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程序员文章站 2022-03-14 13:38:32
Sun公司的John Rose在OpenJDK社区发起了一个多语言虚拟机项目-Multi-Language VM。这个新的虚拟机项目的重大意义在于,它是一个专门为了动态语言支持而设计的Java虚拟机,将彻底解决在当前JVM支持动态语言面临的种种困难。也许,不久的将来,我们就可以在JVM上面*的运行各种动态语言,例如Ruby,Python,Groovy了。

Here’s the snippet from the announcement:

This project will be open for prototyping JVM features aimed at efficiently supporting languages other than Java.

The emphasis will be on completing the existing bytecode and execution architecture with general purpose extensions, as opposed to a new feature for just one language, or adjoining an unrelated new execution model.

The emphasis will also be on work which removes“pain points” already observed by implementors of successful or influential languages, as opposed to more speculative work on unproven features or niche languages.
相关标签: 虚拟机