012章 绪论+向量
2022-10-06 14:51:39
01B-5: 图灵机 01B-5: 图灵机 Which of the following is NOT a component of a Turing machine? 以下哪项不是图灵机的组成要件? A tape of finite length 有限长的纸带 A tape of finite l ......
01b-5: 图灵机
which of the following is not a component of a turing machine? 以下哪项不是图灵机的组成要件?
01-e-5: 数组倒置
the base cases of a recursive function are degenerated cases, without which the sequence of recursive function calls would go forever.
01xc-2: fib():递推方程
the naive way of computing fib(n) recursively leads to a time complexity of