2022-08-28 11:41:06
利用vbscript脚本修改文件内容,此适用于自动化的操作中 '新建一个replace.vbs脚本,脚本内容如下,程序运行时输入三个参数:查找内容,替换内容,文件 ...
复制代码 代码如下:
dim filename, find, replacewith, filecontents, dfilecontents
find = wscript.arguments(0)
replacewith = wscript.arguments(1)
filename = wscript.arguments(2)
filecontents = getfile(filename)
dfilecontents = replace(filecontents, find, replacewith, 1, -1, 1)
if dfilecontents <> filecontents then
writefile filename, dfilecontents
wscript.echo "replace done."
if len(replacewith) <> len(find) then
wscript.echo _
( (len(dfilecontents) - len(filecontents)) / (len(replacewith)-len(find)) ) & _
" replacements."
end if
wscript.echo "searched string not in the source file"
end if
function getfile(filename)
if filename<>"" then
dim fs, filestream
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
on error resume next
set filestream = fs.opentextfile(filename)
getfile = filestream.readall
end if
end function
function writefile(filename, contents)
dim outstream, fs
on error resume next
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set outstream = fs.opentextfile(filename, 2, true)
outstream.write contents
end function
find = wscript.arguments(0)
replacewith = wscript.arguments(1)
filename = wscript.arguments(2)
filecontents = getfile(filename)
dfilecontents = replace(filecontents, find, replacewith, 1, -1, 1)
if dfilecontents <> filecontents then
writefile filename, dfilecontents
wscript.echo "replace done."
if len(replacewith) <> len(find) then
wscript.echo _
( (len(dfilecontents) - len(filecontents)) / (len(replacewith)-len(find)) ) & _
" replacements."
end if
wscript.echo "searched string not in the source file"
end if
function getfile(filename)
if filename<>"" then
dim fs, filestream
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
on error resume next
set filestream = fs.opentextfile(filename)
getfile = filestream.readall
end if
end function
function writefile(filename, contents)
dim outstream, fs
on error resume next
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set outstream = fs.opentextfile(filename, 2, true)
outstream.write contents
end function