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Fatal NI connect error 12170

程序员文章站 2022-10-28 12:55:56的库两个节点的alert里均频繁出现如下信息: [html] ************************************************************...的库两个节点的alert里均频繁出现如下信息:
fatal ni connect error 12170. 
  version information: 
        tns for ibm/aix risc system/6000: version - production 
        tcp/ip nt protocol adapter for ibm/aix risc system/6000: version - production 
        oracle bequeath nt protocol adapter for ibm/aix risc system/6000: version - production 
  time: 15-nov-2012 15:49:33 
  tracing not turned on. 
  tns error struct: 
    ns main err code: 12535 
tns-12535: tns:operation timed out 
    ns secondary err code: 12560 
    nt main err code: 505 
tns-00505: operation timed out 
    nt secondary err code: 0 
    nt os err code: 0 
  client address: <unknown> 
fatal ni connect error 12514, connecting to: 
  version information: 
        tns for ibm/aix risc system/6000: version - production 
        tcp/ip nt protocol adapter for ibm/aix risc system/6000: version - production 
  time: 15-nov-2012 16:09:34 
  tracing not turned on. 
  tns error struct: 
    ns main err code: 12564 
tns-12564: tns:connection refused 
    ns secondary err code: 0 
    nt main err code: 0 
    nt secondary err code: 0 
    nt os err code: 0   
11g r1如果出现如上的错误信息会写入到sqlnet.log,11g r2会写入到alert.log,其实出现此错误是正常的现象。
note the time of the client corresponding client connection(s) in the listener log.  here you may find a particular client,  
set of clients or particular applications that are improperly disconnecting causing the timeout errors to be raised and recorder in the database alert log. 
you may choose to revert from the new automatic diagnostic repository (adr) method to prevent the oracle net diagnostic details from being written to the alert log(s)  
by setting the following oracle net configuration parameters: 
to revert to oracle net server tracing/logging, set following parameter in the server's sqlnet.ora : 
diag_adr_enabled = off 
also, to back out the adr diag for the listener component, set following parameter in the server's listener.ora: 
diag_adr_enabled_<listenername> = off 
- where the <listenername> would be replaced with the actual name of the configured listener(s) in the listener.ora configuration file.  for example,  
if the listener name is 'listener', the parameter would read: 
diag_adr_enabled_listener = of 
-reload or restart the tns listener for the parameter change to take effect.