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asp base64 utf-8为了兼容asp.net的base64

程序员文章站 2022-11-19 16:18:33
复制代码 代码如下:<%@language="vbscript" codepage="65001"%> <%session.codepage=65001%...
复制代码 代码如下:

<%@language="vbscript" codepage="65001"%>
<!--#include file="base64.asp"-->
function aspurldecode(strvalue)
dim varary, varelement, objstream, lngloop, flag
strvalue = replace(strvalue, "+", " ")
varary = split(strvalue, "%")
flag = varary(0) = ""
set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
with objstream
.type = 2
.mode = 3
for each varelement in varary
if varelement <> empty then
if len(varelement) >= 2 and flag then
.writetext chrb(cint("&h" & left(varelement, 2)))
for lngloop = 3 to len(varelement)
.writetext chrb(asc(mid(varelement, lngloop, 1)))
for lngloop = 1 to len(varelement)
.writetext chrb(asc(mid(varelement, lngloop, 1)))
flag = true
end if
end if
.writetext chr(0)
.position = 0
aspurldecode = replace(convunicode(.readtext), chr(0), "", 1, -1, 0)
on error resume next
set objstream = nothing
end with
end function

function convunicode(byval strdata)
dim rs, stm, bytary, intlen
if len(strdata & "") > 0 then
strdata = midb(strdata, 1)
intlen = lenb(strdata)
set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
set stm = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
with rs
.fields.append "x", 205, intlen
rs(0).appendchunk strdata & chrb(0)
bytary = rs(0).getchunk(intlen)
end with
with stm
.type = 1
.write bytary
.position = 0
.type = 2
.charset = "utf-8"
convunicode = .readtext
end with
end if
on error resume next
set stm = nothing
set rs = nothing
end function

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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

response.write("base64编码后:"&base64encode("阿会楠")&"<br />")

response.write("base64解码后:"&base64uncode("6zi/5lya5qwg")&"<br />")
