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程序员文章站 2022-09-08 20:49:32
将vue0.1里的过滤代码添加到vue2.0,方法很简单,具体内容如下 var filters = { orderby: orderby, filte...


var filters = {

 orderby: orderby,
 filterby: filterby,
 limitby: limitby,

  * stringify value.
  * @param {number} indent

 json: {
  read: function read(value, indent) {
  return typeof value === 'string' ? value : json.stringify(value, null, number(indent) || 2);
  write: function write(value) {
  try {
   return json.parse(value);
  } catch (e) {
   return value;

  * 'abc' => 'abc'

 capitalize: function capitalize(value) {
  if (!value && value !== 0) return '';
  value = value.tostring();
  return value.charat(0).touppercase() + value.slice(1);

  * 'abc' => 'abc'

 uppercase: function uppercase(value) {
  return value || value === 0 ? value.tostring().touppercase() : '';

  * 'abc' => 'abc'

 lowercase: function lowercase(value) {
  return value || value === 0 ? value.tostring().tolowercase() : '';

  * 12345 => $12,345.00
  * @param {string} sign

 currency: function currency(value, _currency) {
  value = parsefloat(value);
  if (!isfinite(value) || !value && value !== 0) return '';
  _currency = _currency != null ? _currency : '$';
  var stringified = math.abs(value).tofixed(2);
  var _int = stringified.slice(0, -3);
  var i = _int.length % 3;
  var head = i > 0 ? _int.slice(0, i) + (_int.length > 3 ? ',' : '') : '';
  var _float = stringified.slice(-3);
  var sign = value < 0 ? '-' : '';
  return sign + _currency + head + _int.slice(i).replace(digitsre, '$1,') + _float;

  * 'item' => 'items'
  * @params
  * an array of strings corresponding to
  * the single, double, triple ... forms of the word to
  * be pluralized. when the number to be pluralized
  * exceeds the length of the args, it will use the last
  * entry in the array.
  * e.g. ['single', 'double', 'triple', 'multiple']

 pluralize: function pluralize(value) {
  var args = toarray(arguments, 1);
  return args.length > 1 ? args[value % 10 - 1] || args[args.length - 1] : args[0] + (value === 1 ? '' : 's');

  * debounce a handler function.
  * @param {function} handler
  * @param {number} delay = 300
  * @return {function}

 debounce: function debounce(handler, delay) {
  if (!handler) return;
  if (!delay) {
  delay = 300;
  return _debounce(handler, delay);
