Ambiguous collection type for property ‘ ‘. You must specify ‘javaType‘ or ‘resultMap‘解决方案
2022-07-15 13:09:15
Ambiguous collection type for property 'salesDetailList'. You must specify 'javaType' or 'resultMap'解决方案
<resultMap id="detailList" type="com.whu.letao_server.entity.TotalSalesDetail">
<result column="p_name" property="name"/>
<collection property="salesDetailList" ofType="com.whu.letao_server.entity.SalesDetail">
<result column="s_amount" property="saleAmount"/>
<result column="v_volume" property="volume"/>
<resultMap id="detailList" type="com.whu.letao_server.entity.TotalSalesDetail">
<result column="p_name" property="name"/>
<collection property="salesDetailList" ofType="com.whu.letao_server.entity.SalesDetail" javaType="java.util.List">
<result column="s_amount" property="saleAmount"/>
<result column="v_volume" property="volume"/>
上一篇: The instance of entity type ‘xxx‘ cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value
下一篇: 记录一次:Ambiguous collection type for property ‘ adds‘. You must specify ‘javaType‘ or ‘resultMap‘.错误;
Ambiguous collection type for property ‘ ‘. You must specify ‘javaType‘ or ‘resultMap‘解决方案
记录一次:Ambiguous collection type for property ‘ adds‘. You must specify ‘javaType‘ or ‘resultMap‘.错误;
Ambiguous collection type for property ‘DrugInfos‘. You must specify ‘javaType‘ or ‘resultMap‘.
Mybatis Ambiguous collection type for property ‘xxx‘. You must specify ‘java Type‘ or ‘resultMap‘.
Mybatis Ambiguous collection type for property ‘xxx‘. You must specify ‘java Type‘ or ‘resultMap‘.
Mybatis Ambiguous collection type for property ‘xxx‘. You must specify ‘java Type‘ or ‘resultMap‘.