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程序员文章站 2022-08-11 15:34:28
一个简单的自动发送邮件系统     php的另一个强大的特征就是他有能通过html的表单修改变量的能力,通过这些变量,我们可以实现很...


<title>request for more information</title>

<center>would you like more information about our company?

<table width = 400><tr><td align = right>

<form action="email.php3" method="post">

your name:<br>
<input type="text" name="name" size="20" maxlength="30">
your email address:<br>
<input type="text" name="email" size="20" maxlength="30">
i prefer:
<select name="preference">
<option value = apples>apples
<option value = oranges>oranges
<input type="submit" value="send it!">




注意 action指向文件:email.php3  下面就是email.php3文件:


/* this script will handle the variables passed from the moreinfo.html file */
print "<center>";print "hello, $name.";print "<br><br>";
print "thank you for your interest.<br><br>";
print "we will send information to $email, and have noted that you like $preference.";
print "</center>";



   当用户在表单里键入他们的name和email,点击“send it!”按钮,表单就会调用email.php3文件,依次如下显示:(这里我们假设person'name  是bill, email地址是bgates@devshed.com ,选择了apples):

hello, bill.

thank you for your interest.

we will send information to bgates@devshed.com, and have noted that you like apples



    语法:void mail(string to, string subject, string message, string add_headers);  

   ·subject 表示主题
   ·message 为信件内容
   ·additional_headers 可省略,表示其它的邮件文件头。



mail("$email", "your request for information", "$namen
thank you for your interest!nwe sell fresh corn daily over the internet!
place your order  at http://www.buycorn.com,
and receive a free package of $preference!");
"visitor request for info.","$name requested for information.n
the email address is $email. n the visitor prefers $preference.");



