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SAP CDS redirect view支持写操作吗,一个实验来验证 sapSAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台ABAPCDS view 

程序员文章站 2022-07-14 15:06:42

According to this wiki, write back on CDS view is not supported:

SAP CDS redirect view支持写操作吗,一个实验来验证
        sapSAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台ABAPCDS view 

And also it is defined in ABAP help that only read operation is supported. For other operation like write, you have to still use original database table.

SAP CDS redirect view支持写操作吗,一个实验来验证
        sapSAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台ABAPCDS view 

Test on write operation attempt

I have a CDS view Zp_Mara_Redirect and its corresponding database view is zmara_cds.
When I try to insert some entry to CDS view, I get following error message:


SAP CDS redirect view支持写操作吗,一个实验来验证
        sapSAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台ABAPCDS view 

When I try to insert some entry to CDS view's underlying database view, still not possible either.

SAP CDS redirect view支持写操作吗,一个实验来验证
        sapSAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台ABAPCDS view 

Once the database table is redirected to a CDS view, the database itself is not supported to be changed by ABAP code. See this example below:

SAP CDS redirect view支持写操作吗,一个实验来验证
        sapSAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台ABAPCDS view 

Insertion failed:

SAP CDS redirect view支持写操作吗,一个实验来验证
        sapSAP Cloud PlatformSAP云平台ABAPCDS view 
