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程序员文章站 2022-03-15 12:25:36

--数学函数;ABS(-8)绝对值、ceiling(3.12) 取上线、floor取下限、power(2,3)几次方、




--ASCII 返回字符串最左边的字符ascii码

select ASCII('name')

select ASCII(name)from biao--查看所有人名的首字符的ascii码

--char 将ascii码转换成字符

select CHAR(70)

select CHAR(yuwen)from biao--讲所有语文分数转换成字符


--LEN 返回字符串的长度

select LEN('asdfghh')

select LEN(name)from biao --显示所有姓名的长度

--charindex 返回字符串首个字符出现在某个字符串从头开始为几的索引

select CHARINDEX('d','asdfghhjkkhg')--索引从1开始

select CHARINDEX('1990',birth) from studant --查看在生日里面出现的索引

--difference 返回相似度 用0——4表示相似度

select DIFFERENCE('asddfghjk','adfjkgh')

--LEFT 表示从左边截取字符串

select LEFT('asfgdsssdgh',4)

--RIGHT 从右边

select right('asfgdsssdgh',4)

--lower 全部转化成小写

select LOWER('asfasdgsgDDFQWEG')

--upper 大写

select upper('asfasdgsgDDFQWEG')

--Ltrim 去掉左边的空格

select LTRIM(' asd ')

--Rtrim 去掉右边的空格

select RTRIM(' asd ')

--patindex 相当于charindex 返回字符串所在字符中的首字符索引位

select PATINDEX('%df%','ssdfghss')

--Replace 查找替换

select REPLACE(sex,'女','姑娘')from biao--只显示,不更改

--replicat 复制粘贴

select REPLICATE('asd ',3)

--reverse 翻转

select REVERSE('asdfgghjk')

--space 空格

select 'a'+SPACE(5)+'bc'

--str 强制转换成字符串

select STR(123456.222,5,1)--参数1是需要转换的数值,参数2是转换之后保留的长度









select STUFF('asddfg',3,2,'HELLO')






select SUBSTRING('asdfghjjgfddrtyy',4,5)



select * from student


select * from student where name ='李四'


select score from student where name = '李四'


insert into student values(7,'铃铛','1993-4-5','男',79)


update student set name='李狗蛋'where name ='张全蛋'


update student set sex ='女' where name ='铃铛'


delete from student where name ='赵六'


select * from student order by score


select * from student order by score desc


select top 1 * from student order by score desc


select top 1 * from student order by score


select name as 学生姓名 from student


select name as 学生姓名,score as 分数 from student


select * from student where name like '王%'


select * from student where birth like '1993%'


select * from student where birth like '%6'


select * from student where name like '%狗%'



select * from student where name like '李_'


select * from student where score >=80


select * from student where score between 60 and 80


select name as 学生姓名 from student where score


update student set sex ='男' where score between 70 and 80

--计算345678 + 789456

select 345678+789456

--查询所有人名 distinct 去重

select distinct name from student


select distinct sex from student

--in in后面的括号中是用来判断是否有此(条件)的,可以看做是元素


select * from student where name in('李狗蛋','铃铛')


select * from student where name like'_[李狗蛋,铃铛]'

--聚合函数:sum avg max min count


select SUM(score) as 总和 from student


select AVG(score) as 平均分 from student


select MAX(score) as 最高分 from student


select MIN(score) as 最低分 from student


select COUNT(*) as 总人数 from student


select COUNT(*) as 数量 from student where name ='李四'

--group by 分组


select sex from student group by sex


select sex as 性别 , AVG(score) as 平均分 from student group by sex


select sex as 性别, COUNT(*) as 人数 from student group by sex


select sex as 性别, COUNT(*) as 人数 from student where score >=70 group by sex


select sex as 性别, COUNT(*) as 人数 from student where score >=70 group by sex having COUNT(*)>3


select sex as 性别 , AVG(score) as 平均分 from student group by sex having AVG(score)>70


create table cangku


code int,

name varchar(50),

zong int,

price decimal(18,2)



insert into cangku values(1,'苹果',30,2.9)

insert into cangku values(2,'梨',30,2)

insert into cangku values(3,'西瓜',37,1.9)

insert into cangku values(4,'馒头',30,1)

insert into cangku values(5,'猪肉',20,5)

insert into cangku values(6,'茄子',45,3.6)

insert into cangku values(7,'黄瓜',60,2.4)

insert into cangku values(8,'白菜',30,0.8)

insert into cangku values(9,'哈密瓜',70,3)

insert into cangku values(10,'南瓜',30,1.89)


update cangku set zong=34 where code=3


update cangku set zong=23 where code=4


update cangku set zong=15 where code=5


select top 1* from cangku order by zong


update cangku set zong=30 from cangku where code=5


update cangku set price=price+1 from cangku where code in(3,4,5)


update cangku set price=price-1 from cangku where code in(6,7,8)


update cangku set zong= zong-3 from cangku where code=6


update cangku set zong= zong-3 from cangku where code=7


update cangku set zong= zong-9 from cangku where code=8


select top 1* from cangku order by zong


update cangku set zong=30 from cangku where code=5

select*from cangku