主要是常用的hbase shell命令,包括表的创建与删除,表数据的增删查【hbase没有修改】;以及hbase的导出与导入。
1. hbase命令
1.1. 命令的登录与退出
1 1.1. 命令的登录与退出 2 [yun@mini03 ~]$ hbase shell # 登录hbase 3 slf4j: class path contains multiple slf4j bindings. 4 ……………… 5 version 2.0.0, r7483b111e4da77adbfc8062b3b22cbe7c2cb91c1, sun apr 22 20:26:55 pdt 2018 6 took 0.0126 seconds 7 hbase(main):001:0> quit # 退出hbase 8 [yun@mini03 ~]$
1.2. 常用命令
名称 |
命令表达式 |
创建表 |
create '表名', '列族名1','列族名2','列族名n' |
查看所有表 |
list |
描述表 |
describe ‘表名’ |
判断表存在 |
exists '表名' |
判断是否禁用启用表 |
is_enabled '表名' is_disabled ‘表名’ |
添加记录 |
put ‘表名’, ‘rowkey’, ‘列族 : 列‘ , '值' |
查看记录rowkey下的所有数据 |
get '表名' , 'rowkey' |
查看表中的记录总数 |
count '表名' |
获取某个列族 |
get '表名','rowkey','列族' |
获取某个列族的某个列 |
get '表名','rowkey','列族:列’ |
删除记录 |
delete ‘表名’ ,‘行名’ , ‘列族:列' |
删除整行 |
deleteall '表名','rowkey' |
删除一张表 |
先要屏蔽该表,才能对该表进行删除 第一步 disable ‘表名’ ,第二步 drop '表名' |
清空表 |
truncate '表名' |
查看所有记录 |
scan "表名" |
查看某个表某个列中所有数据 |
scan "表名" , {columns=>'列族名:列名'} |
更新记录 |
就是重写一遍,进行覆盖,hbase没有修改,都是追加 |
hbase> put 't1', 'r1', 'c1', 'value', ts1
1.3. 示例1-建表,查看表结构信息,删表
hbase(main):006:0* create 'user','info1','info2','info3' # 创建表
created table user
took 2.9927 seconds
=> hbase::table - user
hbase(main):007:0> list # 查看所有表
1 row(s)
took 0.0468 seconds
=> ["user"]
hbase(main):008:0> describe 'user' # 描述表
table user is enabled ##### 当前表可用
column families description
{name => 'info1', versions => '1', evict_blocks_on_close => 'false', new_version_behavior => 'false', keep_deleted_cells => 'false', cache_data_on_write => 'false', data_block_encoding => 'none', ttl => 'forever', min_versions => '0', replication_scope => '0', bloomfilter => 'row', cache_index_on_write => 'false', in_memory => 'false', cache_blooms_on_write => 'false', prefetch_blocks_on_open => 'false', compression => 'none', blockcache => 'true', blocksize => '65536'}
{name => 'info2', versions => '1', evict_blocks_on_close => 'false', new_version_behavior => 'false', keep_deleted_cells => 'false', cache_data_on_write => 'false', data_block_encoding => 'none', ttl => 'forever', min_versions => '0', replication_scope => '0', bloomfilter => 'row', cache_index_on_write => 'false', in_memory => 'false', cache_blooms_on_write => 'false', prefetch_blocks_on_open => 'false', compression => 'none', blockcache => 'true', blocksize => '65536'}
{name => 'info3', versions => '1', evict_blocks_on_close => 'false', new_version_behavior => 'false', keep_deleted_cells => 'false', cache_data_on_write => 'false', data_block_encoding => 'none', ttl => 'forever', min_versions => '0', replication_scope => '0', bloomfilter => 'row', cache_index_on_write => 'false', in_memory => 'false', cache_blooms_on_write => 'false', prefetch_blocks_on_open => 'false', compression => 'none', blockcache => 'true', blocksize => '65536'}
3 row(s)
took 0.1933 seconds
hbase(main):011:0* exists 'user' # 判断表是否存在
table user does exist
took 0.0398 seconds
=> true
hbase(main):026:0> is_enabled 'user' # 判断表是否可用
took 0.0149 seconds
=> true
hbase(main):027:0> is_disabled 'user' # 判断表是否不可用
took 0.0148 seconds
=> 1
hbase(main):015:0> drop 'user' # 删除表【必须先将表置为不可用】
error: table user is enabled. disable it first.
drop the named table. table must first be disabled:
hbase> drop 't1'
hbase> drop 'ns1:t1'
took 0.0342 seconds
hbase(main):018:0* disable 'user' # 将表置为不可用
took 0.5544 seconds
hbase(main):019:0> drop 'user' # 之后删除表
took 0.5143 seconds
hbase(main):020:0> list
0 row(s)
took 0.0687 seconds
=> []
1.4. 示例2-添加表数据和查询表数据
hbase(main):024:0> create 'user','info1','info2','info3' # 创建表
created table user
took 1.2717 seconds
=> hbase::table - user
hbase(main):025:0> list # 查看所有表信息
1 row(s)
took 0.0466 seconds
=> ["user"]
hbase(main):042:0* put 'user','1234','info1:name','zhang' # 添加数据
took 0.0634 seconds
hbase(main):043:0> scan 'user' # 查看所有记录
row column+cell
1234 column=info1:name, timestamp=1533740907054, value=zhang
1 row(s)
took 0.0776 seconds
hbase(main):044:0> put 'user','1234','info1:name','zhangsan' # 再次添加【实际类似修改】
took 0.0055 seconds
hbase(main):045:0> scan 'user'
row column+cell
1234 column=info1:name, timestamp=1533740935956, value=zhangsan
1 row(s)
took 0.0160 seconds
hbase(main):046:0> put 'user','1234','info2:name','zhang' # 在另一个列族添加数据
took 0.0160 seconds
hbase(main):047:0> put 'user','1234','info2:age','23' # 在另一个列族的另外一个列添加数据
took 0.0133 seconds
hbase(main):048:0> scan 'user'
row column+cell
1234 column=info1:name, timestamp=1533740935956, value=zhangsan
1234 column=info2:age, timestamp=1533741066465, value=23
1234 column=info2:name, timestamp=1533741052169, value=zhang
1 row(s)
took 0.0171 seconds
hbase(main):050:0* put 'user','12345','info1:name','lisi'
took 0.0125 seconds
hbase(main):051:0> put 'user','12345','info2:age','25'
took 0.0143 seconds
hbase(main):052:0> scan 'user'
row column+cell
1234 column=info1:name, timestamp=1533740935956, value=zhangsan
1234 column=info2:age, timestamp=1533741066465, value=23
1234 column=info2:name, timestamp=1533741052169, value=zhang
12345 column=info1:name, timestamp=1533741585906, value=lisi
12345 column=info2:age, timestamp=1533741595725, value=25
2 row(s)
took 0.0179 seconds
hbase(main):058:0* count 'user' # 查看表中的记录总数【根据 row keys 判断】
2 row(s)
took 0.1065 seconds
=> 2
hbase(main):053:0> get 'user','1234' # 查看记录rowkey下的所有数据
column cell
info1:name timestamp=1533740935956, value=zhangsan
info2:age timestamp=1533741066465, value=23
info2:name timestamp=1533741052169, value=zhang
1 row(s)
took 0.0371 seconds
hbase(main):067:0* get 'user','1234','info2' # 获取某个列族
column cell
info2:age timestamp=1533741066465, value=23
info2:name timestamp=1533741052169, value=zhang
1 row(s)
took 0.0305 seconds
hbase(main):068:0> get 'user','1234','info2:name' # 获取某个列族的某个列
column cell
info2:name timestamp=1533741052169, value=zhang
1 row(s)
took 0.0182 seconds
1.5. 示例3-删除行数据
hbase(main):072:0> get 'user','1234'
column cell
info1:name timestamp=1533740935956, value=zhangsan
info2:address timestamp=1533742368985, value=china
info2:age timestamp=1533741066465, value=23
info2:name timestamp=1533741052169, value=zhang
1 row(s)
took 0.0146 seconds
hbase(main):073:0> delete 'user','1234','info2:age' # 删除指定行,指定列记录
#### 注意其中: delete 'user','1234','info2' 是无效的 ★★★
took 0.0288 seconds
hbase(main):074:0> get 'user','1234'
column cell
info1:name timestamp=1533740935956, value=zhangsan
info2:address timestamp=1533742368985, value=china
info2:name timestamp=1533741052169, value=zhang
1 row(s)
took 0.0140 seconds
hbase(main):100:0* deleteall 'user','1234' # 删除整行
took 0.0119 seconds
hbase(main):101:0> get 'user','1234'
column cell
0 row(s)
took 0.0145 seconds
1.6. 示例4-条件scan和truncate
hbase(main):122:0* scan 'user'
row column+cell
1234 column=info2:address, timestamp=1533743416815, value=cn
1234 column=info2:age, timestamp=1533743407616, value=20
1234 column=info2:name, timestamp=1533743396872, value=wangwu
12345 column=info1:name, timestamp=1533741585906, value=lisi
12345 column=info2:age, timestamp=1533741595725, value=25
2 row(s)
took 0.0241 seconds
hbase(main):123:0> scan 'user',{columns => 'info2'}
row column+cell
1234 column=info2:address, timestamp=1533743416815, value=cn
1234 column=info2:age, timestamp=1533743407616, value=20
1234 column=info2:name, timestamp=1533743396872, value=wangwu
12345 column=info2:age, timestamp=1533741595725, value=25
2 row(s)
took 0.0161 seconds
hbase(main):124:0> scan 'user',{columns => 'info2:age'}
row column+cell
1234 column=info2:age, timestamp=1533743407616, value=20
12345 column=info2:age, timestamp=1533741595725, value=25
2 row(s)
took 0.0158 seconds
hbase(main):128:0* truncate
truncate truncate_preserve
hbase(main):128:0* truncate 'user' # 截断表
truncating 'user' table (it may take a while):
disabling table...
truncating table...
took 2.6156 seconds
hbase(main):129:0> scan 'user'
row column+cell
0 row(s)
took 0.1305 seconds
2. hbase导入导出数据
2.1. 表信息准备
hbase(main):002:0> create 'zhang','userinfo','baseinfo','eduinfo','workinfo'
created table zhang
took 1.4311 seconds
=> hbase::table - zhang
hbase(main):005:0* put 'zhang','12345','userinfo:username','zhangsan'
took 0.3751 seconds
hbase(main):006:0> put 'zhang','12345','userinfo:password','111111'
took 0.0220 seconds
hbase(main):007:0> put 'zhang','12345','baseinfo:name','zhangsan'
took 0.0136 seconds
hbase(main):008:0> put 'zhang','12345','baseinfo:age','22'
took 0.0136 seconds
hbase(main):009:0> put 'zhang','12345','baseinfo:name','zhangnew'
took 0.0106 seconds
hbase(main):010:0> put 'zhang','12345','baseinfo:age','25'
took 0.0138 seconds
hbase(main):013:0> put 'zhang','12345','eduinfo:pri_school','star school'
took 0.0106 seconds
hbase(main):014:0> scan 'zhang'
row column+cell
12345 column=baseinfo:age, timestamp=1533884261796, value=25
12345 column=baseinfo:name, timestamp=1533884258020, value=zhangnew
12345 column=eduinfo:pri_school, timestamp=1533884297216, value=star school
12345 column=userinfo:password, timestamp=1533884246132, value=111111
12345 column=userinfo:username, timestamp=1533884241334, value=zhangsan
1 row(s)
took 0.0179 seconds
2.2. hbase表导出到hdfs
[yun@mini02 ~]$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.export zhang /zhang/hbase/zhang_tab
2018-08-10 15:01:27,354 info [main] mapreduce.job: the url to track the job: http://mini02:8088/proxy/application_1533865678790_0001/
2018-08-10 15:01:27,355 info [main] mapreduce.job: running job: job_1533865678790_0001
2018-08-10 15:01:39,564 info [main] mapreduce.job: job job_1533865678790_0001 running in uber mode : false
2018-08-10 15:01:39,566 info [main] mapreduce.job: map 0% reduce 0%
2018-08-10 15:01:52,384 info [main] mapreduce.job: map 100% reduce 0%
2018-08-10 15:01:53,416 info [main] mapreduce.job: job job_1533865678790_0001 completed successfully
2018-08-10 15:01:53,554 info [main] mapreduce.job: ps in occupied slots (ms)=9661
total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms)=0
total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=9661
total vcore-milliseconds taken by all map tasks=9661
total megabyte-milliseconds taken by all map tasks=9892864
map-reduce framework
map input records=1
map output records=1
input split bytes=124
spilled records=0
failed shuffles=0
merged map outputs=0
gc time elapsed (ms)=493
cpu time spent (ms)=7670
physical memory (bytes) snapshot=259244032
virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=2178433024
total committed heap usage (bytes)=89653248
hbase counters
file input format counters
bytes read=0
file output format counters
bytes written=364
1 [yun@mini03 ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /zhang/hbase/zhang_tab 2 found 2 items 3 -rw-r--r-- 3 yun supergroup 0 2018-08-10 15:01 /zhang/hbase/zhang_tab/_success 4 -rw-r--r-- 3 yun supergroup 364 2018-08-10 15:01 /zhang/hbase/zhang_tab/part-m-00000
2.3. hbase表导出到本地集群系统
[yun@mini02 hbase_data]$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.export zhang file:///app/software/hbase_data/zhang_tab
2018-08-10 16:14:17,619 info [main] mapreduce.jobsubmitter: submitting tokens for job: job_1533865678790_0003
2018-08-10 16:14:18,249 info [main] impl.yarnclientimpl: submitted application application_1533865678790_0003
2018-08-10 16:14:18,290 info [main] mapreduce.job: the url to track the job: http://mini02:8088/proxy/application_1533865678790_0003/
2018-08-10 16:14:18,290 info [main] mapreduce.job: running job: job_1533865678790_0003
2018-08-10 16:14:29,932 info [main] mapreduce.job: job job_1533865678790_0003 running in uber mode : false
2018-08-10 16:14:29,935 info [main] mapreduce.job: map 0% reduce 0%
2018-08-10 16:14:39,958 info [main] mapreduce.job: map 100% reduce 0%
2018-08-10 16:14:40,984 info [main] mapreduce.job: job job_1533865678790_0003 completed successfully
2018-08-10 16:14:41,131 info [main] mapreduce.job: aps in occupied slots (ms)=7246
total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms)=0
total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=7246
total vcore-milliseconds taken by all map tasks=7246
total megabyte-milliseconds taken by all map tasks=7419904
map-reduce framework
map input records=1
map output records=1
input split bytes=124
spilled records=0
failed shuffles=0
merged map outputs=0
gc time elapsed (ms)=242
cpu time spent (ms)=5580
physical memory (bytes) snapshot=263946240
virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=2176024576
total committed heap usage (bytes)=94896128
hbase counters
file input format counters
bytes read=0
file output format counters
bytes written=376
1 [yun@mini04 task_1533865678790_0003_m_000000]$ pwd 2 /app/software/hbase_data/zhang_tb/_temporary/1/task_1533865678790_0003_m_000000 3 [yun@mini04 task_1533865678790_0003_m_000000]$ ll 4 total 4 5 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun 364 aug 10 16:14 part-m-00000
2.4. 导入数据到hbase
1 # 把 hbase 中表 zhang 的数据给删掉,然后导入 2 hbase(main):058:0* deleteall 'zhang','12345' 3 took 0.0541 seconds \ 4 hbase(main):059:0> scan 'zhang' 5 row column+cell 6 0 row(s) 7 took 0.0247 seconds
1 # 对表 zhang 进行truncate,然后导入数据 或者 删除表 zhang,再重建该表 2 hbase(main):018:0* truncate 'zhang' 3 truncating 'zhang' table (it may take a while): 4 disabling table... 5 truncating table... 6 took 1.8954 seconds 7 hbase(main):020:0> scan 'zhang' 8 row column+cell 9 0 row(s) 10 took 1.4118 seconds
[yun@mini04 task_1533865678790_0003_m_000000]$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.import zhang file:///app/software/hbase_data/zhang_tb/_temporary/1/task_1533865678790_0003_m_000000/part-m-00000
hbase(main):023:0* scan 'zhang'
row column+cell
12345 column=baseinfo:age, timestamp=1533884261796, value=25
12345 column=baseinfo:name, timestamp=1533884258020, value=zhangnew
12345 column=eduinfo:pri_school, timestamp=1533884297216, value=star school
12345 column=userinfo:password, timestamp=1533884246132, value=111111
12345 column=userinfo:username, timestamp=1533884241334, value=zhangsan
1 row(s)
took 0.0439 seconds
1 # 新建表导入 要求:表结构一样 2 hbase(main):070:0* create 'zhang_test','userinfo','baseinfo','eduinfo','workinfo' 3 created table zhang_test 4 took 0.7815 seconds \ 5 => hbase::table - zhang_test 6 hbase(main):071:0> list # 查看所有表 7 table 8 scores 9 user 10 zhang 11 zhang_test 12 4 row(s) 13 took 0.0280 seconds 14 => ["scores", "user", "zhang", "zhang_test"]
[yun@mini04 task_1533865678790_0003_m_000000]$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.import zhang_test file:///app/software/hbase_data/zhang_tb/_temporary/1/task_1533865678790_0003_m_000000/part-m-00000
1 hbase(main):074:0* scan 'zhang_test' 2 row column+cell 3 12345 column=baseinfo:age, timestamp=1533884261796, value=25 4 12345 column=baseinfo:name, timestamp=1533884258020, value=zhangnew 5 12345 column=eduinfo:pri_school, timestamp=1533884297216, value=star school 6 12345 column=userinfo:password, timestamp=1533884246132, value=111111 7 12345 column=userinfo:username, timestamp=1533884241334, value=zhangsan 8 1 row(s) 9 took 0.0544 seconds