Java File IO学习笔记
2. 判断文件的函数:exists(),isFile(),isAbsolute(),isDirectory(),canRead(),canWrite(),isHidden()函数的使用。
4. 文件输入输出操作中的FileInputStream(),InputStreamReader()的使用和差别。
public class FileTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File file = new File("D:/hust/file.txt"); File directory = new File("D:/hust/hk"); File dir = new File("D:/hank/hu/file.txt"); if (!directory.exists()) { System.out.println(directory.mkdir()); } if (!dir.exists()) { System.out.println(dir.mkdirs()); } if (!file.exists()) { System.out.println(":" + file.createNewFile()); } } }
true;如果指定的文件已经存在,则返回 false。
mkdir(),和mkdirs()都返回一个Boolean值,如果指定文件夹不存在并且通过mkdir()或者mkdirs()创建成功则返回一个true 值否则返回false。
public class FileTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File file = new File("D:/hust/file.txt"); File directory = new File("D:/hust/hk"); File dir = new File("D:/hank/hu/file.txt"); if (!directory.exists()) { System.out.println(directory.mkdir()); } if (!dir.exists()) { System.out.println(dir.mkdirs()); } if (!file.exists()) { System.out.println(":" + file.createNewFile()); } file.setReadable(true); file.setWritable(false); System.out.println("isFile:"+file.isFile()+"\tisDirectory:"+file.isDirectory()+"\tcanRead:"+file.canRead()+"\tcanWrite:"+file.canWrite()); System.out.println(dir.isFile()+":"+dir.isDirectory()); } }
isFile:true isDirectory:false
canRead:true canWrite:false
isFile:false isDirectory:true
public class FileTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File dir = new File("D:/hust"); String[] str=dir.list(); File[] str1=dir.listFiles(); System.out.println("lastModified():"+new Date(dir.lastModified())); System.out.println("length():"+dir.length()+"\ngetAbsolutePath:"+dir.getAbsolutePath()); System.out.println("getPath:"+dir.getPath()); System.out.println("getName:"+dir.getName()+"\ngetParent:"+dir.getParent()); for(int j=0;j<str1.length;j++) System.out.println(":"+str1[j]); for(int i=0;i<str.length;i++) { System.out.println(":"+str[i]); } } }
lastModified():Mon Aug 01 22:01:15 CST 2016
public class FileTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { deleteFiles("D:/Xiaomi"); } public static void deleteFiles(String path) { File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) { return; } if (file.isFile()) { file.delete(); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] files = file.listFiles(); for (File myfile : files) { System.out.println(":" + myfile.getAbsolutePath()); deleteFiles(myfile.getAbsolutePath()); } file.delete(); } } }
FileInputStream ()是使用字节方式输入,InputStreamReader()字符方式输入。一般字节方式输入用来处理图片,声音,图像等二进制流。
public class FileTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // deleteFiles("D:/Xiaomi"); System.out.println(":" + ReadFileByByte("D:/File1/心理健康常识.txt")); System.out.println(":" + ReadFileByChar("D:/File1/心理健康常识.txt")); } public static String ReadFileByByte(String filepath) throws FileNotFoundException { File file = new File(filepath); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile()) { System.out.println("this file is not exist!"); return null; } FileInputStream fileinputstream = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] temp = new byte[1024]; try { while ( != -1) { sb.append(new String(temp)); } fileinputstream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // System.out.println(":"+sb.length()); return sb.toString(); } public static String ReadFileByChar(String filepath) { File file = new File(filepath); if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile()) { return null; } StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(); try { char[] temp = new char[1024]; FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader( fileInputStream); while ( != -1) { content.append(new String(temp)); temp = new char[1024]; } fileInputStream.close(); inputStreamReader.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return content.toString(); }
声明:以下转载自: Java File类总结和FileUtils类
用public boolean exists()可以判断文件是否存在。
如果是目录,public boolean isDirectory()返回true;
如果是文件(非目录则是文件),public boolean isFile()返回true;
public boolean createNewFile()会创建一个新的空文件,只有该文件不存在的时候会创建,如果文件已经存在的话则返回false。
public boolean mkdir()
public boolean mkdirs()
String[] list()
String[] list(FilenameFilter filter)
File[] listFiles()
File[] listFiles(FileFilter filter)
File[] listFiles(FilenameFilter filter)
boolean delete()方法会删除文件,如果File对象是文件则直接删除,对于目录来说,如果是空目录则直接删除,非空目录则无法删除,返回false。
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.mengdd.file; import; import; import; import; import; /* * FileUtils copied from */ public class FileUtils { /** * Construct a file from the set of name elements. * * @param directory * the parent directory * @param names * the name elements * @return the file */ public static File getFile(File directory, String... names) { if (directory == null) { throw new NullPointerException( "directorydirectory must not be null"); } if (names == null) { throw new NullPointerException("names must not be null"); } File file = directory; for (String name : names) { file = new File(file, name); } return file; } /** * Construct a file from the set of name elements. * * @param names * the name elements * @return the file */ public static File getFile(String... names) { if (names == null) { throw new NullPointerException("names must not be null"); } File file = null; for (String name : names) { if (file == null) { file = new File(name); } else { file = new File(file, name); } } return file; } /** * Opens a {@link FileInputStream} for the specified file, providing better * error messages than simply calling <code>new FileInputStream(file)</code> * . * <p> * At the end of the method either the stream will be successfully opened, * or an exception will have been thrown. * <p> * An exception is thrown if the file does not exist. An exception is thrown * if the file object exists but is a directory. An exception is thrown if * the file exists but cannot be read. * * @param file * the file to open for input, must not be {@code null} * @return a new {@link FileInputStream} for the specified file * @throws FileNotFoundException * if the file does not exist * @throws IOException * if the file object is a directory * @throws IOException * if the file cannot be read */ public static FileInputStream openInputStream(File file) throws IOException { if (file.exists()) { if (file.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("File '" + file + "' exists but is a directory"); } if (file.canRead() == false) { throw new IOException("File '" + file + "' cannot be read"); } } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("File '" + file + "' does not exist"); } return new FileInputStream(file); } /** * Opens a {@link FileOutputStream} for the specified file, checking and * creating the parent directory if it does not exist. * <p> * At the end of the method either the stream will be successfully opened, * or an exception will have been thrown. * <p> * The parent directory will be created if it does not exist. The file will * be created if it does not exist. An exception is thrown if the file * object exists but is a directory. An exception is thrown if the file * exists but cannot be written to. An exception is thrown if the parent * directory cannot be created. * * @param file * the file to open for output, must not be {@code null} * @param append * if {@code true}, then bytes will be added to the * end of the file rather than overwriting * @return a new {@link FileOutputStream} for the specified file * @throws IOException * if the file object is a directory * @throws IOException * if the file cannot be written to * @throws IOException * if a parent directory needs creating but that fails */ public static FileOutputStream openOutputStream(File file, boolean append) throws IOException { if (file.exists()) { if (file.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("File '" + file + "' exists but is a directory"); } if (file.canWrite() == false) { throw new IOException("File '" + file + "' cannot be written to"); } } else { File parent = file.getParentFile(); if (parent != null) { if (!parent.mkdirs() && !parent.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Directory '" + parent + "' could not be created"); } } } return new FileOutputStream(file, append); } public static FileOutputStream openOutputStream(File file) throws IOException { return openOutputStream(file, false); } /** * Cleans a directory without deleting it. * * @param directory * directory to clean * @throws IOException * in case cleaning is unsuccessful */ public static void cleanDirectory(File directory) throws IOException { if (!directory.exists()) { String message = directory + " does not exist"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (!directory.isDirectory()) { String message = directory + " is not a directory"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } File[] files = directory.listFiles(); if (files == null) { // null if security restricted throw new IOException("Failed to list contents of " + directory); } IOException exception = null; for (File file : files) { try { forceDelete(file); } catch (IOException ioe) { exception = ioe; } } if (null != exception) { throw exception; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Deletes a directory recursively. * * @param directory * directory to delete * @throws IOException * in case deletion is unsuccessful */ public static void deleteDirectory(File directory) throws IOException { if (!directory.exists()) { return; } cleanDirectory(directory); if (!directory.delete()) { String message = "Unable to delete directory " + directory + "."; throw new IOException(message); } } /** * Deletes a file. If file is a directory, delete it and all * sub-directories. * <p> * The difference between File.delete() and this method are: * <ul> * <li>A directory to be deleted does not have to be empty.</li> * <li>You get exceptions when a file or directory cannot be deleted. * ( methods returns a boolean)</li> * </ul> * * @param file * file or directory to delete, must not be {@code null} * @throws NullPointerException * if the directory is {@code null} * @throws FileNotFoundException * if the file was not found * @throws IOException * in case deletion is unsuccessful */ public static void forceDelete(File file) throws IOException { if (file.isDirectory()) { deleteDirectory(file); } else { boolean filePresent = file.exists(); if (!file.delete()) { if (!filePresent) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist: " + file); } String message = "Unable to delete file: " + file; throw new IOException(message); } } } /** * Deletes a file, never throwing an exception. If file is a directory, * delete it and all sub-directories. * <p> * The difference between File.delete() and this method are: * <ul> * <li>A directory to be deleted does not have to be empty.</li> * <li>No exceptions are thrown when a file or directory cannot be deleted.</li> * </ul> * * @param file * file or directory to delete, can be {@code null} * @return {@code true} if the file or directory was deleted, otherwise * {@code false} * */ public static boolean deleteQuietly(File file) { if (file == null) { return false; } try { if (file.isDirectory()) { cleanDirectory(file); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } try { return file.delete(); } catch (Exception ignored) { return false; } } /** * Makes a directory, including any necessary but nonexistent parent * directories. If a file already exists with specified name but it is * not a directory then an IOException is thrown. * If the directory cannot be created (or does not already exist) * then an IOException is thrown. * * @param directory * directory to create, must not be {@code null} * @throws NullPointerException * if the directory is {@code null} * @throws IOException * if the directory cannot be created or the file already exists * but is not a directory */ public static void forceMkdir(File directory) throws IOException { if (directory.exists()) { if (!directory.isDirectory()) { String message = "File " + directory + " exists and is " + "not a directory. Unable to create directory."; throw new IOException(message); } } else { if (!directory.mkdirs()) { // Double-check that some other thread or process hasn't made // the directory in the background if (!directory.isDirectory()) { String message = "Unable to create directory " + directory; throw new IOException(message); } } } } /** * Returns the size of the specified file or directory. If the provided * {@link File} is a regular file, then the file's length is returned. * If the argument is a directory, then the size of the directory is * calculated recursively. If a directory or subdirectory is security * restricted, its size will not be included. * * @param file * the regular file or directory to return the size * of (must not be {@code null}). * * @return the length of the file, or recursive size of the directory, * provided (in bytes). * * @throws NullPointerException * if the file is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the file does not exist. * */ public static long sizeOf(File file) { if (!file.exists()) { String message = file + " does not exist"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (file.isDirectory()) { return sizeOfDirectory(file); } else { return file.length(); } } /** * Counts the size of a directory recursively (sum of the length of all * files). * * @param directory * directory to inspect, must not be {@code null} * @return size of directory in bytes, 0 if directory is security * restricted, a negative number when the real total * is greater than {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}. * @throws NullPointerException * if the directory is {@code null} */ public static long sizeOfDirectory(File directory) { checkDirectory(directory); final File[] files = directory.listFiles(); if (files == null) { // null if security restricted return 0L; } long size = 0; for (final File file : files) { size += sizeOf(file); if (size < 0) { break; } } return size; } /** * Checks that the given {@code File} exists and is a directory. * * @param directory * The {@code File} to check. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the given {@code File} does not exist or is not a * directory. */ private static void checkDirectory(File directory) { if (!directory.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(directory + " does not exist"); } if (!directory.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(directory + " is not a directory"); } } }
下一篇: 企业建站需要怎样的建站工具呢?