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vba 获取PPT幻灯片中的所有标题的代码

程序员文章站 2022-03-14 21:22:04
复制代码 代码如下: private sub commandbutton1_click() me.enabled = false gettitles me.enabled...
复制代码 代码如下:

private sub commandbutton1_click()
me.enabled = false
me.enabled = true
end sub

sub gettitles()
on error resume next
dim opres as presentation
set opres = application.activepresentation
dim oslide as slide
dim oshape as shape
dim tr as textrange
dim stext as string
dim i as long, j as long
for i = 1 to opres.slides.count
set oslide = opres.slides.item(i)
for j = 1 to oslide.shapes.count
set oshape = oslide.shapes.item(j)
if oshape.textframe.hastext = msotrue then
set tr = oshape.textframe.textrange
stext = tr.text
'如果符合格式: 根据情况设定, 此处前三位构成为x.y
if isnumeric(left(stext, 3)) then
'msgbox stext
textbox1.selstart = 65535
textbox1.seltext = stext & vbcrlf
end if
set tr = nothing
end if
set oshape = nothing
set oslide = nothing
set opres = nothing
end sub
相关标签: vba PPT 幻灯片