(item => item.disabled === true).length; if (this.multiple) { this.resetinputheight(); } let inputs = this.$el.queryselectorall('input'); if ([].indexof.call(inputs, document.activeelement) === -1) { this.setselected(); } if (this.defaultfirstoption && (this.filterable || this.remote) && this.filteredoptionscount) { this.checkdefaultfirstoption(); } } }, methods: { //当复选时文字超出输入框,出现提示框 showspantooltip: function (event) { if(!this.showpop) return; var ev = event || window.event; var eventname = ev.target.classname; if (eventname.indexof('notagspan') != -1) { if (ev.target.offsetwidth < ev.target.scrollwidth) { var tooltip = this.$refs.texttooltip; tooltip.referenceelm = ev.target; tooltip.$refs.popper.style.display = 'none'; tooltip.dodestroy(); tooltip.showpopper = true; } } }, //当复选时文字超出输入框,隐藏提示框 hiddenspantooltip: function () { if(!this.showpop) return; const tooltip = this.$refs.texttooltip; if (tooltip) { tooltip.doclose() ; tooltip.dodestroy(); } }, handleiconhide() { let icon = this.$el.queryselector('.el-input__icon'); if (icon) { removeclass(icon, 'is-reverse'); } }, handleiconshow() { let icon = this.$el.queryselector('.el-input__icon'); if (icon && !hasclass(icon, 'el-icon-circle-close')) { addclass(icon, 'is-reverse'); } }, scrolltooption(classname = 'selected') { const menu = this.$refs.popper.$el.queryselector('.el-select-dropdown__wrap'); scrollintoview(menu, menu.getelementsbyclassname(classname)[0]); }, handlemenuenter() { this.$nexttick(() => this.scrolltooption()); }, getoption(value) { let option; const type = typeof value; const isobject = type !== 'string' && type !== 'number' && type !== 'boolean'; for (let i = this.cachedoptions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const cachedoption = this.cachedoptions[i]; const isequal = isobject ? this.getvaluebypath(cachedoption.value, this.valuekey) === this.getvaluebypath(value, this.valuekey) : cachedoption.value === value; if (isequal) { option = cachedoption; break; } } if (option) return option; const label = !isobject ? value : ''; let newoption = { value: value, currentlabel: label }; if (this.multiple) { newoption.hitstate = false; } return newoption; }, getvaluebypath(object, prop) { prop = prop || ''; const paths = prop.split('.'); let current = object; let result = null; for (let i = 0, j = paths.length; i < j; i++) { const path = paths[i]; if (current !== 0 && !current) break; if (i === j - 1) { result = current[path]; break; } current = current[path]; } return result; }, setselected() { if (!this.multiple) { let option = this.getoption(this.value); if (option.created) { this.createdlabel = option.currentlabel; this.createdselected = true; } else { this.createdselected = false; } this.selectedlabel = option.currentlabel; this.selected = option; if (this.filterable) this.query = this.selectedlabel; return; } let result = []; if (array.isarray(this.value)) { this.value.foreach(value => { result.push(this.getoption(value)); }); } this.selected = result; //复选时,选项以字符串的形式显示,此处处理显示数据,数组转成字符串 if(this.notag && this.multiple){ var arr = []; if(this.selected && this.selected.length){ this.selected.foreach(function(item){ arr.push(item.currentlabel); }) } this.currentsellabel = arr.join(','); } this.$nexttick(() => { this.resetinputheight(); }); }, handlefocus() { this.visible = true; }, handleiconclick(event) { if (this.iconclass.indexof('circle-close') > -1) { this.deleteselected(event); } else { this.togglemenu(); } }, handlemousedown(event) { if (event.target.tagname !== 'input') return; if (this.visible) { this.handleclose(); event.preventdefault(); } }, dodestroy() { this.$refs.popper && this.$refs.popper.dodestroy(); this.dropdownul = null; }, handleclose() { this.visible = false; }, togglelastoptionhitstate(hit) { if (!array.isarray(this.selected)) return; const option = this.selected[this.selected.length - 1]; if (!option) return; if (hit === true || hit === false) { option.hitstate = hit; return hit; } option.hitstate = !option.hitstate; return option.hitstate; }, deleteprevtag(e) { if (e.target.value.length <= 0 && !this.togglelastoptionhitstate()) { const value = this.value.slice(); value.pop(); this.$emit('input', value); } }, manageplaceholder() { if (this.currentplaceholder !== '') { this.currentplaceholder = this.$refs.input.value ? '' : this.cachedplaceholder; } }, resetinputstate(e) { if (e.keycode !== 8) this.togglelastoptionhitstate(false); this.inputlength = this.$refs.input.value.length * 15 + 20; this.resetinputheight(); }, resetinputheight() { this.$nexttick(() => { if (!this.$refs.reference) return; let inputchildnodes = this.$refs.reference.$el.childnodes; let input = [].filter.call(inputchildnodes, item => item.tagname === 'input')[0]; input.style.height = math.max(this.$refs.tags.clientheight + 6, sizemap[this.size] || 36) + 'px'; if (this.visible && this.emptytext !== false) { this.broadcast('elselectdropdown', 'updatepopper'); //multiple、notag、filterable 同时存在时,判断当前下拉框是否在初始位置,不在则调整下拉框位置 if(this.multiple && this.notag && this.filterable){ this.$nexttick(()=>{ var poppertop = window.getcomputedstyle? window.getcomputedstyle(this.$refs.popper.$el).top : this.$refs.popper.$el.currentstyle.top; if(poppertop <= this.initpoppertop){ this.$refs.popper.$el.style.top = parseint(poppertop)+ 25+'px'; } }) } } }); }, resethoverindex() { settimeout(() => { if (!this.multiple) { this.hoverindex = this.options.indexof(this.selected); } else { if (this.selected.length > 0) { this.hoverindex = math.min.apply(null, this.selected.map(item => this.options.indexof(item))); } else { this.hoverindex = -1; } } }, 300); }, handleoptionselect(option) { if (this.multiple) { const value = this.value.slice(); const optionindex = this.getvalueindex(value, option.value); if (optionindex > -1) { //multiple、allowcreate存在,复选时可以向下拉列表中删除数据 if(this.allowcreate && option.optcreated && this.notag){ if(this.muloptions && this.muloptions.length){ this.muloptions.foreach((item,index)=>{ if(item.currentvalue == option.currentvalue){ this.muloptions.splice(index, 1); } }) } } value.splice(optionindex, 1); } else if (this.multiplelimit <= 0 || value.length < this.multiplelimit) { value.push(option.value); } this.$emit('input', value); if (option.created) { //multiple、allowcreate存在,复选时可以像下拉列表中添加数据 if(this.allowcreate && this.notag && !option.optcreated){ var obj = { optcreated:true, created:option.created, currentlabel:option.currentlabel, currentvalue:option.currentvalue } this.muloptions.push(obj); } this.query = ''; this.inputlength = 20; } if (this.filterable) this.$refs.input.focus(); } else { this.$emit('input', option.value); this.visible = false; } this.$nexttick(() => this.scrolltooption()); }, getvalueindex(arr = [], value) { const type = typeof value; const isobject = type !== 'string' && type !== 'number' && type !== 'boolean'; if (!isobject) { return arr.indexof(value); } else { const valuekey = this.valuekey; let index = -1; arr.some((item, i) => { if (getvaluebypath(item, valuekey) === getvaluebypath(value, valuekey)) { index = i; return true; } return false; }); return index; } }, togglemenu() { if (this.filterable && this.query === '' && this.visible) { return; } if (!this.disabled) { this.visible = !this.visible; } }, navigateoptions(direction) { if (!this.visible) { this.visible = true; return; } if (this.options.length === 0 || this.filteredoptionscount === 0) return; this.optionsalldisabled = this.options.length === this.options.filter(item => item.disabled === true).length; if (!this.optionsalldisabled) { if (direction === 'next') { this.hoverindex++; if (this.hoverindex === this.options.length) { this.hoverindex = 0; } if (this.options[this.hoverindex].disabled === true || this.options[this.hoverindex].groupdisabled === true || !this.options[this.hoverindex].visible) { this.navigateoptions('next'); } } if (direction === 'prev') { this.hoverindex--; if (this.hoverindex < 0) { this.hoverindex = this.options.length - 1; } if (this.options[this.hoverindex].disabled === true || this.options[this.hoverindex].groupdisabled === true || !this.options[this.hoverindex].visible) { this.navigateoptions('prev'); } } } this.$nexttick(() => this.scrolltooption('hover')); }, selectoption() { if (this.options[this.hoverindex]) { this.handleoptionselect(this.options[this.hoverindex]); } }, deleteselected(event) { event.stoppropagation(); this.$emit('input', ''); this.visible = false; this.$emit('clear'); }, deletetag(event, tag) { let index = this.selected.indexof(tag); if (index > -1 && !this.disabled) { const value = this.value.slice(); value.splice(index, 1); this.$emit('input', value); this.$emit('remove-tag', tag); } event.stoppropagation(); }, oninputchange() { if (this.filterable) { this.query = this.selectedlabel; } }, onoptiondestroy(option) { this.optionscount--; this.filteredoptionscount--; let index = this.options.indexof(option); if (index > -1) { this.options.splice(index, 1); } this.broadcast('eloption', 'resetindex'); }, resetinputwidth() { this.inputwidth = this.$refs.reference.$el.getboundingclientrect().width; }, handleresize() { this.resetinputwidth(); if (this.multiple) this.resetinputheight(); }, checkdefaultfirstoption() { this.hoverindex = -1; for (let i = 0; i !== this.options.length; ++i) { const option = this.options[i]; if (this.query) { // pick first options that passes the filter if (!option.disabled && !option.groupdisabled && option.visible) { this.hoverindex = i; break; } } else { // pick currently selected option if (option.itemselected) { this.hoverindex = i; break; } } } }, getvaluekey(item) { const type = typeof item.value; if (type === 'number' || type === 'string') { return item.value; } else { return getvaluebypath(item.value, this.valuekey); } } }, created() { this.cachedplaceholder = this.currentplaceholder = this.placeholder; if (this.multiple && !array.isarray(this.value)) { this.$emit('input', []); } if (!this.multiple && array.isarray(this.value)) { this.$emit('input', ''); } this.setselected(); this.debouncedoninputchange = debounce(this.debounce, () => { this.oninputchange(); }); this.$on('handleoptionclick', this.handleoptionselect); this.$on('onoptiondestroy', this.onoptiondestroy); this.$on('setselected', this.setselected); }, mounted() { if (this.multiple && array.isarray(this.value) && this.value.length > 0) { this.currentplaceholder = ''; } addresizelistener(this.$el, this.handleresize); if (this.remote && this.multiple) { this.resetinputheight(); } this.$nexttick(() => { if (this.$refs.reference && this.$refs.reference.$el) { this.inputwidth = this.$refs.reference.$el.getboundingclientrect().width; } }); }, beforedestroy() { if (this.$el && this.handleresize) removeresizelistener(this.$el, this.handleresize); } }; // dialog_ref </script>
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