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程序员文章站 2022-09-08 19:11:16
存成.asp文件,执行,你用asphttp抓内容的时候用这个很爽,当然自己要改进一下了<%option explicitfunction striphtml(strh...

option explicit

function striphtml(strhtml)
'strips the html tags from strhtml

  dim objregexp, stroutput
  set objregexp = new regexp

  objregexp.ignorecase = true
  objregexp.global = true
  objregexp.pattern = "<.+?>"

  'replace all html tag matches with the empty string
  stroutput = objregexp.replace(strhtml, "")

  'replace all < and > with < and >
  stroutput = replace(stroutput, "<", "<")
  stroutput = replace(stroutput, ">", ">")

  striphtml = stroutput    'return the value of stroutput

  set objregexp = nothing
end function


<form method="post" id=form1 name=form1>
  <b>enter an html string:</b><br>
  <textarea name="txthtml" cols="50" rows="8" wrap="virtual"><%=request("txthtml")%></textarea>
  <input type="submit" value="strip html tags!" id=submit1 name=submit1>

<% if len(request("txthtml")) > 0 then %>
    <b><u>view of string <i>with no</i> html stripping:</u></b><br>
    <b><u>view of string <i>with</i> html stripping:</u></b><br>
<% end if %>