Message Broker Open trace
2022-07-15 09:12:28
1. Stop the broker.
mqsistop <BrokerName>
Where <BrokerName> is the name of your broker.
2. Enable broker agent trace.
mqsichangetrace <BrokerName> -t -b -l debug -c <file size in KB>
3. Enable the Execution Group startup trace.
mqsichangetrace <BrokerName> -t -e <EGName> -l debug -c <file size in KB>
Where <BrokerName> is the name of your broker.
This command can be run even when broker / EG are in stopped state.
4. Start the broker to recreate the problem.
5. Turn off trace
mqsichangetrace <BrokerName> -t -b -l none
mqsichangetrace <BrokerName> -t -e <EGName> -l none
6. Retrieve the trace log for specified component.
mqsireadlog <BrokerName> -t -b agent -f -o agent.xml
mqsireadlog <BrokerName> -t -e <EGName> -f -o <EGname>.xml
7. Format the XML log file
mqsiformatlog -i agent.xml -o agent.txt
mqsiformatlog -i <EGName>.xml -o <EGName>.txt
8. After a PMR is open, submit the files agent.txt and <EGName>.txt to IBM Support.
mqsistop <BrokerName>
Where <BrokerName> is the name of your broker.
2. Enable broker agent trace.
mqsichangetrace <BrokerName> -t -b -l debug -c <file size in KB>
3. Enable the Execution Group startup trace.
mqsichangetrace <BrokerName> -t -e <EGName> -l debug -c <file size in KB>
Where <BrokerName> is the name of your broker.
This command can be run even when broker / EG are in stopped state.
4. Start the broker to recreate the problem.
5. Turn off trace
mqsichangetrace <BrokerName> -t -b -l none
mqsichangetrace <BrokerName> -t -e <EGName> -l none
6. Retrieve the trace log for specified component.
mqsireadlog <BrokerName> -t -b agent -f -o agent.xml
mqsireadlog <BrokerName> -t -e <EGName> -f -o <EGname>.xml
7. Format the XML log file
mqsiformatlog -i agent.xml -o agent.txt
mqsiformatlog -i <EGName>.xml -o <EGName>.txt
8. After a PMR is open, submit the files agent.txt and <EGName>.txt to IBM Support.
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