#ifdef soap_debug
#ifdef tandem_nonstop
soap_set_test_logfile(soap, "testlog");
soap_set_sent_logfile(soap, "sentlog");
soap_set_recv_logfile(soap, "recvlog");
soap_set_test_logfile(soap, "test.log");
soap_set_sent_logfile(soap, "sent.log");
soap_set_recv_logfile(soap, "recv.log");
if (/*s == r || *r || */n < -128 || n > 127)
4、将安装的gsoap2.8目录下的import目录,拷贝到生成.c、.h的工作的文件夹里,cp gsoap-2.8/gsoap/import ./ ,reamod.txt是我写的记录文档,不必在意,其他的文件都拷贝到这个目录下
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "soaph.h" #include "stdsoap2.h" #include "soapstub.h" #include "wsdd.nsmap" //命名空间 static struct soap* onvif_initsoap(struct soap_env__header *header, const char *was_to, const char *was_action, int timeout) { struct soap *soap = null; // soap环境变量 unsigned char macaddr[6]; char _hwid[1024]; unsigned int flagrand; soap = soap_new(); if(soap == null) { printf("[%d]soap = null\n", __line__); return null; } soap_set_namespaces(soap, namespaces); // 设置soap的namespaces,即设置命名空间 // 设置超时(超过指定时间没有数据就退出) if(timeout > 0) { soap->recv_timeout = timeout; soap->send_timeout = timeout; soap->connect_timeout = timeout; } else { //maximum waittime : 20s soap->recv_timeout = 20; soap->send_timeout = 20; soap->connect_timeout = 20; } soap_default_soap_env__header(soap, header); //create sessionid randomly,生成uuid(windows下叫guid,linux下叫uuid),格式为urn:uuid:8-4-4-4-12,由系统随机产生 srand((int)time(0)); flagrand = rand()%9000 + 8888; macaddr[0] = 0x1; macaddr[1] = 0x2; macaddr[2] = 0x3; macaddr[3] = 0x4; macaddr[4] = 0x5; macaddr[5] = 0x6; sprintf(_hwid, "urn:uuid:%ud68a-1dd2-11b2-a105-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", flagrand, macaddr[0], macaddr[1], macaddr[2],macaddr[3],macaddr[4],macaddr[5]); header->wsa__messageid = (char *)malloc(100); memset(header->wsa__messageid, 0, 100); strncpy(header->wsa__messageid, _hwid, strlen(_hwid)); //wsa__messageid存放的是uuid if(was_action != null) { header->wsa__action = (char*)malloc(1024); memset(header->wsa__action, '\0', 1024); strncpy(header->wsa__action, was_action, 1024); // } if(was_to != null) { header->wsa__to = (char *)malloc(1024); memset(header->wsa__to, '\0', 1024); strncpy(header->wsa__to, was_to, 1024);//"urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery"; } soap->header = header; return soap; } //释放函数 void onvif_soap_delete(struct soap *soap) { soap_destroy(soap); // remove deserialized class instances (c++ only) soap_end(soap); // clean up deserialized data (except class instances) and temporary data soap_free(soap); // reset and deallocate the context created with soap_new or soap_copy } int onvif_clientdiscovery() { int founddevno = 0; int retval = soap_ok; wsdd__probetype req; // 用于发送probe消息 struct __wsdd__probematches resp; // 用于接收probe应答 wsdd__scopestype sscope; struct soap_env__header header; struct soap* soap; const char *was_to = "urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery"; const char *was_action = ""; //ip adress and portno, broadcast const char *soap_endpoint = "soap.udp://"; //设备上服务器监听239.255.255.250的3702端口 //create new soap object with info soap = onvif_initsoap(&header, was_to, was_action, 10); soap_default_soap_env__header(soap, &header); soap->header = &header; soap_default_wsdd__scopestype(soap, &sscope); // 设置寻找设备的范围 sscope.__item = null; soap_default_wsdd__probetype(soap, &req); // 设置寻找设备的类型 req.scopes = &sscope; req.types = null; //"dn:networkvideotransmitter"; //sent the message broadcast and wait retval = soap_send___wsdd__probe(soap, soap_endpoint, null, &req); // 向组播地址广播probe消息 while(retval == soap_ok) { printf("**************1**************\n"); retval = soap_recv___wsdd__probematches(soap, &resp); if(retval == soap_ok) { if(soap->error) { printf("[%d]:recv soap error :%d, %s, %s\n", __line__, soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap)); retval = soap->error; } else //we find a device { founddevno++; if(resp.wsdd__probematches->probematch != null && resp.wsdd__probematches->probematch->xaddrs != null) { printf("***** no %d devices information *****\n", founddevno); printf("device service address : %s\r\n", resp.wsdd__probematches->probematch->xaddrs); printf("device ep address : %s\r\n", resp.wsdd__probematches->probematch->wsa__endpointreference.address); printf("device type : %s\r\n", resp.wsdd__probematches->probematch->types); printf("device metadata version: %d\r\n", resp.wsdd__probematches->probematch->metadataversion); printf("[%d]*********************************\n", __line__); } } } else if(soap->error) { if(founddevno == 0) { printf("no device found!\n"); retval = soap->error; } else { printf("search end! find %d device! \n", founddevno); retval = 0; } break; } } //释放函数 onvif_soap_delete(soap); return retval; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(onvif_clientdiscovery() != 0) { printf("discover failed! \n"); return -1; } return 0; }
6、在编译时如果出现:对‘namespaces’未定义的引用,那是你在程序中没有加 #include "wsdd.nsmap" ,这个头文件,加上即可。
7、编译,生成可执行文件test:gcc -o test search_test.c stdsoap2.c soapc.c soapclient.c -i import/
8、运行test: ./test