btrace动态跟踪线上程序 btrace
2022-07-14 19:38:15
- 先贴代码,有时间再补充
- 获取方法消耗时间和调用者
import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.println; import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.str; import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.strcat; import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.timeMillis; import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.*; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.BTrace; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.Kind; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.Location; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.OnMethod; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.ProbeClassName; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.ProbeMethodName; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.TLS; @BTrace public class TraceHelloWorld { @TLS private static long startTime = 0; @OnMethod(clazz = "", method = "execute") public static void startMethod(){ startTime = timeMillis(); } @OnMethod(clazz = "", method = "execute", location = @Location(Kind.RETURN)) public static void endMethod(){ println(strcat("the class method execute time=>", str(timeMillis()-startTime))); println("-------------------------------------------"); } @OnMethod(clazz = "", method = "execute", location = @Location(Kind.RETURN)) public static void traceExecute(@ProbeClassName String name,@ProbeMethodName String method,int sleepTime){ println(strcat("the class name=>", name)); println(strcat("the class method=>", method)); println(strcat("the class method params=>", str(sleepTime))); println("who call CaseObject.execute :"); jstack(); } }
- 跟踪出现异常的方法
import com.sun.btrace.annotations.*; import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.*; /** * This example demonstrates printing stack trace * of an exception and thread local variables. This * trace script prints exception stack trace whenever * java.lang.Throwable's constructor returns. This way * you can trace all exceptions that may be caught and * "eaten" silently by the traced program. Note that the * assumption is that the exceptions are thrown soon after * creation [like in "throw new FooException();"] rather * that be stored and thrown later. */ @BTrace public class OnThrow { // store current exception in a thread local // variable (@TLS annotation). Note that we can't // store it in a global variable! @TLS static Throwable currentException; // introduce probe into every constructor of java.lang.Throwable // class and store "this" in the thread local variable. @OnMethod( clazz="java.lang.Throwable", method="<init>" ) public static void onthrow(@Self Throwable self) { currentException = self; } @OnMethod( clazz="java.lang.Throwable", method="<init>" ) public static void onthrow1(@Self Throwable self, String s) { currentException = self; } @OnMethod( clazz="java.lang.Throwable", method="<init>" ) public static void onthrow1(@Self Throwable self, String s, Throwable cause) { currentException = self; } @OnMethod( clazz="java.lang.Throwable", method="<init>" ) public static void onthrow2(@Self Throwable self, Throwable cause) { currentException = self; } // when any constructor of java.lang.Throwable returns // print the currentException's stack trace. @OnMethod( clazz="java.lang.Throwable", method="<init>", location=@Location(Kind.RETURN) ) public static void onthrowreturn() { if (currentException != null) { jstack(currentException); println("====================="); currentException = null; } } }
- 跟踪内存
public class PrintMemory { /* * 指定内存区域低于一定的界限的时候才内存使用打印数据<br> 也可以指定时间间隔打印内存使用 */ @OnLowMemory(pool = "Tenured Gen", threshold = 6000000) public static void printMem(MemoryUsage mu) { print("MemoryUsage : "); println(mu); print("FreeMem : "); println(freeMemory()); print("Heap:"); println(heapUsage()); print("Non-Heap:"); println(nonHeapUsage()); } }
- 查看死锁情况
import com.sun.btrace.annotations.*; import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.*; /** * This BTrace program demonstrates deadlocks * built-in function. This example prints * deadlocks (if any) once every 4 seconds. */ @BTrace public class Deadlock { @OnTimer(4000) public static void print() { deadlocks(); } }
- btrace使用可以看看这个教程
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