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springboot 之jpa高级查询操作

程序员文章站 2022-09-26 09:39:00
springboot的jpa可以根据方法名自动解析sql 非常方便, 只需要在 dao接口中定义方法即可;下面是一个 demopackage com.bus365.root.dao; import j...

springboot的jpa可以根据方法名自动解析sql 非常方便, 只需要在 dao接口中定义方法即可;

下面是一个 demo

package com.bus365.root.dao; 
import java.io.serializable;
import java.util.list; 
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.jparepository;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.jpaspecificationexecutor;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query;
import org.springframework.data.repository.query.param; 
import com.bus365.root.model.user; 
public interface userdao extends jparepository<user,long>,jpaspecificationexecutor<user>,serializable { 
 user findbyname(string name); 
 user findbynameandage(string name, integer age); 
 user findbynameorage(string name, integer age); 
 /*@query(value = "from user where name = :name")
 list<user> findbyname(@param("name") string name);*/


 public user findbyname(string name) {
 user user = userdao.findbyname(name);
 return user;
 public user findbynameandage(string name, integer age) {
 user user = userdao.findbynameandage(name,age);
 return user;
 public user findbynameorage(string name, integer age) {
 user user = userdao.findbynameorage(name,age);
 return user;


keyword sample jpql snippet
and findbylastnameandfirstname … where x.lastname = ?1 and x.firstname = ?2
or findbylastnameorfirstname … where x.lastname = ?1 or x.firstname = ?2
is,equals findbyfirstnameis,findbyfirstnameequals … where x.firstname = ?1
between findbystartdatebetween … where x.startdate between ?1 and ?2
lessthan findbyagelessthan … where x.age < ?1
lessthanequal findbyagelessthanequal … where x.age ⇐ ?1
greaterthan findbyagegreaterthan … where x.age > ?1
greaterthanequal findbyagegreaterthanequal … where x.age >= ?1
after findbystartdateafter … where x.startdate > ?1
before findbystartdatebefore … where x.startdate < ?1
isnull findbyageisnull … where x.age is null
isnotnull,notnull findbyage(is)notnull … where x.age not null
like findbyfirstnamelike … where x.firstname like ?1
notlike findbyfirstnamenotlike … where x.firstname not like ?1
startingwith findbyfirstnamestartingwith … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound with appended %)
endingwith findbyfirstnameendingwith … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound with prepended %)
containing findbyfirstnamecontaining … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound wrapped in %)
orderby findbyageorderbylastnamedesc … where x.age = ?1 order by x.lastname desc
not findbylastnamenot … where x.lastname <> ?1
in findbyagein(collection ages) … where x.age in ?1
notin findbyagenotin(collection age) … where x.age not in ?1
true findbyactivetrue() … where x.active = true
false findbyactivefalse() … where x.active = false
ignorecase findbyfirstnameignorecase … where upper(x.firstame) = upper(?1)



package com.bus365.root.service.impl; 
import java.util.list; 
import javax.persistence.entitymanager;
import javax.persistence.persistencecontext; 
import org.springframework.stereotype.service; 
import com.bus365.root.model.address;
import com.bus365.root.service.addressservice;
public class addressserviceimpl implements addressservice {
	private entitymanager entitymanager;
	public list<address> listaddress(){
		list resultlist = entitymanager.createnativequery("select * from address ", address.class).getresultlist();
		return resultlist;

注意 @persistencecontext

private entitymanager entitymanager;

动态引入entitymanger , 之后就能正常使用了;


jpa的事务 直接使用注解transactional 参数rollbackon表示回滚条件, 这个注解一搬加在service层; 注意getsingleresult 如果查不到数据会报错;

@transactional(rollbackon= {exception.class})
 public address getaddressbyid(long id) {
 address singleresult = null;
 try {
  singleresult = (address) entitymanager
   .createnativequery("select * from address where id = :id", address.class).setparameter("id", id)
 } catch (exception e) {
 return singleresult;


 public list<object[]> getuserwithaddrbyid(long id) {
 list resultlist = entitymanager.createnativequery(
  "select u.id id,u.age age,u.name name,a.name aname,a.completeaddress addre from user u left join address a on u.addressid = a.id where u.id = :id")
  .setparameter("id", id).getresultlist();
 return resultlist;

这是一个联查user 和address的例子, 返回的结果是个list<object[]> 项目中一般封装成vo 类,或者list<map<string,object>> 的形式

github项目地址 https://github.com/christain1993/springbootintegration



   * 条件查询+分页
   * @param wheremap
   * @param page
   * @param size
   * @return
  public page<casemanage> findsearch(map wheremap, int page, int size,integer createid) {
    sort sort = new sort(sort.direction.desc,"id");
    specification<casemanage> specification = createspecification(wheremap,createid);
    pagerequest pagerequest = new pagerequest(page,size,sort);
    return casedao.findall(specification, pagerequest);
   * 条件查询
   * @param wheremap
   * @return
  public list<casemanage> findsearch(map wheremap,integer createid) {
    specification<casemanage> specification = createspecification(wheremap, createid);
    return casedao.findall(specification);
   * 动态条件构建
   * @param searchmap
   * @return
  private specification<casemanage> createspecification(map searchmap,integer createid) {
    return new specification<casemanage>() {
      public predicate topredicate(root<casemanage> root, criteriaquery<?> query, criteriabuilder cb) {
        list<predicate> predicatelist = new arraylist<predicate>();
        // 案件名称
        if (searchmap.get("case_name")!=null && !"".equals(searchmap.get("case_name"))) {
          predicatelist.add(cb.like(root.get("case_name").as(string.class), "%"+(string)searchmap.get("case_name")+"%"));
        // 案件编号uuid类型
        if (searchmap.get("case_uuid")!=null && !"".equals(searchmap.get("case_uuid"))) {
          predicatelist.add(cb.equal(root.get("case_uuid").as(string.class), (string)searchmap.get("case_uuid")));
        return cb.and( predicatelist.toarray(new predicate[predicatelist.size()]));



where (state=1 or state=2)and name='zhangsan'


list<predicate> predicatelist = new arraylist<predicate>();
predicate or = cb.or(cb.and(cb.equal(root.get("case_authority").as(string.class), "0")), cb.and(cb.equal(root.get("create_id").as(string.class), string.valueof(createid))));
