python 奇怪吸引子可视化
2022-09-29 21:07:08
def lighter(clr, f=1/3):
An implementation of Mathematica's Lighter[]
function for RGB colors
clr : 3-tuple or list, an RGB color
f : float, the fraction by which to brighten
gaps = [f*(1 - val) for val in clr]
new_clr = [val + gap for gap, val in zip(gaps, clr)]
return new_clr
def plot3dproj(x, y, z, *args, color=(0,0,0), shadow_dist=1.0, color_proj=None,
elev_azim=(39,-47), show_labels=True, **kwargs):
Create a three dimensional plot, with projections onto the 2D coordinate
x, y, z : 1D arrays of coordinates to plot
*args : arguments passed to the matplotlib plt.plot functions
- color : length-3 tuple
The RGB color (with each element in [0,1]) to use for the
three dimensional line plot
- color_proj : length-3 tuple
The RGB color (with each element in [0,1]) to use for the
two dimensional projection plots. Defaults to a lighter version of the
plotting color
- shadow_dist : float
The relative distance of axes to their shadow. If a single value,
then the same distance is used for all three axies. If a triple, then
different values are used for all axes
- elev_azim : length-2 tuple
The starting values of elevation and azimuth when viewing the figure
- show_labels : bool
Whether to show numerical labels on the axes
if not color_proj:
color_proj = lighter(color, .6)
if np.isscalar(shadow_dist) == 1:
sdist_x = shadow_dist
sdist_y = shadow_dist
sdist_z = shadow_dist
sdist_x, sdist_y, sdist_z = shadow_dist
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection= '3d')
ax.plot(x, z, *args, zdir='y', zs=sdist_y*np.max(y), color=color_proj, **kwargs)
ax.plot(y, z, *args, zdir='x', zs=sdist_x*np.min(x), color=color_proj, **kwargs)
ax.plot(x, y, *args, zdir='z', zs=sdist_z*np.min(z), color=color_proj, **kwargs)
ax.plot(x, y, z, *args, color=color, **kwargs)
ax.view_init(elev=elev_azim[0], azim=elev_azim[1])
ax.set_aspect('auto', adjustable='box')
if not show_labels:
return ax
x = np.loadtxt('dataset/trajectories.txt', delimiter=',')[:50000]
plot3dproj(x[:,0], x[:,1], x[:,2], shadow_dist=2, elev_azim=(25,-37), linewidth=.15)
上一篇: PHP数据库安全之SQL注入