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Docker 命令教程(附中文解释)

程序员文章站 2022-07-18 20:45:59
docker 命令教程 docker自从诞生以来就一直备受追捧,学习docker是一件很炫酷、很有意思的事情。我希望通过这篇文章能够让大家快速地入门docker,并有一些...

docker 命令教程


# docker --help
usage: docker [options] command [arg...]
    docker daemon [ --help | ... ]
    docker [ -h | --help | -v | --version ]

a self-sufficient runtime for containers.


 --config=~/.docker       location of client config files
 -d, --debug=false        enable debug mode
 -h, --host=[]          daemon socket(s) to connect to
 -h, --help=false        print usage
 -l, --log-level=info      set the logging level
 --tls=false           use tls; implied by --tlsverify
 --tlscacert=~/.docker/ca.pem  trust certs signed only by this ca
 --tlscert=~/.docker/cert.pem  path to tls certificate file
 --tlskey=~/.docker/key.pem   path to tls key file
 --tlsverify=false        use tls and verify the remote
 -v, --version=false       print version information and quit

  attach  attach to a running container 
       1> 运行一个交互型容器
         [root@localhost ~]# docker run -i -t centos /bin/bash
         [root@f0a02b473067 /]# 
       2> 在另一个窗口上查看该容器的状态
         [root@localhost ~]# docker ps -a
         container id    image        command       created       status   ports    names
         d4a75f165ce6    centos       "/bin/bash"     5 seconds ago    up 5 seconds      cranky_mahavira
       3> 退出第一步中运行的容器
         [root@d4a75f165ce6 /]# exit
       4> 查看该容器的状态
         [root@localhost ~]# docker ps -a
         container id    image      command      created       status         ports  names
         d4a75f165ce6    centos     "/bin/bash"    2 minutes ago    exited (0) 23 seconds ago    cranky_mahavira
         可见此时容器的状态是exited,那么,如何再次运行这个容器呢?可以使用docker start命令
       5> 再次运行该容器
         [root@localhost ~]# docker start cranky_mahavira
       6> 再次查看该容器的状态
         [root@localhost ~]# docker ps -a
         container id    image     command       created       status       ports   names
         d4a75f165ce6    centos     "/bin/bash"     6 minutes ago    up 29 seconds         cranky_mahavira
       7> 通过attach命令进行交互
         [root@localhost ~]# docker attach cranky_mahavira
         [root@d4a75f165ce6 /]# 

  build   build an image from a dockerfile

  commit  create a new image from a container's changes
       注意:如果是要push到docker hub中,注意生成镜像的命名
        [root@localhost ~]# docker commit centos_v1 centos:v1
        [root@localhost ~]# docker push centos:v1
        you cannot push a "root" repository. please rename your repository to <user>/<repo> (ex: <user>/centos)
        用centos:v1就不行,因为它push到docker hub中时,是推送到相应用户下,必须指定用户名。譬如我的用户名是ivictor,则新生成的本地镜像命名为:
        docker push victor/centos:v1,其中v1是tag,可不写,默认是latest 
  cp    copy files/folders from a container to a hostdir or to stdout
       usage:  docker cp [options] container:path localpath|-
            docker cp [options] localpath|- container:path
       root@839866a338db:/# cat test.txt 
       root@839866a338db:/# cat test1.txt
       [root@localhost ~]# docker cp mysqldb:/test.tar -
       test.tar0100644000000000000000000002400012573523153010736 0ustar0000000000000000test.txt000064400000000000000000000000141257352311101       1267 0ustar rootroot123
       test1.txt0000644000000000000000000000001312573523124011353 0ustar rootroothelloworld
       [root@localhost ~]# cat test.tar |docker cp - mysqldb:/
       [root@localhost ~]# docker exec -it mysqldb /bin/bash
       root@839866a338db:/# ls
       bin  dev       entrypoint.sh home lib64 mnt proc run  selinux  sys   test.txt  tmp var
       boot docker-entrypoint-initdb.d etc     lib  media opt root sbin srv  test.tar test1.txt usr

  create  create a new container 

  diff   inspect changes on a container's filesystem
        [root@localhost ~]# docker diff mysqldb
        c /root
        a /root/.bash_history
        a /test1.txt
        a /test.tar
        a /test.txt
        c /run
        c /run/mysqld
        a /run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
        a /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

  events  get real time events from the server
       [root@localhost ~]# docker events
       2015-09-08t17:40:13.000000000+08:00 d2a2ef5ddb90b505acaf6b59ab43eecf7eddbd3e71f36572436c34dc0763db79: (from wordpress) create
       2015-09-08t17:40:14.000000000+08:00 d2a2ef5ddb90b505acaf6b59ab43eecf7eddbd3e71f36572436c34dc0763db79: (from wordpress) die
       2015-09-08t17:42:10.000000000+08:00 839866a338db6dd626fa8eabeef53a839e4d2e2eb16ebd89679aa722c4caa5f7: (from mysql) start

  exec   run a command in a running container
       后台型任务:docker exec -d cc touch 123 其中cc是容器名
       [root@localhost ~]# docker exec -i -t cc /bin/bash
       root@1e5bb46d801b:/# ls
 bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var

  export  export a container's filesystem as a tar archive
       docker export -o mysqldb1.tar mysqldb
       docker export mysqldb > mysqldb.tar

  history  show the history of an image

  images  list images  

  import  import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
       [root@localhost ~]# docker import mysqldb.tar mysql:v1
       [root@localhost ~]# docker images
       repository         tag         image id      created       virtual size
       mysql           v1         eb81de183cd9    21 seconds ago    281.9 mb

  info   display system-wide information
       [root@localhost ~]# docker info
       containers: 3  --当前有3个容器
       images: 298   
       storage driver: devicemapper
        pool name: docker-253:0-34402623-pool
        pool blocksize: 65.54 kb
        backing filesystem: xfs
        data file: /dev/loop0
        metadata file: /dev/loop1
        data space used: 8.677 gb   --对应的是下面data loop file大小
        data space total: 107.4 gb
        data space available: 5.737 gb
        metadata space used: 13.4 mb --对应的是下面metadata loop file大小
        metadata space total: 2.147 gb
        metadata space available: 2.134 gb
        udev sync supported: true
        deferred removal enabled: false
        data loop file: /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/data
        metadata loop file: /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/metadata
        library version: 1.02.93-rhel7 (2015-01-28)
       execution driver: native-0.2
       logging driver: json-file
       kernel version: 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64
       operating system: centos linux 7 (core)
       cpus: 2
       total memory: 979.7 mib
       name: localhost.localdomain
       id: tfvb:bxgq:vvoc:k2dj:lece:2hnk:23b2:levf:p3iq:l7d5:ng2v:uknl
       warning: bridge-nf-call-iptables is disabled
       warning: bridge-nf-call-ip6tables is disabled

  inspect  return low-level information on a container or image

  kill   kill a running container 
       关于stop和kill的区别,docker stop命令给容器中的进程发送sigterm信号,默认行为是会导致容器退出,当然,
       容器内程序可以捕获该信号并自行处理,例如可以选择忽略。而docker kill则是给容器的进程发送sigkill信号,该信号将会使容器必然退出。

  load   load an image from a tar archive or stdin

  login   register or log in to a docker registry
       --登录到自己的docker register,需有docker hub的注册账号
       [root@localhost ~]# docker login
       username: ivictor
       email: xxxx@foxmail.com
       warning: login credentials saved in /root/.docker/config.json
       login succeeded

  logout  log out from a docker registry
       [root@localhost ~]# docker logout
       remove login credentials for https://index.docker.io/v1/

  logs   fetch the logs of a container
       --用于查看容器的日志,它将输出到标准输出的数据作为日志输出到docker logs命令的终端上。常用于后台型容器

  pause   pause all processes within a container
       此时,通过docker stats可以观察到此时的资源使用情况是固定不变的,
       通过docker logs -f也观察不到日志的进一步输出。

  port   list port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
       [root@localhost ~]# docker port blog
       80/tcp ->

  ps    list containers 
       --列出所有容器,其中docker ps用于查看正在运行的容器,ps -a则用于查看所有容器。

  pull   pull an image or a repository from a registry
       --从docker hub中下载镜像

  push   push an image or a repository to a registry
       --将本地的镜像上传到docker hub中
       前提是你要先用docker login登录上,不然会报以下错误
       [root@localhost ~]# docker push ivictor/centos:v1
       the push refers to a repository [docker.io/ivictor/centos] (len: 1)
       unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized

  rename  rename a container

  restart  restart a running container 

  rm    remove one or more containers 
       --删除容器,注意,不可以删除一个运行中的容器,必须先用docker stop或docker kill使其停止。
       如果要一次性删除所有容器,可使用 docker rm -f `docker ps -a -q`,其中,-q指的是只列出容器的id

  rmi    remove one or more images  

  run    run a command in a new container  
       --让创建的容器立刻进入运行状态,该命令等同于docker create创建容器后再使用docker start启动容器

  save   save an image(s) to a tar archive
       docker save -o nginx.tar nginx

  search  search the docker hub for images  
       --从docker hub中搜索镜像

  start   start one or more stopped containers

  stats   display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics

  stop   stop a running container 

  tag    tag an image into a repository

  top    display the running processes of a container

  unpause  unpause all processes within a container

  version  show the docker version information 

  wait   block until a container stops, then print its exit code

run 'docker command --help' for more information on a command.

感谢阅读,希望能帮助到大家尽快的了解并应用 docker的命令,谢谢大家对本站的支持!