使用 Helm Chart 部署及卸载 istio
部署 istio
1.添加 istio 官方的 helm 仓库
helm repo add istio https://storage.googleapis.com/istio-release/releases/1.3.3/charts/
helm search repo istio
name chart version app version description
istio/istio 1.3.3 1.3.3 helm chart for all istio components
istio/istio-cni 1.3.3 1.3.3 helm chart for istio-cni components
istio/istio-init 1.3.3 1.3.3 helm chart to initialize istio crds
3.创建 istio-system 命名空间
kubectl create ns istio-system
4.创建 istio 所需的 crd 文件
helm install istio-init istio/istio-init -n istio-system
5.检查 crd 文件是否创建完成,输出为23
kubectl get crds | grep 'istio.io' | wc -l
6.部署 istio
helm install istio istio/istio -n istio-system
name: istio
last deployed: thu oct 24 12:05:06 2019
namespace: istio-system
status: deployed
revision: 1
thank you for installing istio.your release is named istio.
to get started running application with istio, execute the following steps:
- label namespace that application object will be deployed to by the following command (take default namespace as an example)
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
kubectl get namespace -l istio-injection
- deploy your applications
$ kubectl apply -f
for more information on running istio, visit:
卸载 istio
1.卸载 istio
helm -n istio-system uninstall istio
2.删除 istio crd 文件
helm -n istio-system uninstall istio-init kubectl delete crd `kubectl get crd | grep istio| awk '{print $1}'`
一键部署及卸载 istio 的脚本
#!/bin/bash # add istio official repo add_repo(){ version=$1 repo="https://storage.googleapis.com/istio-release/releases/${version}/charts/" helm repo add istio $repo status_cmd=`echo $?` check_repo_cmd=`helm repo list | grep $repo | wc -l` echo "$status_cmd" echo "$check_repo_cmd" while [[ $status_cmd != 0 && $check_repo_cmd -ge 1 ]] do sleep 5 helm repo add istio $repo status_cmd=`echo $?` check_repo_cmd=`helm repo list | grep $repo | wc -l` done } # create istio-system namespace create_namespace() { namespace=$1 kubectl create ns ${namespace} status_cmd=`echo $?` while [[ $status_cmd != 0 ]] do sleep 5 kubectl create ns ${namespace} status_cmd=`echo $?` done } # create crd need for istio create_crd() { namespace=$1 helm install istio-init istio/istio-init -n ${namespace} crd_count=`kubectl get crds | grep 'istio.i' | wc -l` while [[ ${crd_count} != 23 ]] do sleep 5 crd_count=`kubectl get crds | grep 'istio.io' | wc -l` done echo 'istio crd create successful' } # deploy istio related components deploy_istio() { namespace=$1 version=$2 helm install istio istio/istio -n ${namespace} check() { kubectl -n ${namespace} get deploy | grep istio | awk '{print "deployment/"$1}' | while read line ; do kubectl rollout status $line -n ${namespace}; done } check echo "istio is deployed successful" } main(){ istio_version="1.3.3" istio_namespace="istio-system" add_repo $istio_version if [[ `kubectl get ns | grep $istio_namespace | wc -l ` == 0 && `kubectl get ns $istio_namespace | grep -v name | wc -l` == 0 ]] ;then create_namespace $istio_namespace fi create_crd $istio_namespace deploy_istio $istio_namespace $istio_version } main
#!/bin/bash helm -n istio-system uninstall istio helm -n istio-system uninstall istio-init kubectl delete crd `kubectl get crd | grep istio | awk '{print $1}'` kubectl delete ns istio-system
注意:卸载需谨慎,删除了 istio-system 的命名空间
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上述步骤使用的是 istio 官方提供的默认配置,如果你想要自定配置,可以阅读 values.yaml 文件后,通过 --set
的方式修改,或者直接修改 chart。
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