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程序员文章站 2022-08-07 09:16:30
一实践规划 1.1实践需求 本实验通过资源配额和资源配置范围的配合来控制一个命名空间的资源使用。 集群管理员根据集群用户的数量来调整集群配置,以达到这个目的:能控制特定命名空间中的资源使用量,最终实现集群的公平使用和成本控制。 需要实现的功能如下: 限制运行状态的Pod的计算资源用量。 限制持久 ......

一 规划

1.1 需求

  • 限制运行状态的pod的计算资源用量。
  • 限制持久存储卷的数量以控制对存储的访问。
  • 限制负载均衡器的数量以控制成本。
  • 防止滥用网络端口这类稀缺资源。
  • 提供默认的计算资源requests以便于系统做出更优化的调度。

二 步骤

2.1 创建命名空间

[root@k8smaster01 study]# vi namespace.yaml
  1 apiversion: v1
  2 kind: namespace
  3 metadata:
  4   name: quota-example
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl create -f namespace.yaml
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl get namespaces
name status age
quota-example active 14s

2.2 设置对象数目的资源配额

  • 持久存储卷;
  • 负载均衡器;
  • nodeport。
[root@k8smaster01 study]# vi object-counts.yaml
  1 apiversion: v1
  2 kind: resourcequota
  3 metadata:
  4   name: object-counts
  5 spec:
  6   hard:
  7     persistentvolumeclaims: "2"
  8     services.loadbalancers: "2"
  9     services.nodeports: "0"
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl create -f object-counts.yaml --namespace=quto-example
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl describe quota object-counts --namespace=quota-example
name: object-counts
namespace: quota-example
resource used hard
-------- ---- ----
persistentvolumeclaims 0 2
services.loadbalancers 0 2
services.nodeports 0 0

2.3 设置计算资源的资源配额

[root@k8smaster01 study]# vi compute-resources.yaml
  1 apiversion: v1
  2 kind: resourcequota
  3 metadata:
  4   name: compute-resources
  5 spec:
  6   hard:
  7     pods: "4"
  8     requests.cpu: "1"
  9     requests.memory: 1gi
 10     limits.cpu: "2"
 11     limits.memory: 2gi
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl create -f compute-resources.yaml --namespace=quota-example
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl describe quota compute-resources --namespace=quota-example
name: compute-resources
namespace: quota-example
resource used hard
-------- ---- ----
limits.cpu 0 2
limits.memory 0 2gi
pods 0 4
requests.cpu 0 1
requests.memory 0 1gi
解读:配额系统会自动防止在该命名空间中同时拥有超过4个非“终止态”的pod。此外,由于该项资源配额限制了cpu和内存的limits和requests的总量,因此会强制要求该命名空间下的所有容器都显式定义cpu和内存的limits和requests(可使用默认值 requests默认等于limits)。

2.4 配置默认requests和limits

[root@k8smaster01 study]# vi limits.yaml
  1 apiversion: v1
  2 kind: limitrange
  3 metadata:
  4   name: limits
  5 spec:
  6   limits:
  7   - default:
  8       cpu: 200m
  9       memory: 512mi
 10     defaultrequest:
 11       cpu: 100m
 12       memory: 256mi
 13     type: container
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl create -f limits.yaml --namespace=quota-example
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl describe limitranges limits --namespace=quota-example
name: limits
namespace: quota-example
type resource min max default request default limit max limit/request ratio
---- -------- --- --- --------------- ------------- -----------------------
container cpu - - 100m 200m -
container memory - - 256mi 512mi -

2.5 触发limits

[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=1 --namespace=quota-example
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl run nginx \
--image=nginx \
--replicas=1 \
--requests=cpu=100m,memory=256mi \
--limits=cpu=200m,memory=512mi \
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl get pods --namespace=quota-example
name ready status restarts age
nginx-78df7bdbcf-mxcql 1/1 running 0 21s
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl describe quota --namespace=quota-example

三 指定作用域

3.1 作用域场景


3.2 创建命名空间

[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl create namespace quota-scopes

3.3 创建两个resourcequota

[root@k8smaster01 study]# vi best-effort.yaml
  1 apiversion: v1
  2 kind: resourcequota
  3 metadata:
  4   name: best-effort
  5 spec:
  6   hard:
  7     pods: "10"
  8   scopes:
  9   - besteffort
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl create -f best-effort.yaml --namespace=quota-scopes
[root@k8smaster01 study]# vi not-best-effort.yaml
  1 apiversion: v1
  2 kind: resourcequota
  3 metadata:
  4   name: not-best-effort
  5 spec:
  6   hard:
  7     pods: "4"
  8     requests.cpu: "1"
  9     requests.memory: 1gi
 10     limits.cpu: "2"
 11     limits.memory: 2gi
 12   scopes:
 13   - notbesteffort
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl create -f not-best-effort.yaml --namespace=quota-scopes
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl describe quota --namespace=quota-scopes
name: best-effort
namespace: quota-scopes
scopes: besteffort
* matches all pods that do not have resource requirements set. these pods have a best effort quality of service.
resource used hard
-------- ---- ----
pods 0 10

name: not-best-effort
namespace: quota-scopes
scopes: notbesteffort
* matches all pods that have at least one resource requirement set. these pods have a burstable or guaranteed quality of service.
resource used hard
-------- ---- ----
limits.cpu 0 2
limits.memory 0 2gi
pods 0 4
requests.cpu 0 1
requests.memory 0 1gi

3.4 创建pod

[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl run best-effort-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=8 --namespace=quota-scopes
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl run not-best-effort-nginx \
--image=nginx \
--replicas=2 \
--requests=cpu=100m,memory=256mi \
--limits=cpu=200m,memory=512mi \
[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl get pods --namespace=quota-scopes
解读:名为best-effort-nginx的deployment因为没有配置requests和limits,所以它的qos级别为besteffort,因此它的创建过程由best-effort资源配额项来限制,而not-best-effort资源配额项不会对它进行限制。best-effort资源配额项没有限制requests和limits,因此best-effort-nginx deployment可以成功创建8个pod。
名为not-best-effort-nginx的deployment因为配置了requests和limits,且二者不相等,所以它的qos级别为burstable,因此它的创建过程由not-best-effort资源配额项限制,而best-effort资源配额项不会对它进行限制。not-best-effort资源配额项限制了pod的requests和limits的总上限,not-best-effort-nginx deployment并没有超过这个上限,所以可以成功创建两个pod。

3.5 触发资源配额

[root@k8smaster01 study]# kubectl describe quota --namespace=quota-scopes
name: best-effort
namespace: quota-scopes
scopes: besteffort
* matches all pods that do not have resource requirements set. these pods have a best effort quality of service.
resource used hard
-------- ---- ----
pods 8 10

name: not-best-effort
namespace: quota-scopes
scopes: notbesteffort
* matches all pods that have at least one resource requirement set. these pods have a burstable or guaranteed quality of service.
resource used hard
-------- ---- ----
limits.cpu 400m 2
limits.memory 1gi 2gi
pods 2 4
requests.cpu 200m 1
requests.memory 512mi 1gi
解读:如上所示best-effort资源配额项已经统计了在best-effort-nginx deployment中创建的8个pod的资源使用信息,not-best-effort资源配额项也已经统计了在not-best-effort-nginx deployment中创建的两个pod的资源使用信息。

四 资源管理总结

kubernetes中资源管理的基础是容器和pod的资源配置(requests和limits)。容器的资源配置指定了容器请求的资源和容器能使用的资源上限, pod的资源配置则是pod中所有容器的资源配置总和上限。