1.1.1 摘要
相信许多人都使用过.net提供的加密算法,而且在使用的过程我们必须了解每种加密算法的特点(对称或非对称,密钥长度和初始化向量等等)。我也看到过很多人写过.net中加密算法总结,但我发现个别存在一些问题,很多人喜欢罗列每种加密算法的具体实现,假设我们要求实现aes和triple des加密算法,的确可以很多地分别给出它们的具体实现。
1.1.2 正文
图1 hash加密算法继承层次
图2 对称加密算法继承层次
图3 非对称加密算法继承层次
图4 hash加密过程(图片来源wiki)
/// <summary> /// encrypts the specified hash algorithm. /// 1. generates a cryptographic hash key for the provided text data. /// </summary> /// <param name="hashalgorithm">the hash algorithm.</param> /// <param name="datatohash">the data to hash.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string encrypt(hashalgorithm hashalgorithm, string datatohash) { var tabstringhex = new string[16]; var utf8 = new system.text.utf8encoding(); byte[] data = utf8.getbytes(datatohash); byte[] result = hashalgorithm.computehash(data); var hexresult = new stringbuilder(result.length); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { //// convert to hexadecimal hexresult.append(result[i].tostring("x2")); } return hexresult.tostring(); }
/// <summary> /// determines whether [is hash match] [the specified hash algorithm]. /// </summary> /// <param name="hashalgorithm">the hash algorithm.</param> /// <param name="hashedtext">the hashed text.</param> /// <param name="unhashedtext">the unhashed text.</param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if [is hash match] [the specified hash algorithm]; /// otherwise, <c>false</c>. /// </returns> public static bool ishashmatch(hashalgorithm hashalgorithm, string hashedtext, string unhashedtext) { string hashedtexttocompare = encrypt( hashalgorithm, unhashedtext); return (string.compare(hashedtext, hashedtexttocompare, false) == 0); }
在实现对称加密算法之前,先让我们了解一下对称加密的过程,假设我们有一组数据要加密那么我们可以使用一个或一组密钥对数据进行加密解密,但存在一个问题对称加密算法的密钥长度不尽相同,如des的密钥长度为64 bit,而aes的长度可以为128bit、192bit或256 bit,难道要我们hard code每种算法的密钥长度吗?能不能动态地产生对应算法的密钥呢?
// the sample function. public void encrypt() { // the size of the iv property must be the same as the blocksize property. // due to the rc2 block size is 64 bytes, so iv size also is 64 bytes. var iv = new byte[] { 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; var pdb = new passwordderivebytes("pwd", null); // set the encrypted algorithm and export key algorithm. // then get the key base on encrypt algorithm. byte[] key = pdb.cryptderivekey("rc2", "sha1", 128, iv); console.writeline(key.length * 8); console.writeline(new rc2cryptoserviceprovider().blocksize); // creates an rc2 object to encrypt with the derived key var rc2 = new rc2cryptoserviceprovider { key = key, iv = new byte[] { 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 } }; // now encrypt with it byte[] plaintext = encoding.utf8.getbytes("needtoencryptdata"); using (var ms = new memorystream()) { var cs = new cryptostream( ms, rc2.createencryptor(), cryptostreammode.write); cs.write(plaintext, 0, plaintext.length); cs.close(); byte[] encrypted = ms.toarray(); } }
getbytes:passwordderivebytes的getbytes()方法实现了pbkdf1(password based key derivation function)。
1.拼接密钥和盐:r0 = pwd + salt
2.哈希加密过程:r1 = hash(r2-1)
3.哈希加密过程:rn = hash(rn - 1)
/// <summary> /// uses the pbkdf1 to genernate key, /// then use it to encrypt plain text. /// </summary> public void pbkdf1() { byte[] salt = new byte[] { 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; // creates an rc2 object to encrypt with the derived key var pdb = new passwordderivebytes("pwd", salt) {iterationcount = 23, hashname = "sha1"}; // gets the key and iv. byte[] key = pdb.getbytes(16); byte[] iv = pdb.getbytes(8); var rc2 = new rc2cryptoserviceprovider { key = key, iv = iv }; byte[] plaintext = encoding.utf8.getbytes("needtoencryptdata"); using (var ms = new memorystream()) { // encrypts data. var cs = new cryptostream( ms, rc2.createencryptor(), cryptostreammode.write); cs.write(plaintext, 0, plaintext.length); cs.close(); byte[] encrypted = ms.toarray(); } }
示意例子二:我们使用pbkdf1算法为rc2加密算法生成128 bit的密钥和64 bit的初始化向量,要注意的是passwordderivebytes的getbytes()方法已经过时了,而它的替代项就是接下来要介绍的rfc2898derivebytes的getbytes()方法。
/// <summary> /// uses the pbkdf2 to genernate key, /// then use it to encrypt plain text. /// </summary> public void pbkdf2() { byte[] salt = new byte[] { 23, 21, 32, 33, 46, 59, 60, 74 }; var rfc = new rfc2898derivebytes("pwd", salt, 23); // generate key and iv. byte[] key = rfc.getbytes(16); byte[] iv = rfc.getbytes(8); // creates an rc2 object to encrypt with the derived key var rc2 = new rc2cryptoserviceprovider { key = key, iv = iv }; // encrypts the data. byte[] plaintext = encoding.utf8.getbytes("needtoencryptdata"); using (var ms = new memorystream()) { var cs = new cryptostream( ms, rc2.createencryptor(), cryptostreammode.write); cs.write(plaintext, 0, plaintext.length); cs.close(); byte[] encrypted = ms.toarray(); } }
图5 对称算法加密过程
/// <summary> /// encrypts with specified symmetric algorithm. /// can be aes, des, rc2, rijndael and tripledes. /// </summary> /// <param name="algorithm">the symmertric algorithm (aes, des, rc2, rijndael and tripledes).</param> /// <param name="plaintext">the plain text need to be encrypted.</param> /// <param name="key">the secret key to encrypt plain text.</param> /// <param name="iv">the iv should be 16 bytes.</param> /// <param name="salt">salt to encrypt with.</param> /// <param name="pwditerations">the number of iterations for plain text.</param> /// <param name="keysize">size of the key.</param> /// <param name="ciphermode">the cipher mode.</param> /// <param name="paddingmode">the padding mode.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static byte[] encrypt(symmetricalgorithm algorithm, byte[] plaintext, string key, string iv, string salt, int pwditerations, int keysize, ciphermode ciphermode, paddingmode paddingmode) { if (null == plaintext) throw new argumentnullexception("plaintext"); if (null == algorithm) throw new argumentnullexception("algorithm"); if (string.isnullorempty(key)) throw new argumentnullexception("key"); if (string.isnullorempty(iv)) throw new argumentnullexception("iv"); if (string.isnullorempty(salt)) throw new argumentnullexception("salt"); // note the salt should be equal or greater that 64bit (8 byte). var rfc = new rfc2898derivebytes(key, salt.tobytearray(), pwditerations); using (symmetricalgorithm symmalgo = algorithm) { symmalgo.mode = ciphermode; //symmalgo.padding = paddingmode; byte[] ciphertextbytes = null; using (var encryptor = symmalgo.createencryptor( rfc.getbytes(keysize / 8), iv.tobytearray())) { using (var ms = new memorystream()) { using (var cs = new cryptostream( ms, encryptor, cryptostreammode.write)) { cs.write(plaintext, 0, plaintext.length); cs.flushfinalblock(); ciphertextbytes = ms.toarray(); ms.close(); cs.close(); } } symmalgo.clear(); return ciphertextbytes; } } }
图5 对称算法解密过程
/// <summary> /// decrypts the specified algorithm. /// can be aes, des, rc2, rijndael and tripledes. /// </summary> /// <param name="algorithm">the symmertric algorithm (aes, des, rc2, rijndael and tripledes).</param> /// <param name="ciphertext">the cipher text.</param> /// <param name="key">the secret key to decrypt plain text.</param> /// <param name="iv">the iv should be 16 bytes.</param> /// <param name="salt">salt to decrypt with.</param> /// <param name="pwditerations">the number of iterations for plain text.</param> /// <param name="keysize">size of the key.</param> /// <param name="ciphermode">the cipher mode.</param> /// <param name="paddingmode">the padding mode.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static byte[] decrypt(symmetricalgorithm algorithm, byte[] ciphertext, string key, string iv, string salt, int pwditerations, int keysize, ciphermode ciphermode, paddingmode paddingmode) { if (null == ciphertext) throw new argumentnullexception("ciphertext"); if (null == algorithm) throw new argumentnullexception("algorithm"); if (string.isnullorempty(key)) throw new argumentnullexception("key"); if (string.isnullorempty(iv)) throw new argumentnullexception("iv"); if (string.isnullorempty(salt)) throw new argumentnullexception("salt"); // note the salt should be equal or greater that 64bit (8 byte). var rfc = new rfc2898derivebytes(key, salt.tobytearray(), pwditerations); using (symmetricalgorithm symmalgo = algorithm) { symmalgo.mode = ciphermode; //symmalgo.padding = paddingmode; byte[] plaintextbytes = new byte[ciphertext.length]; int cnt = -1; using (var encryptor = symmalgo.createdecryptor( rfc.getbytes(keysize / 8), iv.tobytearray())) { using (var ms = new memorystream(ciphertext)) { using (var cs = new cryptostream( ms, encryptor, cryptostreammode.read)) { cnt = cs.read(plaintextbytes, 0, plaintextbytes.length); ms.close(); cs.close(); } } } symmalgo.clear(); array.resize(ref plaintextbytes, cnt); return plaintextbytes; } }
在前面的加密和解密方法,我们通过rfc2898derivebytes获取密码、salt 值和迭代次数,然后通过调用getbytes方法生成密钥。
.net framework中提供四种非对称加密算法(dsa,ecdiffiehellman, ecdsa和rsa),它们都继承于抽象类asymmetricalgorithm,接下来我们将提供rsa算法的实现。
a) 公钥和私钥是一一对应的关系,有一把公钥就必然有一把与之对应的、独一无二的私钥,反之亦成立。
b) 所有的(公钥, 私钥)对都是不同的。
c) 用公钥可以解开私钥加密的信息,反之亦成立。
d) 同时生成公钥和私钥应该相对比较容易,但是从公钥推算出私钥,应该是很困难或者是不可能的。
/// <summary> /// generates the rsa public and private key. /// </summary> /// <param name="algorithm">the algorithm to creates key.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static void generatersakey(rsacryptoserviceprovider algorithm) { // contains public and private key. rsaprivatekey = algorithm.toxmlstring(true); using (var streamwriter = new streamwriter("publicprivatekey.xml")) { streamwriter.write(rsaprivatekey); } // only contains public key. rsapubickey = algorithm.toxmlstring(false); using (var streamwriter = new streamwriter("publiconlykey.xml")) { streamwriter.write(rsapubickey); } }
通过rsacryptoserviceprovider的toxmlstring()方法我们生成了一对公钥和密钥,当参数为true 表示同时包含 rsa 公钥和私钥,反之表示仅包含公钥。
/// <summary> /// encrypts with the specified rsa algorithm. /// </summary> /// <param name="rsa">a rsa object.</param> /// <param name="plaintext">the plain text to decrypt.</param> /// <param name="key">the key.</param> /// <param name="encoding">the encoding.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string encrypt(rsacryptoserviceprovider rsa, string plaintext, string key, encoding encoding) { if (null == rsa) throw new argumentnullexception("rsa"); if (string.isnullorempty(plaintext)) throw new argumentnullexception("plaintext"); if (string.isnullorempty(key)) throw new argumentnullexception("key"); if (null == encoding) throw new argumentnullexception("encoding"); string publickey; // reads public key. using (var streamreader = new streamreader("publiconlykey.xml")) { publickey = streamreader.readtoend(); } rsa.fromxmlstring(publickey); byte[] cipherbytes = rsa.encrypt(plaintext.tobytesencoding(encoding), true); rsa.clear(); return cipherbytes.tobase64string(); }
/// <summary> /// decrypts with the specified rsa algorithm. /// </summary> /// <param name="rsa">a rsa object.</param> /// <param name="ciphertext">the cipher text to encrypt.</param> /// <param name="key">the key.</param> /// <param name="encoding">the encoding.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string decrypt(rsacryptoserviceprovider rsa, string ciphertext, string key, encoding encoding) { string privatekey; // reads the private key. using (var streamreader = new streamreader("publicprivatekey.xml")) { privatekey = streamreader.readtoend(); } rsa.fromxmlstring(privatekey); byte[] plainbytes = rsa.decrypt(ciphertext.frombase64string(), true); rsa.clear(); return plainbytes.frombytetostring(encoding); }
[testmethod] public void teststart() { try { string ciphertext; string plaintext; #region hash algo ciphertext = cryptographyutils.encrypt( cryptographyutils.createhashalgomd5(), @"您们好(hello everyone)."); assert.istrue(cryptographyutils.ishashmatch( cryptographyutils.createhashalgomd5(), ciphertext, @"您们好(hello everyone).")); ciphertext = cryptographyutils.encrypt( cryptographyutils.createhashalgosha1(), @"您们好(hello everyone)."); assert.istrue(cryptographyutils.ishashmatch( cryptographyutils.createhashalgosha1(), ciphertext, @"您们好(hello everyone).")); #endregion #region asymm algo cryptographyutils.generatersakey(cryptographyutils.createasymmalgorsa()); ciphertext = cryptographyutils.encrypt( cryptographyutils.createasymmalgorsa(), @"%dk>jk.rush", @"c579d-e>?$)_"); plaintext = cryptographyutils.decrypt( cryptographyutils.createasymmalgorsa(), ciphertext, @"c579d-e>?$)_"); assert.areequal<string>(@"%dk>jk.rush", plaintext); #endregion #region symm algo ciphertext = cryptographyutils.encrypt( cryptographyutils.createsymmalgoaes(), "jk_huangjk_huangjk_huang黄钧航", "jk_huangjk_huang", 256); plaintext = cryptographyutils.decrypt( cryptographyutils.createsymmalgoaes(), ciphertext, "jk_huangjk_huang", 256); assert.areequal<string>("jk_huangjk_huangjk_huang黄钧航", plaintext); ciphertext = cryptographyutils.encrypt( cryptographyutils.createsymmalgodes(), "jk_huangjk_huangjk_huang黄钧航", "jk_huangjk_huang", 64); plaintext = cryptographyutils.decrypt( cryptographyutils.createsymmalgodes(), ciphertext, "jk_huangjk_huang", 64); assert.areequal<string>("jk_huangjk_huangjk_huang黄钧航", plaintext); ciphertext = cryptographyutils.encrypt( cryptographyutils.createsymmalgorc2(), "jk_huangjk_huangjk_huang黄钧航", "jk_huangjk_huang", 128); plaintext = cryptographyutils.decrypt(cryptographyutils.createsymmalgorc2(), ciphertext, "jk_huangjk_huang", 128); assert.areequal<string>("jk_huangjk_huangjk_huang黄钧航", plaintext); ciphertext = cryptographyutils.encrypt( cryptographyutils.createsymmalgorijndael(), "jk_huangjk_huangjk_huang黄钧航", "jk_huangjk_huang", 256); plaintext = cryptographyutils.decrypt( cryptographyutils.createsymmalgorijndael(), ciphertext, "jk_huangjk_huang", 256); assert.areequal<string>("jk_huangjk_huangjk_huang黄钧航", plaintext); ciphertext = cryptographyutils.encrypt( cryptographyutils.createsymmalgotripledes(), "jk_huangjk_huangjk_huang黄钧航", "jk_huangjk_huang", 192); plaintext = cryptographyutils.decrypt( cryptographyutils.createsymmalgotripledes(), ciphertext, "jk_huangjk_huang", 192); assert.areequal<string>("jk_huangjk_huangjk_huang黄钧航", plaintext); #endregion } catch (exception ex) { debug.assert(false, ex.message); } }
图6 单元测试结果
1.1.3 总结