mysql 批量删除/更新数据报错 you can‘t specify target / every derrived table must / you are using safe update
2022-09-03 19:29:28
执行一段SQL,批量删除冗余数据时报错:You can't specify target table 'A' for update in FROM clausedelete from A where id in (select id from A group by id having count(id)>1);改为:delete from A where id in (select id from (select id from A group by id having count(....
执行一段SQL,批量删除冗余数据时报错:You can't specify target table 'A' for update in FROM clause
delete from A where id in (select id from A group by id having count(id)>1);
delete from A where id in (select id from (select id from A group by id having count(id)>1));
官方解释:MYSQL Derived Table Merge Optimization
改成如上SQL之后会报:Every derived table must have its own alias
delete from A where id in (select id from (select id from A group by id having count(id)>1) a);
如果是在MySQL WorkBench上操作还会遇到安全模式的问题:You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE ...
set sql_safe_updates = 0;