2022-10-27 19:13:29
by zkxp 2/15/2006 http://zkxp.cnblogs.com ‘受屏蔽ip地址(段)集合,星号为通配符,通常保存于配置文...
by zkxp 2/15/2006 http://zkxp.cnblogs.com
const badipgroup = "|"
if isforbidip(badipgroup) = true then
response.write(getuserip &"ip地址禁止访问")
end if
'返回bool:true用户ip在被屏蔽范围,false 反之
function isforbidip(vbadip)
dim counter, arrippart, arrbadip, arrbadippart, i, j
arrbadip = split(vbadip, "|")
arrippart = split(getuserip(), ".")
for i = 0 to ubound(arrbadip)
counter = 0
arrbadippart = split(arrbadip(i), ".")
for j = 0 to ubound(arrippart)
if (arrbadippart(j)) = "*" or cstr(arrippart(j)) = cstr(arrbadippart(j)) then
counter = counter + 1
end if
if counter = 4 then
isforbidip = true
exit function
end if
isforbidip = false
end function
function getuserip()
dim ip
ip = request.servervariables("http_x_forwarded_for")
if ip = "" then ip = request.servervariables("remote_addr")
getuserip = ip
end function
const badipgroup = "|"
if isforbidip(badipgroup) = true then
response.write(getuserip &"ip地址禁止访问")
end if
'返回bool:true用户ip在被屏蔽范围,false 反之
function isforbidip(vbadip)
dim counter, arrippart, arrbadip, arrbadippart, i, j
arrbadip = split(vbadip, "|")
arrippart = split(getuserip(), ".")
for i = 0 to ubound(arrbadip)
counter = 0
arrbadippart = split(arrbadip(i), ".")
for j = 0 to ubound(arrippart)
if (arrbadippart(j)) = "*" or cstr(arrippart(j)) = cstr(arrbadippart(j)) then
counter = counter + 1
end if
if counter = 4 then
isforbidip = true
exit function
end if
isforbidip = false
end function
function getuserip()
dim ip
ip = request.servervariables("http_x_forwarded_for")
if ip = "" then ip = request.servervariables("remote_addr")
getuserip = ip
end function
下一篇: LeetCode两数相加(Python)